Chapter 37-Tortured

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"So, you really are someone from Tian Ling Sect," Hai Kuang spat. He was about to step forward when Song Yi Yan spoke up.

"Why don't I do the interrogating? I assure you, by the third whip, she'll be begging to spill everything," Song Yi Yan said with confident assurance.

Both Wang Yue and Hai Kuang stepped back without another word, but Sect Leader Lin lingered for a moment. He gave Xiu Xiang a long look as if he found something odd about her. The longer he looked the more confused he felt as if he really should know this woman. In the end, he decided that he was seeing things. He gave a heavy sigh and finally turned his back on her.

"Let me know when the interrogation finishes." Sect Leader Lin didn't turn back afterwards and disappeared through the portal.

Since Song Yi Yan was given the okay, she stepped forward with her whip.

Hai Kuang glared Xiu Xiang down as he asked, "I'll give you a chance. Tell us who you are and what you know."

Xiu Xiang completely ignored him. A smirk fell on her face as she eyed Song Yi Yan up and down. She rolled her eyes in retaliation. "I've heard many things about you, Song Yi Yan. Aside from your ability to invoke pain onto others, you haven't gotten much skills."

"You!" Song Yi Yan didn't even get the okay to start the punishment. Her whip swung forward within a blink of an eye. The whip that Song Yi Yan carried around was made from fine strips of woven steel. Since she had been trained with a whip all her life, Xiu Xiang knew that the whip was going to rip skin.


Everything around Xiu Xiang turned white, then came an immense searing paini followed by a warm trickle.

Tian Ling Sect is the number one righteous sect? Don't make her laugh!

Xiu Xiang couldn't help but let out a ridiculing laugh. She managed to open her eyes despite the pain. She glared at the three people in front of her.

"Righteous cultivators? Ha! You're worse than demons!"

"You dare to insult us?" Song Yi Yan swung her whip again. Another searing pain rippled through Xiu Xiang's body but she didn't let out a scream. She wasn't about to let Song Yi Yan revel in her pain.

"Speak! Tell us what you know! Did you reveal any secrets to the Demon Clan?"

The question that Song Yi Yan asked made Xiu Xiang let out a laugh.

"You not only have no skills, you're also quite stupid. Your whip has already revealed that I'm not from Tian Ling Sect. How could I possibly reveal secrets to the Demon Clan?" Xiu Xiang let out another ripple of laughter, angering Song Yi Yan further.

Hai Kuang who had been watching from the sideline finally realized this point. It was true. If she really was someone from Tian Ling Sect, then the whip should've revealed some sort of sign. The injury on Xiu Xiang was deep. Anyone suffering from those kinds of wounds would've revealed something by now. Since she wasn't revealing anything, either she was good at keeping quiet or she really didn't know anything.

"I'm going to kill you!" Hai Kuang realized that Song Yi Yan really was going to kill his only clue to the Demon Clan. He didn't get the chance to react when Wang Yue jumped forward to pull her back.

"Shimei, enough! If she dies, we won't get any information out of her!" Wang Yue exclaimed. He pulled her back further and tried to appease her. While this was going on, Hai Kuang used the chance to interrogate Xiu Xiang.

"If you aren't part of any sect and have no demonic aura. Why did you appear at Jade Mountain Range? Why did you help the demons?"

Xiu Xiang stared him down. Her breathing was weak. The pain seemed to be getting worse by the second. It also didn't help that the stone room she was in was quite hot too. Droplets of sweat that fell into her open skin, made it itch and burn.

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