Chapter 31-Jealousy

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Xiu Xiang knew she shouldn't get close to Wei Xing anymore. He was going to be her pawn in order to get to the cave and would soon be her sworn enemy, but she used the pretense of wanting fun within the harem to sneak glances at him. At first, she went constantly. She had known long ago that Wei Xing had already unsealed his spiritual core. It was the only way he had been able to escape the harem. Even knowing that, Wei Xing obediently stayed within the harem.

She really thought that maybe the reason why he hadn't wreaked havoc or made a move within the Demon Realm was because he truly liked her. That was until she found out that he had been listening in to her conversation and sending secret messages out to Tian Ling Sect. She wanted to kick herself as she called herself a fool over and over.

"Why would he really like you? This was all an act for her to drop her defenses so that Wei Xing would be able to find a chance to bring down the Demon Clan," she thought bitterly. She remembered burning the communication bug inside the robes that Wei Xing had given her the morning after she first slept over inside the harem. Then she forced herself into work in order to keep herself from going back to the harem where Wei Xing was staying and so that she didn't kill the one person who had once given her hope.

She had traveled throughout the Demon Realm to cast the pact spell formation. Nearly the entire realm was under the pact. If she wanted to, she could exchange Wei Xing for the opening of the cave now, but she had purposely stalled time.

She had used multiple excuses of not wanting to let Wei Xing return. She didn't want to admit that somewhere deep inside, she had some sort of feelings for him. Because of her stalling, some rebels had snuck into the Night Palace using a strong face changing technique. That demon had changed his face into Wei Xing and entered her room. Xiu Xiang hadn't seen Wei Xing in weeks and dropped her defenses. The rebel demon got a good few swipes in, injuring her left arm and shoulder.

By the time Hua Jian arrived, Xiu Xiang had already burnt the rebel demon into a crisp.

"Why are you so careless? How could you let a rebel demon injure you?" Hua Jian lectured angrily. Xiu Xiang ignored him and sat down at the edge of her bed, quietly shedding the bloody robes off. Hua Jian sighed as he eyed the injury.

"It's quite deep. You're going to need bed rest for a while since we don't have any pills," Hua Jian said.

Xiu Xiang still didn't say anything. She was angry at herself.

When she saw Wei Xing's face after so many weeks, she realized that she had come to like him a lot. She liked him enough to drop her defenses. What had she become? She was letting a man consume her just like the original Demoness did. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to laugh. Xiu Xiang could no longer deny it. She had actually fallen in love with Wei Xing, the man who would kill her one day.

"Hua Jian... do you think I'm an idiot for falling in love with the enemy?" 

She felt him pause for a second, then slowly continued tending to her injury.

"The heart is a mysterious thing. You can't control how the heart feels..." Hua Jian replied.

Hua Jian had just finished wrapping up her injury when the door to her room burst open. A familiar figure in white stood by the doorway, eyes widen in shock at the sight of them.

"Wei Xing?" Hua Jian said out in surprise.

Xiu Xiang kept her guard up and narrowed her eyes on the man before her. She had already been tricked once by a rebel. She didn't want to get tricked again.

"Hua Jian, drag him out," Xiu Xiang said as she finished putting herself together.

"Yes, my lord." Hua Jian walked over to Wei Xing and reached out to grab him by the shoulder but that proved fatal. Wei Xing knocked his hand aside and wrapped him up in golden ropes, then tossed him out the door. He slammed the door shut and waved his arm, casting a thick barrier around the room.

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