Choice B: stay with the others

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You remembered Kiara saying that wendigos could mimic the voice of others to get you to go where they wanted you and ignored it, catching up with the others.

Kiara looked at you with a smile, "good choice... I would have had to sacrifice myself for you if you went" you were taken back by her statement and slightly smiled but were glad you didnt choose to go.

As you continued to walk, you noticed a bandage wrapped around Kiara's wrists and became slightly concerned "Kiara... What's wrong with your wrists?" You ask hoping it wasn't cutting.

"Wendigos got my wrists pretty good... So i had to bandage them up.. I haven't done any cutting if that's what you're thinking..." She said and you sighed in relief before you reached a dead end.

You, Sam, and Kiara continued on, climbing the rocks as the others went back to the basement.

Until dawn (reader insert)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang