Chapter 47

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Sophia pov

I woke up a hour later and I felt really good... I grabbed my phone and saw that someone texted me..


Hi is this Sophia?

Yea hii who's this? Not to sound rude

Oh hi I'm Luna, uhm Noah schnapp have me ur number he told me we would be great friends..

Omg Noah is amazing and I love it name Luna!!

Thanks well I'm 19, my full name is Luna Ella schnapp and ur so pretty I just followed you on my instagram..

Schnapp? Ur a schnapp!

Yea Millie and Noah adopted me and I'm really happy about that

So cool!!!


We should def hang out once!!

Yea we should..

Okay I gotta blast ima go for a swim :) byeee

Byee Sophia

She's nice... I then saw that my internet bestfriend dm me..

Heyyyy sophhhh

Hey Gavin watcha doinggggg

Not much just that I'm moving in ur neighborhood



We should def hang out gav

Yea we should when?

Uhnmmmmm when are you here?

I'm already here!

No wayyyyy come over now!


Yea let's have a sleepover and make snacks and everything!!!

Omg yea okay I'm coming

You can sleep in my bed I sleep on the side bed!!

I'm so excited wear our matching stuff!!

Okay yayyyyy see you

In 20!!!

Okay okay bye gav!!!


O M G gavins coming I jumped out of my bed and grabbed our matching clothes... I ran down the stairs with a big smile and it disappeared when I saw Jentzen and the squad "why so smiley?" Jentzen asked "my best-friend is coming in a few and I can't wait!!" I said smiling bright and I ran to the kitchen and grabbed allot of food so we could bake together... everyone walked in "ur gonna bake again?" I laughed "not. For. Y'all" everyone looked at me and I then said "it's for me and-" and then the doorbell ranggg "AHHH HES HERE!!" Everyone looked at me "he?" Jentzen said kinda mad I ran to the door and opened it and it was just my dad... "oh it's you." I said sad he then said "yeaaaa" I laughed and let him in... "who's he?" Lev asked and then the door rang I opened it and saw "GAVIN!!!!!" I then hugged him really tight... "it's so great to see you too, soph" he said while I hugged him... we pulled away and I let him in and then said "guys meet my bestfriend Gavin." I said smiling and everyone looked at him and there mouth dropped "wait what's wrong?" I said confused "hi Gavin, long time no talk.." piper said giving him a side hug... and Sophie ran to him and hugged him.. "I missed you allot." She told him.. "y'all know each?" They nodded "shes my ex..." Gavin said looking at piper "oh.." I said and then said "Well come on gav!!" I grabbed his hand and we went to the kitchen... I grabbed the cookie dough.. "so uhm why did y'all broke up?" I asked... he putted his jacket off and then said "we drifted allot... something really bad happened but let's not talk about that... what are we baking today chef?" I laughed "we're making a chocolate cookie dough cake!!" He smiled at me and we started mixing everything we were laughing and having fun... I missed having so much fun... we laughed cause he had powder on his face "so any boys?" I laughed "maybe nick?"  I said laughing "you?" He smiled "this girl on Instagram has been in my eyes her name is Luna.." I smiled at him and we were finally done with the cake we got it out of the oven and decorated it for such a long time together we filmed eachother allot the cake looked like this

Who's the dad?Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat