Chapter 8

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Josh pov
I told Kenzie and Lauren what happened to me a few years ago..

"What was the weirdest thing that happened in ur life?" Kenzie asked me and I said "okay so one day this girl called nessa stalked me completely she even knew when I was in the toilet.. but one day.. I was taking a shower and then I heard a boom I couldn't find a towel but I was positive I brought one.. I kew nobody was home so I went in my room, and then I saw nessa on my bed smelling my stuff.. I quickly got a towel and screamed at her that she needed to go away.. she then jumped on me and said 'fuck me daddy' I pushed her off me and made her leave never heard of that kid and think she's still crying about me" I said, Kenzie and Lauren looked at each other and started to laugh so hard.. "It was just a crush Guys" I only laughed because both there laughs are awful ugly, so I cracked first and then I started laughing with them for so long and then a group people walked in..

"why y'all laughing" Payton said looking at them.. "AHAHA DIDNT YOU AHAHAH HEAR AHAHHAHAHAHA" Lauren said catching her breath, "well no could you tell us" kio said weird "NOPE AHAHHAHAHAHHA" I said rolling on the ground from laughing.. Mackenzie started crying Addison walked closer to her but she was just laughing and crying and was totally red "omg Kenzie ur crying!!" Kenzie just sat there laughing till she couldn't laugh with noise anymore.. Lauren sat on her bed looking at josh for a little and started laughing again same with Mackenzie "omg josh I can't with you AHAHAH" Mackenzie said out of breath "seriously what happened!!" Avani said sitting next to the crying Lauren "josh AHAHAHHA I can't with him he he AHAHHAHAH" Mackenzie said crying, the group left the room while Lauren, Kenzie and me are getting normal..

Lauren pov

We walked down the stairs and saw the group standing there.. I waved at them and walked in the kitchen I could hear footsteps but I didn't had the power to move my head to there and then a voice said "Lauren I have a something to say.. I like you allot.." I turned around and saw Payton with a nervous look "I like you too" I smiled and made my salad and then he said "I like you as a crush likening" I turned around and said "yea me too" i then turned again and he hugged me and kissed my cheek.. I then grabbed my salad and walked towards my room..

Anthony walked in "hey laur" I smiled and pointed at the door and he closed and locked it and sat on my bed "how are you?" I looked at him and said "good with u" "same he said" he then looked at my fast and said "who's ur crush mines avani" "aawwwwwweee Avani and you would be sooooo cute but promise you won't tell anyone my crush.." he nodded and gave me his pinky I took it and laughed a little "it's Payton.." he looked at me in a wow look "but he has a girlfriend back home" Anthony said.. I could feel tears.. I jumped out of my bed and run downstairs everyone was talking to Mackenzie about the past and then Johnny looked at me and saw my anger and tears and jumped up and said "L-Lauren?" They all looked at me "is there something wrong with me?" I said quietly.. everyone looked confused Anthony run downstairs whispering to me "Lauren don't do something ur gonna regret.." he said quietly.. everyone still looked confused "why does everyone lie to me.." I said looking at Payton he looked down.. "laur.." Anthony said quietly I looked at him and got a flashback from what he said 'but he had a girlfriend back home' I looked at everyone and tears escape my eyes I got to my room and heard someone follow me "Lauren?" I knew exactly who's voice it was "GO AWAY!" He looked at me and I dead stared him and he got away and Anthony came in "close the door please" I said quietly, he nodded he's like the brother I never had, I know I have John but Anthony is different.. "I want some time alone please.." I ask him he nodded and said if you want something text me.. I smiled at him and he walked away..
I grabbed my laptop and looked in my history

And saw..

The athenhalon bridge

Where I almost died..

I'm going back there..

My window is to the ground so I could jump out the window and I did it I walked towards my car and started driving to the bridge.. I walked up to the bridge and every memory came back to me.. I used to come here every time to think to right my suicidal dairy I should start that again..

I got in my car and drive to my house.. I could see some people infront of my house I looked and saw Carson and Brynn.. that's weird I didn't invite them? They walked in my house and I opened the door of my car and walked in.. I turned around and saw everyone with worried expressions.. "uhm hi?" I said nervous they looked at me and I could see Johnny has cried.. "why were you searching the bridge?" Johnny said soft " I wasn't I was just looking at my laptop for a seconde.." I said nervous "why was your car destination by the bridge.." Hayden said, omg this dude has to be kidding me "it was but I was just passing by" i said looking down, John was about to say something and I ran to my room and locked the door, went on my laptop to start a suicide diary I was scared to start one but before I knew I was typing 1000 words the whole night I was sitting on my laptop writing my feelings... I ordered food and let us bring to my window so I didn't have to go out of my room anymore.. I was sleeping and then I heard a knock on my door "Lauren? Are you in your room?" It was kio and Anthony's voice "yea I'm here" I screamed back "are you hungry?" Anthony ask "no I'm fine bye!!" I screamed back and getting my laptop I was typing more and more stuff by the hour.. I looked out of my window to see that the food I ordered came in, I payed and he gave me my food.. and then I saw Payton infront of my window looking at me, I didn't look back cause well he broke me so I just kept typing..

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