Chapter 28-Conditions

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"My head..." Xiu Xiang groaned as she clutched her aching head. She may have gone a little overboard with the drinking. It wasn't long until she felt a presence in the same room as her and sobered up quickly.

Her head tilted to the side and her eyes landed on a broad back that was facing her. One look and she knew who that back belonged to.

Wei Xing flinched from her movement, but he didn't turn around. She couldn't understand why until she looked down at herself. She was only in her thin undergarment robes and it had come loose when she had fallen asleep. If she had moved any more, her chest would've been revealed for the world to see. Her face went bright red and she quickly adjusted her clothes.

"How long have you've been there?" she asked sharply.

There was dead silence. After what seemed like an eternity, Wei Xing calmly replied, "Since you first got drunk."

"Where's Feng Yue?" Xiu Xiang asked as she eyed the room. Normally under circumstance like this, Feng Yue, who overlooked the harem, would be the one to take care of her.

Once again, there was silence. Xiu Xiang felt a dangerous aura seeping off him and wondered if he was getting angry for keeping him in her harem. It was funny seeing his horrified face when the half-naked female dancers approached him or the half-naked male servers passed him wine. Halfway through the night she had completely forgotten about making fun of him and actually enjoyed the entertainment from her harem.

Since he wasn't going to answer, Xiu Xiang figured Feng Yue had left his responsibilities onto Wei Xing. She shrugged off the situation and started to get out of bed when Wei Xing finally spoke up.

"Where do you think you're going?" Wei Xing asked.

"Back to my room to change," she replied flatly.

"Dressed like that?" His tone sounded quite harsh as if he took issue with the way she was dressed.

It was true that she was dressed in nothing but a thin layer of robes, but she didn't want to wait for her servants to bring her a new set of clothes. Besides, nobody would be able to see her because she would be too fast.

She was just about to explain this to Wei Xing when he caught her by the arm. He had moved so fast, for a moment, she was sure that Wei Xing had unsealed his spiritual core. The only reason why she doubted that was because she couldn't sense any spiritual energy seeping off of him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Xiu Xiang asked. If he didn't let her go in the next three seconds, she was going to blast him to bits.

What he did next surprised her.

He took off his outer robes and gently placed it over her shoulders. His shoulders were quite broad and it managed to cover her entirely.

"Wear this before you go out," he simply said and then turned away.

Xiu Xiang couldn't help but grin at him. He really was quite the gentleman despite his cold exterior. Her eyes fell on his bright red ears and she practically had to cover her mouth with her hand to keep a laughter from escaping.

"How cute..." she thought. A scent of herbal medicine wafted from the robes that he had given her. It reminded her of the time when they first met. He didn't know who she was, but he still helped her anyway.

Her enemy really was kind...

As she thought this, her heart sank. Somewhere in the near future, the two of them were going to fight to the death and she was the one who was going to die. She told herself not to let his actions sway her. Eventually, she is going to have to kill him.

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