Chapter 53-Jealousy, Thy Name is Xiu Xiang

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"No!" Bai Qing raised her arm out to protect herself. The raging ball of fire was just seconds away from burning Bai Qing when a mass of dark energy erupted in front of Bai Qing. The ball of fire slammed right into the wall and quickly dispersed. However, the wall of dark energy seemed to wrap itself around the fire like a fireproof blanket. The raging fire was quickly consumed by the dark energy until there was nothing left.

Xiu Xiang had never seen energy that was able to consume her fire before. She felt what little energy she had being drained from her right as her fire was finished being consumed. It seemed to cause a kind of backlash at her body. She felt blood rise from within her. She struggled to keep the blood down as she turned her attention in the direction where the dark energy had come from.

Wei Xing had arrived with an entourage in tow. His eyes fell on Xiu Xiang first. Seeing that she was still standing and looking fine, he turned his attention onto Bai Qing who was still on the ground. A streak of blood still stained her chin. Fighting the urge to walk over to Xiu Xiang, he made his way over to Bai Qing to help her up. When Xiu Xiang had seen this, she couldn't help but look away in anger. This action caused her to just miss the eye contact between Wei Xing and Hua Jian.

"Are you alright? What happened?" Wei Xing asked Bai Qing. His soothing yet soft spoken voice, revealed his deep concern for Bai Qing.

Both Bai Qing and Xiu Xiang turned to look at Wei Xing. One face was filled with shock and awe, while the other had turned black.

Wei Xing had never shown such concern for Bai Qing before. His arm was wrapped gently around Bai Qing's waist while the other reached up to wipe away the blood on Bai Qing's chin. For Bai Qing, who has never seen Wei Xing's kind side before, didn't hesitate to melt into his embrace. Her head fell on Wei Xing's shoulder as she struggled to speak.

"Xiu Xiang tried to kill me," Bai Qing explained.

Wei Xing's eyes flitted towards Xiu Xiang but quickly fell back on Bai Qing.

"Worry not. I'm here now. She can't do anything to you," Wei Xing assured her.

Xiu Xiang eyed the two lovers who embraced each other in front of everyone. In that instant, she heard something inside of her shatter. It seemed that Wei Xing already knew who she was. Even so, he was still this loving toward Bai Qing. She was right about one thing. Wei Xing had long forgotten about her and turned his love onto Bai Qing. She smiled bitterly at the loving couple. What was she thinking? How could she develop feelings for Wei Xing? The two of them were meant to be enemies. She had always known that. Wasn't that the reason why she had avoided Wei Xing's feelings in the past? What was she doing, letting her heart beat for him now?

She suddenly heard Wei Xing's harsh voice addressing her, "What do you think you're doing? You dare to injure one of my people?"

This Wei Xing was far different from the one who was inside the harem. Was he so different when Bai Qing was around? Her eyes couldn't help but land on the pair of strong arms that wrapped protectively around Bai Qing. Was she actually jealous?

She jealous! She admitted it. She wanted nothing more than to rush forward and rip Bai Qing out of his grasp. But she would never act upon it. Who was she to even try? What was she to Wei Xing? She was nothing. What right did she have?

Of course. They had been lovers in the novel. It's only right if the two of them eventually developed feelings for one another...

Since she was unable to separate the two, she could only retort back with anger.

"So? I would dare to go against you. Why wouldn't I dare to hurt your precious lover," Xiu Xiang retorted hatefully.

Tears streamed down Bai Qing's face. It seemed to heighten her beauty and her allure. It made one sympathize greatly for and with her. No matter if Xiu Xiang explained her reasoning for hurting Bai Qing, it seemed that reason would never beat the tears of the heroine of the novel.

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