Chapter 54-Bathing with the Enemy Again

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Her hands clenched tightly beside her as she felt the last thread of her patience snap. Biting her lower lip, she finally begrudgingly hissed, "Fine."

Hearing the answer he wanted, Wei Xing finally released her. For a second, she thought she saw the corners of his mouth tilt upwards. Blaming it on the lighting, she huffed angrily at him. She watched as he turned his back on her. It almost seemed like he couldn't wait to go bathe. She closed her eyes, releasing a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. Right as soon as she opened them, Wei Xing was suddenly standing directly in front of her again. This surprised her to the point where she nearly tumbled backwards. Wei Xing's arm suddenly swept around her waist, pulling her back toward him. The tug had been harder than he initialized and she smacked right into his firm chest again.

"Are you going back on your word?"

"Of course not!" she snapped. Shocked that he had once again pulled her tightly into his arms, she abruptly raised her hand to push against him. This action however seemed to irritate Wei Xing. He immediately retaliated by pulling her even closer against him.

"Oomph!" Her face slammed right into him again. Subconsciously, she inhaled his scent and a memory of him pressing her up against the wall in the very same room came hurling to the forefront of her mind. Her eyes bulged. She felt unhinged and flustered. The only thing she could think of was to put as much distance between them as she could. However, the more she struggled, the tighter his grip around her became.

"Wei Xing!" she shouted out of frustration. She glared up at him and nearly fainted from anger when she saw an amused look on his face. Did the dark energy give him a few loose screws? Why did he look amused at her frustration?

"Why didn't you follow me obediently? When I saw you just standing there, I assumed you wanted me to carry you," he said huskily. He finally pulled away and started for the door again.

She stood frozen on the spot. Ever since she was reborn, he had done nothing but get on her last nerve. Just what exactly was he trying to achieve?

When he realized that she wasn't following him, he glowered at her.

"Are you going to obediently follow or would you rather I toss you over my shoulders?" he asked sharply.

Struggling to hold back an insult, she stepped forward and followed closely after him. He led her into the study and straight through the secret passageway to where the hot spring was. Unable to hide the glower on her face, she stared at Wei Xing who already started to undress.

"What are you doing?!" she shrieked. She quickly spun around to stare at the rock wall just missing the smirk on Wei Xing's face.

"I obviously need to undress if I want to bathe," came a snarky reply. His clothes were tossed carelessly over her head then she heard the sound of water rippling. She gripped at the clothes that were tossed at her. Her hands shook. She was just about to toss the clothes onto the ground when she heard Wei Xing say, "If my clothes get dirty, you'll wash them, right?"

She gritted her teeth tightly. She debated on whether she should just bolt out of there or not. In the end, she folded his clothes neatly and placed them on the table where extra clothes and a towel laid for him.

Keeping her back facing Wei Xing, she knelt on the ground, refusing to do anything else.

"Is that how you're supposed to help a person bathe?" Wei Xing's condescending voice echoed within the cave. When Xiu Xiang didn't answer, Wei Xing sighed purposefully. "You really are jealous, aren't you?"

"I'm not!" Xiu Xiang hollered.

"Then come over here and help me bathe like you're supposed to," Wei Xing ushered.

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