Violence (4 hours until dawn)

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You, Ash, and Chris were all screaming for help when Sam and Mike busted in from the door to see the three of you tied to chairs. Josh walked up and chris tried to shoot him but it did nothing.

"Oh chris... Chris, chris chris" the psycho said confusing everyone but you. "What the hell?" Chris asked as he looked at the gun "haven't you heard of blanks before?" The psycho said as he took off the mask.

Everyone yelled his name and Josh was laughing, explaining all his pranks while sam and mike freed the three of you. You watched Kiara walk up and Mike looked at her "were you in on this too Kiara?" He growled and she shook her head.

You went to say something but noticed Josh stepped up for her "Mike she had nothing to do with this, leave Kiara out plz..." He said and you felt somewhat sympathetic for him.

Mike growled "JESSICA IS DEAD!" He yelled which shocked everyone. "What?" Josh asked and mike growled more "Jessica is dead... AND YOU ARE GOING TO FÚCKING PAY YOU DICK" mike said and hit Jish with the back of his gun, knocking him out.

"Mike! What was that for?" You asked "Jessica is dead because of him" he said and you rolled your eyes and looked to Kiara who was by his side "in case you haven't realized mike... Josh wasn't anywhere near the cabin you and Jess went to!" You said and mike shut up.

You followed the boys, and Kiara as they took him to the shed to be tied up. But then Kiara stopped, "Mike what happened with Jess?" She asked surprising all of you considering how she hated Jess.

"A hand came through the window and grabbed her and yanked her out..." He explained and Kiara nodded "do you really think Josh would have the strength to yank someone out a window?" She asked him and Josh smirked at mike who just now thought about it.

Once you arrived at the shed, you helped mike to tie Josh up but he kept wiggling around making it difficult. "Josh stay still!" You said finally being able to tie him up. You noticed he was saying weird things and saw Kiara looking concerned.

"Kiara? What's wrong with Josh?" You asked and she sighed "he's.. Psychotic... His depression lead to that and he has scizophorenia..." She said with tears in her eyes making you feel extremely bad. Mike and Chris looked at her with shocked expressions.
(If you chose to save Ashley instead and if you didn't save ash scroll down a little further)
🦋butterfly effect updated🦋
Josh looked at you "y/n your a wimp, you don't know anybody well in our group! Why are you even here?" He began and you felt sad before looking at Kiara just now remembering you chose Ashley and turning away you.

"I don't know what Kiara saw in you, you betrayed her for someone you barely even know!" He continued and you felt tears well up in your eyes "stop plz..." You asked and Mike noticed this and pointed his gun at Josh.

Kiara gasped and quickly stood in front of Josh as Chris knocked the gun out of his hands. After a while, you and Chris decided to go back to the cabin whike Mike and Kiara stayed with Josh.

(If you chose to save Josh)
🦋butterfly effect updated🦋
Josh looked at you and you saw a smile on his face before Chris slightly mumbled something under his breath, tho he was thankful for his best friend being alive, you couldnt help but feel Chris was mad at you for choosing Josh.

Kiara came up and hugged you "thank you again for umm trying to save Josh during his prank" she shot him a glare making him look down. "Your welcome Kiara" you said.

"Josh is thankful but as you can see he's a bit fúcked up to even say it..." She said and you looked at him, noticing he was off in his own little world. "Heh yea, hopefully he'll be okay" you said, making Kiara smile.

After a while, you and Chris headed back to the lodge, while Kiara and Mike stayed with Josh to make sure nothing happened to him.

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