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carebare just posted a picture!

carebareyour fav friend ship@'therealnickmara ***LIKES***COMMENTS

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your fav friend ship

hot stuff
↳no u

best friend type beat
↳gang gang

date already
-oop who gonna tell her?

bring me coffee
↳no thanks

this is the kinda content we NEED

nick and his iphone 4
↳i'm dead
stfu stoopid ass

"get in looser we're going shopping" care yelled to nick who walked down the lawn as she honked the horn a few times. nick opened the door and got in looking at care annoyed.

"your so extra" nick rolled his eyes putting on his seatbelt. in response care just honked the horn again and began driving to the grove.

"i want to buy a new pair of sneakers" café admitted pointing nick in the direction of a fight club shoe store.

"say less" nick smiled and the two walked into the store. care began to look around but didn't seem to see anything that she liked right away.

"care come here" nick called out to care. care looked over her shoulder seeing nick standing in front of one of the glass cases and care went over.

"i think we should get matching jordan's" nick said pointing to the retro high tops.

"i love those" care pointed to the turbo greens immediately falling in love with them

"those are sick" nick agreed and called over a worker.

"so how are you and sam doing?" nick asked purely just to make conversation while he followed care around a nasty gal store.

"we're good" care smiled unknowingly at his name "it's been a great five months being with him" she looked at nick who happened to be looking at a shirt.

"good i'm glad to hear that, you deserve someone good" nick agreed and picked up the shirt that was on the hanger and handed it to care who loved it.

"thanks" care smiled "hey when is your mom coming out again i miss her" care asked picking up another dress and walking back to the dressing rooms.

"she's not coming back for a few months she's got work and shit" nick sighed missing his mom as well.

"shit" care replied sadly "just sit there and we can still talk" care pointed to a chair across from her dressing room.

"wait she's coming for thanksgiving right?" care asked nervously because she always made the best potatoes.

"yeah but she's only coming for the two days her office allows her to" nick replied.

"that suck" care said opening the door wearing the white tank top nick picked out and a pair of lose fit ripped jeans "hear me out this fit with the new sneakers?"

"i like it" nick nodded. he never viewed care any way other that like a sister to him before but now it was all messed up for some weird reason.

"what about this, it's nevaehs birthday soon so i figured this would work" care stood half out of the dressing room looking in the mirror right next to nick.

"that's a nice dress" nick replied admiring her figure in the tight blue dress that had a cut out right under he chest.

"i think i'll get it" care turned around looking at her butt in the mirror and then walked back into the dressing room grabbing the few other things she picked out not bothering to try them on because she already owned them but in different colors.

"let's go" care said handing her phone to nick to hold while she held all of her clothes as they waited in line.

"thank god we stopped before we went back im starving" care said taking a bite of the sand which she ordered from the cafe they stopped at.

"same" nick said eating his sandwich too. they talked and laughed after they finished periodically sipping on their coffees in no rush to go home. nicks smile faded as he watched care passionately tell him why he should stop waking up late in the day. he couldn't really hear what she was saying anymore because of his trance on the beauty as corny as it sounded.

"why are you looking at me like that?" care looked at him with a slight smile on her face.

"we both know there is no chance that i start waking up before 11 regularly" nick smiled and care sunk into her chair "you still wear the necklace i gave you"

"of course why wouldn't i?" care held the necklace with two fingers.

"i don't know" nick shrugged.

"hey, i wanted to say sorry about prying with madison" care began to say "i know it's fresh and i was in the wrong to push about it"

"don't worry you are right we do tell eachother everything" nick admitted.

"your telling me you yelled at me to now say it's ok? shits messed up"

"sorry" nick made direct eye contact with her.

"so spill now" care replied.

"she was nice and i liked her but i knew we weren't gonna make it long. there's not point in wasting both of our time if it's not gonna last"

"yeah your not wrong" care nodded and dipped her coffee thinking about her and sam.

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