Chapter 11

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Lauren's pov

We decided to go to the bridge actually I decided and forced them to come with me... they walked downstairs and asked questions towards them and they were just quiet I grabbed my laptop and run downstairs seeing everyone staring at me.. Payton ask me something and I gave him a dead stare and was like "let's gooooooooooooooooo" we got into my car we listened to music and there it was the Bridge I sat near the middle and grabbed my laptop and wrote my feelings and Carson and Anthony were sitting in the car talking and looking while Brynn sat next to me helping me to get those thoughts out of my head.. I was done for the day and we drive back to my house I first wanted Taco Bell and Starbucks so we ordered things we wanted and Carson and Brynn are staying the night, Brynn is sleeping with me so she can keep a eye on me..

We came back and I grabbed my food and laptop and headed to my room saying nun.. Anthony came in after me and sat on the couch eating his taco and sipping his frappe and Brynn and Carson walked in Carson sat next to Anthony and Brynn walked up to my room..

John pov

" OKAY CARSON AND ANTHONY what the hell happened?" I said calm "allot happened John and I can't talk now I'm eating.." Carson said "where were you guys!?" Mackenzie almost yelled "the bridge." Anthony said.. we all looked at them with a face saying WHAT! " why the hell were you guys there!!!!" Hayden said with a scared look "can't tell you sorry!" Carson said and walked to Lauren's room. We all now looked at Anthony "if you don't say it ima y'all ur crush you like her.." Josh and kio said looking at each other.." okay okay.." we waited for him to say what happened "so what happened?" Payton asked "no I mean okay tell my crush I like her Lauren made us promises and I'm not gonna break mine !" Anthony said grabbing his food and walking into Lauren's room, "damm that backfired" josh said "bruh who's his crush ?" Addison asked "only Lauren knows we just wanted to see if he believed that we know it" kio said "ohhhh" we all said

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