Chapter 5

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Lauren's pov

We're all sitting and laughing we're waiting for the friend josh invited..

"So josh when is ur friend coming?" I ask, "well—" doorbel rang "now" he said we all laughed and I got up and walked towards the door..

I opened and saw..

The person I never tough to saw ever in my life..

Mackenzie Ziegler

Then Kyle and harmony hugged me "hi Lauren!!" Harmony said happy "hey guys I'd missed you guys so much!!" I then looked at Kenzie and I hugged her so tight and cried in her arms I whispered "I've missed you so much never could do a day without u" she then cried And whispered "is John here?" I nodded and she looked nervous..

"Kenzie tell me the truth I whispered.... who's the dad" she looked at me with tears and shake her head no " I can't I just need time I'm sry laur" I just nodded we walked in and everyone's eyes were on us.. John stand up and kissed Kenzie, after a few second John hugged her so tight... Kenzie was crying and then saw josh and Payton, she moved John away and hugged them.. "omg guys I've missed y'all so much" she told them and they smiled at her..

She looked around and saw the brunette and red head with tears "Annie nads.." she said, and there were quite looking at Mackenzie in amaze from how pretty she was "john never stopped loving you.." Nadia said with tears "she's right we missed you so much" they then hug, Mackenzie saw Carson "cars.." "Mackenzie you don't know how many painful things happened bcs we couldn't find you.." he said and everyone looked shock accept, my normal friends "what do you mean by that?" Kenzie ask curious "you see ur friend here Lauren has been in so much pain in highschool it made me even feel pain" he said and I had tears in my eyes "Carson stop" I said "I'm sorry-" Carson said but got interrupted by Nadia " she was in the fucking hospital because she—————

"Lauren wake up"

And with that I opened my eyes and a hot tear came From my eyes.. it was a dream..

Everyone was looking at me.. "Lauren are you okay?" Payton asked I nodded fast, I looked at my side seeing a worried John "Lauren.." he said I looked at him "yes" I said soft " can everyone get out for a sec I need to ask her something important.." everyone nodded and there was only John and me in the room..

"Lauren what's this" he then grabbed a really little knife, I almost chocked in air "I-I..... John I'm sorry" that's the only thing I could say " UR NOT SORRY LAUREN... WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU.. WHY do you always do this WHY.." he said with so many tears " I HAVENT DONE A FUCKING TING JOHN UR DRAMATIC" John looked so mad right now "LAUREN I SWEAR LET ME SEE UR HAND" "JOHN NO!!!!!!! My hand is okay just let me live" he shakes his head and looked at me "Lauren Anne Orlando, why, Does it feels good? Are you happy with it in ur life you can say it." I looked at him, I'm so done with his bullshit " LOOK JOHN IF YOU HATE ME THAT MUCH SAY IT SAY IT TO MY FUCKING FACE" " here John look look, NOTHING" I showed him my hands "I'm sorry Lauren" I got up walked out and was on the steps when John came to me "Lauren I said I'm sorry" " SORRY UR NEVER SORRY UR JUST A DOUCHEBAG U DONT KNOW HOW LONG IVE BEEN DOINH EVERYTHING RIGHT TO SHOW YOU MY RIGHT... YOU ALWAYS THINK IMA DO IT YOU ALWAYS THINK THAT AND WHEN YOU FIND FUCKING PROOF UR JUST GONNE ASUME FUCKING SHIT U DONT KNOW YOU THINK IM THAT STUPID LAUREN FROM SENIOR YEAR GUESS WHAT JOHN I AM STILL THAT IRRELEVANT BITCH FROM SENIOR YEAR.. just tell me why, why do you always think u know whats best for me" I said the last part calm cause everyone in the house was now standing near the step listening to every word we said.. "TALK TO ME" i screamed you him, he looked at me lifeless.. " fine you won't talk that's alright, ur just a spoiled bitch" I spit at him and made my way of the stair grabbed my shoes my my purse and slammed my house door walking to my car and I started driving.. thinking about my dream and life..

Johnny pov

Am I that bad.. I just care about her I don't wanna to loose her like lost Mackenzie.. "WHAT DID YOU FUCKING DO" Nadia said while looking at me, I don't have words "I-I don't know" I said quiet .. I walked towards one guest room and sat there quietly thinking about how I loose everyone..

Payton pov

What Lauren just said made me really sad.. what did she even do in highschool that everyone is so protective of her maybe I could ask Carson he looks decent or Annie she looks calm.. " Hayden I have a question.." he nodded and we walked to the kitchen "what did Lauren do in highschool?" He looked at me concerned "s-she started to feel lonely, depressed and started self harm she started thinking more and more about dead she even talked to me for hours over how easier life would be if she was dead I always looked at her and told her, don't do anything you will regret your whole life don't think about it.. and one day she was so sad she did it and I wasn't there to save her I feel so bad everyday that I wasn't there that day.." Payton looked at me shocked "why was she sad that day..?" Hayden signed "it all started when a new girl came to school little did we know it was our old friend of middle school, we all started hanging out but we never knew that she was from
Middle school.. one day we were in Lauren's house and her parents came home and looked at the new girl and said 'omg Mackenzie we missed you'  and all her memories came back about us she run away crying" Hayden said "what has that to do with Lauren" Payton said "I'm not finished yet.. so when Lauren knew that was her bestfriend from when she was little she felt so much quilt in her blood she started crying saying why she just didn't remembered her bestfriend she started feeling sad and all.." Hayden said "OKAY but what did she do to her self" Hayden signed and had a sad look " one day I searched for Lauren and I couldn't find her I looked at her laptop and saw videos of her since the day Her bestfriend left s-she-" "she what?" Payton said nervous "she made a suïcide diary.. about every reason she wanted to end her life for about a year long.. I then looked in her memories and saw that she's been searching a bridge for a really long time.. I saw the most nearby bridge and run out of there house towards the bridge and there was Lauren about to jump off.. I screamed her name while crying..on my way there I called the police and they were trying to get Lauren cause she just wanted to spring.." I've got tears streaming out of my eyes.. "what happened after?" I ask "they brought her to the hospital and saw that she's been cutting her wrist allot... that day we all were terrified about her... we protected her with out life and now she just fainted... I don't know what's going on but it is not good.." Hayden said with a tear slipping out of his eyes.. " thank you so much Hayden for the story" Hayden just nodded and we walked back to everyone else while I'm wiping my tears.. "Payton crying never heard of that.. you began crying when you saw Lauren at the airport you totally like her" avani said and everyone laughed.. "where Lauren even going?" Nadia ask concerned "what if she goes back to the-the-the bridge?" Annie said scared.." would she do that?" Addison looked really scared when she said that wait what.. "y'all know the story?" I ask josh,kio, Anthony and avani and Addison nodded "how?" I ask "they just told us" josh said pointing at Annie and Nadia and Carson and Brynn..

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