Chapter 51-The Enemy's Plan Commences

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When Xiu Xiang woke up, she realized she was back in the Night Palace. The only problem was she was back in her room, the room she used when she was the Demoness.

"What am I doing here...?" she thought. She felt extremely weak as if all her powers had been suppressed. She couldn't understand why until she heard the sound of light clinking. On her wrists were golden restraints. If she was right, these were basically the same as the golden shackles that her master had once put on her. The only problem was, she only has half her strength back. With these restraints on her, she was basically a mere mortal. Even she would lose in a battle against the weakest cultivator.

She tossed the covers off her and jumped out of bed. No sooner had her feet touched the ground, an immodestly dressed female demon entered the room. She dropped to her knees and held up a tray with folded clothes on it.

"The lord orders you to get dress and meet him in the harem," the female demon said with her head lowered to the ground, not daring to look up at her.

Xiu Xiang raised an eyebrow. She made her way over to the female demon then examined the clothes on the tray. Just seeing the fabric made her realize how risqué the outfit would be if she were to put it on.

"Sorry, but I don't want to," she replied harshly.

"You don't have a choice," the female demon said weakly.

"Do you think you can tell me what to do?" It took all Xiu Xiang's strength to burn up the eyesore clothes in front of her. Her chest heaved up and down from using even a bit of energy.

The female demon dropped even lower to the ground. Her head was practically kissing the ground as she exclaimed, "The lord said that you must obey or else the Night Guards and Chief Hua Jian who are in prison will suffer."

"What?!" She couldn't believe her ears. Were the Night Guards and Hua Jian really in prison?

As much as she didn't want to believe it, she had seen for herself how much Wei Xing had changed. She frowned at the charred bits on the tray. At least she won't have to wear that indecent dress.

"You said Wei Xing is waiting for me in the harem?" When Xiu Xiang mentioned Wei Xing's name, the female demon gasped. Just his name alone was enough to scare the lower demons? Even she didn't leave this kind of impact on the demons.

The female demon replied with a nod and scooted out of the way so that Xiu Xiang could leave the room.

Rumors have spread within the Night Palace about a second human who was staying in the Demon Lord's quarters. She wasn't as pretty as Lady Bai Qing. The demons couldn't understand why the Demon Lord placed so much attention on her until Xiu Xiang strode past them. Her presence was just as intimidating as the Demon Lord. The moment any demon glanced at Xiu Xiang, they quickly averted their eyes, afraid to be burned to dust.

Xiu Xiang's brows furrowed when she saw the strange reaction from the demons. Was she that scary looking that they have to look away at the sight of her? She looked down at herself. She was still in the clothes she had bought from Lotus City. What she didn't know was that during her sleep, Wei Xing had announced to everyone within the palace that Xiu Xiang would soon be the future lady of the Night Palace. Anyone who offended Xiu Xiang would be killed upon sight. With such a threat looming over their heads, how could the demons dare to look at her?

She finally arrived at the familiar large double doors. The only time she ever went through these double doors was to provoke Wei Xing when she was the Demoness, partially because she wanted to put some distance between them and partially because she thought it was amusing to see some expression on his indifferent face.

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