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I arrived at the cave to see utter chaos. Artemis was fuming in a corner, M'gann was in the kitchen stress baking, Kaldur was trying to calm down Conner who looked like he'd been through hundreds of stress balls, and Wally was sat on the sofa crying. Of all the things I had expected, this was not on the list.
"What happened?" I asked as I stepped closer into the room.
"We found the bomber," Artemis explained, "Kaldur wants you and I to check the flat if he's not already moved."
"Who was it?" I asked.
"Grayson," Wally replied, "We decided to try and lure him out of hiding by seeing if he'd sense M'gann and then what would happen if Conner tried to mug us. Then someone tried to kill Conner and he just moved. He reacted quicker than even I could. And he's on bloody crutches!"
"Actually he dropped the crutches and stood perfectly normal, as if he didn't even need them. Like he was faking that too," Conner ground out as another stress ball burst open, "He left them behind when he ran. Batman came in for a report and took them. I'm sure you'll be analysing them soon enough."
"Right well, I'll go check his flat out," I said, "Get it over with before anything drastic happens."
"You'll be back after right though?" Wally asked.
"Of course I will," I replied, feeling a pang of something as I looked at him.
If he'd loved me before, he wouldn't now.
"Let's go, I've got the address," Artemis said and we both headed off to the flat.
We walked in silence for a while before Artemis just suddenly whirled and punched a wall.
"Woah, Arty, calm down. We'll catch the bomber," I said, "I believe in this team."
"He was playing us the entire time, right under our noses," She explained as she wrapped her knuckles, "We should have arrested him when we first thought it was him. Now he's probably gone into hiding and we'll never find him."
"You putting out a public arrest form?" I asked, curious now because if they did.
Well, the only word I had was Shit.
"Kaldur's going to do it right after he's calmed down Conner enough," Artemis said, "Right, this one. Eighth floor."
I threw up the grapple and we both climbed up to my room's window. This is where I found I left behind a giant sign that said 'I'm Robin' or someone else left one that said 'I'm the bomber.' Thankfully there was neither of those as I slid open the window and we stepped inside. Instead, it was a mess from where I had frantically packed.
"Call me if you find anything," Artemis instructed and headed off deeper into the house.
She mustn't know this was my room or she'd have claimed it straight away. So at least I'd have a chance to look for anything I missed. It wasn't until Artemis' had moved further into the house that I heard the ticking. I quickly scanned the room and noticed something different to how I'd left it. I quickly dived under the bed and saw the source, another bomb. Why god why? I quickly peeled off the panel, it still had 10 minutes to detonation. I could disarm it before Artemis knew. I quickly examined it, it didn't look too difficult. But still, had to do it quickly and get rid of it before Artemis came back. And the hotel room wasn't that big, so it wouldn't be long. I quickly scanned it through the holo-glove, as good as I was at this kinda thing, technology was still better and faster.
"Rob! I think I found something," Artemis called.
Now that was also something I didn't need. Her taking me away from the bomb. But, keep suspicion low. I set my own timer in time with the bomb and headed out to the living room to find her stood in front of the desk. With a drawer open with a false bottom. That was not there before we left.
"What is it?" I asked as I came over.
"Solid connection to the bomb drop we stopped," Artemis said as  looked in the drawer to see the schematics of the ship, location of the bombs, power of the bombs, a shed load of cash, "He must have been going to pick them up but when he saw the scene in the warehouse quickly left before we had a chance to spot him."
"I mean, I can check the CCTV," I said, because I knew I wasn't there, "But don't jump to conclusions."
"Don't jump to conclusions?" Artemis asked, "This is solid evidence that we need to put the bastard behind bars. This is what we need to bring to the police if they question us."
I didn't say anything to that, just let her take her photos of it before she rolled it all up and stuffed it safely in her quiver as I searched the CCTV of that night. There was me, beating up all the men. And a few minutes later, there I was again.
