Chapter 6-The Demoness is a Thief?

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With the help of the guard, Xiu Xiang made it back to North Peak in one piece. Upon hearing that Wei Xing has returned, no one dared to touch or even go near her. Song Yi Yan, who stood off to the side, glowered at her but didn't say anything.

No one asked her why she was at the bottom of the mountain nor did Xiu Xiang explain why. There was no point in telling anyone that Song Yi Yan tried to kill her. No one would believe her. Their fairy, Song Yi Yan would never do something like that.

Xiu Siang thanked her lucky stars for grabbing onto that golden thigh called Wei Xing and raced to her demolished hut.

"Sigh... I'll wait until tomorrow to fix this wall again." She shook her head at the giant hole in the wall. Maybe it was heaven's way of saying that this wall was meant to be destroyed?

She took a seat on her straw mattress and opened the small box that Wei Xing had given her. It was another pill, but it looked different from the other pills that he had given her. Thinking it to be another pill that healed her injuries, she popped it into her mouth. The moment she swallowed it, her heart thumped rapidly, and the pit of her stomach burned.

"What is this?" Xiu Xiang thought. It wasn't painful but it wasn't comfortable either. The energy inside her pulsed loudly and she suddenly had an urge to sit legs crossed and meditate. She gave in to instincts and sat legs crossed. She took a deep breath and it suddenly felt more comfortable. Energy pooled around her body and she hungrily soaked it all in. It was strange as her body had failed to do so before.

She was cultivating!

It shouldn't be possible because her power core had been blocked off by Master Feng Mian.

In the novel, the Demoness's ability to cultivate had been stagnated by Master Feng Mian because of it had been prophesized that the Demoness would be the reason for his utter demise, but she wouldn't know that until much later. Yet, here she was, gathering spiritual energy around her at a fast rate. At the speed she was going, she would definitely advance two levels. Was all this because of the pill that Wei Xing had given her?

A couple days went by and Xiu Xiang finally opened her eyes. She felt stronger than before. The thought of doing her chores didn't seem so bad anymore. It really wouldn't have been bad except she heard the sound of excited voices in the distance.

"Master's back!"

The color drained from her face. Master Feng Mian had returned early. Did the storyline deviate again? She was sure the actions she took changed much of it. Now that he was back, Xiu Xiang knew she was going to be in for a whole lot of torture. How would he react when he realized that Xiu Xiang could start cultivating again? She braced herself and dragged herself out of the hut to greet her master.

Everyone was already lined up at the entrance waiting for the appearance of Master Feng Mian. His head appeared from the bottom of the hill and slowly his face came into view.

If Xiu Xiang hadn't read any cultivation type novels, she would've assumed the man appearing before her was extremely young, but this wasn't the case. Any master who've attained immortal level, was able to keep their youthful appearance. Master Feng Mian was one of those immortals. He barely looked over the age of thirty despite being well over sixty years old. He was dressed in green robes adorned with golden vines. In one hand, he held onto a white fan which he had closed. He puffed up his chest upon seeing his disciples and tilted his chin upwards as he moved passed them.

"Welcome back, Master," they all greeted in unison. Master Feng Mian simply nodded but the moment he passed Xiu Xiang, he came to a complete stop. His eyes bulged as he whipped around to look at her.
"You!" he pointed his fan at her. His hand shook as his brows furrowed angrily. "How are you able to cultivate?"

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