Chapter 6

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Lauren pov

I went driving, since what happened in highschool no one trust me anymore I'm not the depressed Lauren anymore.. I went to dunkin cause I'm bored and you can sit there till it closes... I got in and ordered someone run up to me and hugged me.. weird I turn around and see beautiful emerald green eyes.. Harmonys eyes.. I hugged her and said "hey har whatcha doing here?" "I'm here with my mom wanna meet her?" I nodded we walked over to a booth and I saw beautiful brown locks with shimmering brown eyes.. Lauren she said softly... I hugged her and looked at her "Mackenzie I missed you so much and don't know what I could do without you now" a tear came from my eye.. she smiled and hugged me tighter.. we catched up and she has a big house "can I maybe stay the night tonight.." I asked not looking up " if you lived with me that would be sooooooo great to you can stay as long as you want laur!" I hugged her, we had our food I got in my car and took Kyle and Kenzie took harmony in her car I followed her.. "so Kyle any girls I'm not gonna tell ur mom" he smiled and said "actually I like this girl called Vanessa but.." "but what?" "She's harmonys bestfriend and I don't wanna ruin that" I looked at him and ohhed " well talk to harmony and see what she has to say about it if she doesn't agree and Vanessa likes you date secret and if harmony finds out then say the love in my heart is to much for her" I said and he looked so happy at me i adored it " the love in my heart is to much for her" he kept repeating softly I smile and we got to their house it was so precious!!

" "but what?" "She's harmonys bestfriend and I don't wanna ruin that" I looked at him and ohhed " well talk to harmony and see what she has to say about it if she doesn't agree and Vanessa likes you date secret and if harmony finds out then say th...

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We stepped out the car and I said " ur house is so gorgeous it looks a bit like mine I love it!!" Kenzie smiled and we walked in...

We were eating

Kyle and harmony went to sleep

"Kenzie I have a question.." she nodded "please tell me.. who's the dad?" I asked nervous.. she looked at me and then to the ground.. " please keep it a secret only 2 people know.." "Payton and Josh " I said and then put my hand on my mouth fast "Lauren you know them?" I nodded "there at my house right now" I said and she looked soooooo happy " omg I can finally meet them.. the dad is... ur an auntie!!" I looked at her " AHH I knew it from the start... does emerald green eyes they have SHSHSHH yayyyyyayayayayayayayay I knew I knew it I knew I knew it!!!!!" I jumped around while Kenzie was laughing..

We fell asleep

Woke up with my phone blowing up with text and missed face time calls.. I ignored it Kenzie is more fun!

We got into my car.. we just dropped the kids by mommy Mel and went to I hop.. we came there and I saw Payton with josh.. Payton saw me and stand up "mackenzie run to my car now now now !!!" We run and I could hear Payton and Josh screaming my name... I just got out of there and Kenzie looked at me with the look 'you have to talk to them' I laughed cause she gave me that look in middle school always "i know I know Kenzie I miss middle school everything was so great" she nodded and we went to dunkin..

I got in my phone and saw that everyone went to the beach.. "yo kenz let get my stuff I wanna stay another night" she laughed and we went to my house.. we walked in got into my room.. and then we heard the door open downstairs.. "omg there back from the beach" i whispered, Kenzie pointed to my closet and we went in there and hide..

We heard some people walk in, omg everyone is in my room what the hell are they doing, I looked at Kenzie and she looked at me with those eyes saying let's listen to them..

"So We saw Lauren in the morning.." Josh said, John looked up and said "did she talk to you-" "no she was with someone we couldn't tell who but it was a girl with long dark brown hair" Payton said and I then heard Nadia and Annie gasped " M-Mackenzie" they said "who's that?" Anthony and kio asked "the reason why we don't trust Lauren anymore" Annie said quietly.. I had enough! This is just bs! I slammed my closet door open and looked at them mad "DOESNT TRUST ME ANYMORE! Thanks to know that I'm just a little depressed kid in your eyes!!!" I said with madness "Lauren we didn't mean-" John tried to say "I don't even wanna hear one word from you my own brother! If I wasn't here right now Y'all would go ahead and say how much y'all don't trust me thanks for the non believers " I said with tears " Mackenzie let's go I don't wanna be here anymore" I said "wait Kenzie is here ?" Carson said standing up "Mackenzie come so we can get here out fast!" Mackenzie came out the closet looking down and when she looked up she saw josh and hugged him "awweee joshhy never tough I would see ur ass in Canada" Mackenzie said "well here I am he said smiling" she then looked at Payton "paypay ur here too ima hug you later Lauren and I need to go!!" Kenzie and me run out with my stuff but everyone followed us and we got into the car and pulled up with speed.. "they really think I'm not okay anymore.." I said soft while driving "what happened?" Kenzie asked I looked at her and we stopped somewhere and I told her everything.. she sat there crying about how she left me.. "it's okay Mackenzie people make mistakes" I said soft "but I never knew this was going on if I knew I could of stopped it" "you kinda stopped it.." she looked confused "when the police came they tried to get me off the bridge I was about to spring but then I saw u in my eyes and i went up to Hayden and hugged him saying I was sorry and then everything went black if I didn't saw you in my eyes saying "don't go i need you" i was gone by now for a long time.." Kenzie looked at me with greatnesses "I'm so happy you saw me btw John is such a dick for thinking you would do it again bcs of Carson.." I looked down and said "I was about to do it.." she looked at me with tears " Lauren look at me and say 'I'm Lauren Anne Orlando and nothing's gonna stop me from being myself I'm not worthless I'm strong I can go through anything if I just have the right people by my side' say it now Lauren !" I looked at her and said 'I'm Lauren Anne Orlando and nothing's gonna stop me from being myself I'm not worthless I'm strong I can go through anything if I just have the right people by my side'" I looked at Kenzie and smiled at her and then grabbed my phone and clicked on FaceTime "joshhy💀🖤" it rang not even a second and he was on the phone.."are you alone?" I asked him? "Yea they all went to the cinema!" I nodded "Kenzie and me are coming back.." he smiled and nodded.. we hung up and I was now driving home..

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