But it wasn't me. Civilian clothes, my walk, my look. Even Bruce would think that was me if he didn't know any better.
"Ha!" Artemis called out and I jumped out of my skin to find her at my shoulder, "I told you it would be him. Save it and send it to the computer. This is all the evidence we need," I'd never seen her more gleeful, which made me feel even more nervous, "What's the timer for?"
"Huh?" I asked, forgetting I still had that up, "Oh, nothing really. Just the time I want to be out of here. Most Gotham criminals normally send in a clean up crew within so long of their departure because it normally coincides with when people like us arrive."
"Let's go then," She said, "Better safe then sorry, and we've got what we need."
"Yup, you head out, I'll do one last scan so that we have a model to interact with back at the cave," I suggested and she nodded as she headed back to my bedroom.
I didn't need to scan in the area, Bruce and I had done that before we left and I'd done it as soon as I'd entered as well. Maybe we could find discrepancies as well that might hint to the real bomber. Because the team sure as hell weren't going to find them now. I headed back into the bedroom and under the bed, 3 minutes left. I had to do this quickly now, there was no way to get rid of it, but they'd done the search already. They wouldn't find it. I quickly set to work hotwiring it and within 20 seconds it was down. And then back up with only a minute to go. Shit. New plan. I quickly dived back into the kitchen and hit the hotel's fire alarm. Get people out. The ringing suddenly picked up in the whole hotel, please don't let anyone be a heavy sleeper.
"What's going on?" Artemis' voice came through the comms.
"I'd assume a fire," I retorted as I headed back to the window and out.
"Smartass," Artemis bit as I appeared.
"Just let's get moving," I replied, very aware of how close we were to the blast radius, "I'm sure Kaldur's sorted out Conner now."
We managed to get down to the ground and almost a block away when the explosion went off.
"What the hell?"
She whirled around to see the building go up in flames and start collapsing in on itself. She didn't waste any time in running back in, and I was hot on her heels. I was glad to see that there were multiple people stood outside the building, I'd got some of them out at the very least. If not all. And because of the early fire alarm, the fire department was almost here already.
"There was a bomb in there and we missed it," Artemis ground out, "He's better than we thought."
"You can't blame yourself Artemis," I managed to get out the sentence without sounding as out of breath as I felt, I needed to get my crutch back and rest, I couldn't keep this up much longer.
"He must have been in there as well," Artemis said, "Hit the fire alarm. But that makes no sense, he wanted them to escape?"
"Maybe he wanted people to see his work?" I suggested, "Let them know the threat."
"At least it helps our case. Come on, we need to report this."

I was limping badly and almost gasping for breath by the time we got back to the cave and I was grateful to just collapse on the sofa. Somehow, Artemis hadn't realised, but she had been looking ahead like she was on a mission and I was trailing behind.
"Well, we had an eventful night," Artemis said, "But we've got solid evidence Grayson's our bomber now."
"We heard about the bomb going off at the flat," Kaldur said, "It's already over the news. They're looking for the source now. But we've already informed the police about him, and they know he was staying at that hotel. I'm sure his room will be among the first searched."
"Where's everyone else?" I asked.
"Wally's in his room, M'gann and Conner have gone out to see if they can figure out who it was that attacked him," Kaldur explained.
"Artemis, do you want to take the debriefing, I'll go check on Wally," I said, "I'll upload the stuff to the computer."
I got back up and managed to keep up a normal walk and breath pattern to Wally's room. I knocked lightly on the door and when there was no response let myself in. A small smile graced my lips as I found him curled up on his bed, asleep. I padded in and closed the door behind me, taking off my boots and climbed onto the other side of the bed. I just lay there as I uploaded the information to the computer mainframe and messaged Bruce to explain I might be late back because I was hanging with the team. For some reason, to say I was hanging with Wally was too personal. Maybe it's because he was sleeping, it just felt private. Once everything was sent off I just got comfortable and, eventually, fell to sleep with him.

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