Chapter 42

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Sophia pov
Piper was over just talking to Lev while i was planning my night with Stella soon I was online shopping for a present I could give her... I missed her so much.. I just give her a box with presents... great... my phone starts ringing... I picked up "hello?" I then heard someone laughing... "nice ear" I looked at my phone and saw Jentzen I smiled "heyyy bubs" I said laughing "heyyyyy soph" I smiled "how's ur new fam?" I smiled "there amazing..." then lev came in the screen "I'm amazing- oh hey Jentzen..." he said fast and walked off... "uhm what's Lev doing with you..." Jentzen asked... "oh piper is her too.." I said and showed them doing yoga stuff.. "oh cool.." I smiled.. in got a text saying 'I'm outside could Lev and you help me with groceries' "I'm so sorry Jentzen but i gotta go I will call you back" I said he nodded and smiled and waved and I hanged up and said "moms outside need help with the groceries..." I said while walking downstairs... I helped her and when we were done... I sat down it felt like I walked a whole ass marathon.... I started heavy breathing a little... "honey honey are you okay?" Mom asked me "yea I'm good mom I'm just really.... tired.." she nodded and gave me thee... and muffins and cookies.. "thanks mom love you" I said smiling.. she smiled so bright it made my heart "I love you too!!" She said walking off smiling... I drank a little bit thee and then I heard someone ran down the stairs... "I smell cookies.." Lev voice omg why does he always smell my food... he and piper walked in and he immediately grabbed one of my chocolate chip cookies "want one piper?" She smiled and said "can I have one of those muffins?" I smiled and gave her even 3 muffins.. she smiled so bright "okay because were siblings I grab your food"  piper laughed "no way you always steal my fries" I laughed and drank my thee... "so I'm gonna sleep in a few I'm  really tired.." I said and lev gave me a eye.. I grabbed 2 muffins and went to my room.. I set it on a counter there and wore sweats and Jentzen his merch and slept in my bed and before I knew it I was asleep for the first time...

Lev pov

Piper and me were eating the muffins... then my dad walked in and side hugged piper and boxes me "Wheres my lovely daughter?" Piper laughed a little "she's sleeping.." my dad looked at me "she's sleeping?" I nodded "she told me she felt really tired.." then my mom walked in "yea soph sat down after helping me with groceries and started heavy breathing a little... she told me she was really tired... so I set thee for her and muffins and cookies.." my mom said "oh" I said  "so she's sleeping?" My
Mom asked.. "i guess.." I said soft... "did she yawn?" My dad asked curious... "mom did she?" I asked... "I think she did when I walked out.." my mom said "okay okay..." my dad said "what's wrong?" I said piper was soooooo confused... "if she really yawned that means she was truly really tired... maybe her insomnia is getting away little by-" I interrupted him by yawning.. "did you.... okay this is so weird are you tired Lev?" I nodded "okay lay in ur bed and nobody come in his way and then after a hour we will check on you.. piper I will tell you what's wrong but for now Lev go to sleep!" I nodded I walked up the stairs and fell more tired.. I wore my sweats and piper merch and laid on my bed and my eyes got heavy... and before I knew it I was dreaming about piper and me our future..

Piper pov

Lev dads told me everything it's been a hour.. we're all now walking on the steps.. we walked in there room... and they were both asleep... "Lev Cameron!" I said hard.. not even a flinch... "Sophia orlando or birlem!" I said hard.. she was still sleeping.. we walked out "there insomnia is getting away..." Lev dad said... I smiled... "what if they both have anemia?" His mom said... I looked really concerned.. "wait one seconde.." his dad said and fast came back with 2 needles "ima get their blood while their sleeping." After 3 minutes he came back and we all went to his work room to look.. "oh look Sophias anemia is getting lower and her insomnia is gone.." i smiled and "and look levs insomnia is gone and there's no anemia in him." I smiled bright... "I probably should go home... see y'all tomorrow" I said smiling to them... they smiled back and waved me goodbye...

Who's the dad?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें