Chapter 50-Doubt vs Reckless Plan

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The two soon reappeared within the Night Palace. By then, Xiu Xiang had already fainted from blood loss. The demons who saw Wei Xing carrying Xiu Xiang in, quickly looked away to avoid Wei Xing's eyes. They didn't dare to look, knowing fully well that just Wei Xing's eyes alone was enough to turn them into dust.

He leisurely walked through the halls of the Night Palace relishing in the thought of having Xiu Xiang in his arms. He was slowly approaching his quarters when he ran into Bai Qing. Someone must've informed her of his return as she raced up to him. The smile on her face slowly faded away when she saw Xiu Xiang in his arms.

Bai Qing didn't want to believe that Xiu Xiang had indeed return. Hua Jian had once told her that Xiu Xiang would return and she laughed in his face for being in denial. Now she was the one being in denial. She had prayed and hoped that the woman who Wei Xing had gone after wasn't Xiu Xiang, however, one look of Wei Xing's gentle gaze was all that it took to shatter Bai Qing's hopes.

She has never seen such a gentle gaze on Wei Xing's face before and her heart nearly shattered. She had spent so many years trying to gain his affections but all she received was his disdain. What did Xiu Xiang have that she doesn't? Hasn't she devoted her entire being to him even after he had turned into a demon and was shunned by the world? She couldn't understand it.

"My lord, why?" Tears stung her eyes as she stared at the scene before her. When the glistening tears stained her rosy cheeks, it made Bai Qing even more pitiful and alluring but to Wei Xing who only had Xiu Xiang in his eyes, didn't take a second glance at her.

When Wei Xing realized that he was in love with Xiu Xiang, he vowed to only love her this lifetime, so how could he possibly grow affections for the beautiful Bai Qing? He was grateful for her devotion to him but that was as far as his feelings went.

"I already told you once. Don't make me repeat myself," Wei Xing warned. He sidestepped to avoid her and continued down the hall only to stop when he heard Bai Qing's voice.

"You may love her, but does she really love you? Even after she returned, she did not tell you who she was! During her time here, did she once come looking for you? Did she not ignore you and spent all her time on the other side of the palace with Hua Jian?"

Wei Xing's figure stiffened. It was true that she didn't tell him who she was, but there must be a reason why. As for the reason why she didn't come looking for him... didn't she come find him once? Except... he merely watched her spit out blood and left her to Hua Jian to take care of as he took off.

He suddenly remembered Hua Jian's words—

You'll regret this...

Hua Jian had long known who she was and didn't tell him either. Could it be possible? Did she love Hua Jian?

Then he thought about Xiu Xiang who was in the jewelry store of Lotus City. Hadn't she bought a white jade thumb ring? Did she mean to buy that for Hua Jian?

Seeing his resolve being shaken, Bai Qing decided to drive the wedge in deeper. She slowly inched up to him. "Even before this, Hua Jian and Xiu Xiang were extremely close. Even before you came into the picture. Who knows what things the two of them had one together?"

Wei Xing had never fallen so deeply in love before and his jealousy raged. So what if Hua Jian had a head start in vying for Xiu Xiang's affections? He'll steal her affections if he had to.

When Xiu Xiang was thrown off the Cliff of Abyss, his whole being was thrown into chaos. He couldn't understand why until he met her again only to find that he was in love. As someone who was new to love, he was clumsy in the way he expressed himself and pushed Xiu Xiang further away from him. When Xiu Xiang died right in front of his eyes, he wanted to destroy himself along with the world. If it wasn't for Hua Jian who told him that Xiu Xiang was a descendant of the legendary phoenix who could reincarnate, he would have long destroyed the world.

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