Chapter 5-Saving the Enemy

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After that incident, no one dared to make a move against Xiu Xiang. She finally gained a few weeks of peace and her injuries finally healed. Even the scar on her face was less noticeable. Unfortunately, her peace didn't last long. The moment North Peak heard that Wei Xing was going into seclusion for training and wouldn't be back for a month, the bullying started up again. At first it was small things, like forcing her to do all the woodwork and cleaning. Then came the small groups that would ambush her when she was out chopping wood. Song Yi Yan, who was furious over getting three lashes because of Xiu Xiang, personally appeared before her in her own hut.

"You little slut! I don't know how you managed to seduce Wei Xing enough for him to give me three lashes but I'm going to return them tenfold!" Song Yi Yan had been sent a brand new whip. This one had metal woven into it and was twice as heavy. Xiu Xiang knew that if she didn't try to escape, she would die by her hand.

Most of her strength had returned and she was able to slightly dodge the whip. Inside the small hut, she only had so many places to jump to and each time, Song Yi Yan thrust her whip forward, it would shred a bit of her uniform. She let out a sharp laugh at Xiu Xiang who could only dodge the whip.

"Let's see how long you can avoid my whip," she seethed. She swung her whip harshly and blew a hole in the wall that Xiu Xiang had recently fixed. This was her chance to escape! Xiu Xiang jumped through the hole and raced down the pathways into the bamboo forest.

"Get back here!" Song Yi Yan screamed as she chased after her. Her eyes were red with rage and with most of the disciples at the training grounds, no one would be around to witness this. Xiu Xiang had no idea where she was running to but she kept running with Song Yi Yan close on her tail. As if Song Yi Yan was done having fun chasing her prey, her speed shot up and she instantly caught up with Xiu Xiang. How could she possibly outrun someone who had the luxury of learning straight from Master Feng Mian?

She felt a sharp pain travel up her back and she tumbled to the ground gasping in pain.

"I got you now. If I kill you right here, no one would ever know," Song Yi Yan laughed. Xiu Xiang inched carefully away. The storyline was all out a whack. Song Yi Yan never did anything herself. She usually had others do her dirty work. Could meeting Wei Xing caused the storyline to change? So, she was going to die way earlier than the Demoness?

She really wanted to praise the Demoness for surviving as long as she did.

"Kiss your life goodbye, Xiu Xiang," she cackled. She raised her hand and was about to thrust her whip down when suddenly, a hole opened up from where Xiu Xiang had fallen. She screamed in terror as she fell into pitch darkness.

The sound of water rushing by woke Xiu Xiang up. She looked around and found herself washed ashore. She eyed the river that traveled up the mountain where Tian Ling Sect was. The hole must've been created by the river underneath. She had been washed all the way down here. Her back ached and stung from the wet fabric that stuck to it.

"I didn't die..." she thought while taking in a deep breath.

The sky grew dark and it looked like was going to rain soon. She groaned at her bad luck and started traveling up the mountain. By some stroke of luck, she found a cave and quickly entered to avoid getting stuck out in the rainstorm. Her body felt cold and there wasn't any way to start a fire as she had no talismans on her to start one.

She traveled deeper into the cave and suddenly felt a warm air pressure seeping out. Her natural instinct was to go toward the warmth, and she traveled deeper and deeper until she saw a figure of someone in white sitting in a lotus position. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was Wei Xing. Warmth was seeping out from his body because he was on the verge of a breakthrough. Then Xiu Xiang suddenly remembered. This was the part of the story where the Demoness helped Wei Xing in passing. There wasn't much to go by as it wasn't part of the main storyline. While in the middle of a breakthrough, Wei Xing was attacked by a level one demon beast. He couldn't protect himself and anything that touched him while he was in a breakthrough would cause him to enter the recoil of madness. The Demoness who was kind at the time jumped in to protect him and left before he could even open his eyes.

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