Chapter 46-Date with a Stalker

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The city was quite big so Xiu Xiang could easily race off to another area to have fun. Escaping from a little boy was far easier than escaping from the eyes of two cultivators. She somehow made her way over to the south side of the city. There were many shows put on by traveling troupes. Xiu Xiang instantly recognized one of the troupes. It was the circus troupe that she had ran into a few days ago.

The troupe was putting on a fantastic acrobatic show. The young girl, Yao Yao, was the brightest talent out of the entire group. Her body seemed to bend like elastic as she tumbled and flipped gracefully. She also held colorful ribbons in her hands. It rippled behind her with the wind, casting a beautiful rainbow like effect.

The audience was fascinated by the show. They clapped and cheered to support the group. Xiu Xiang was still wearing a mask but she still wanted to steer clear of the group. Unfortunately for her, right as she turned her back on the troupe, she was seen by the young pretty girl, Yao Yao.

"Isn't that..." Yao Yao's voice blended in with the cheering audience. No one heard her questioning voice.

The streets were awfully packed but Xiu Xiang didn't seem to care. Her eyes darted everywhere. She tried to soak in as much of the scenery as she could. A busy lantern booth was quizzing people on riddles. If anyone got the riddle correct, that person was able to pick out and decorate their own lantern for free. Xiu Xiang didn't care too much for the lanterns as there were still many days left to buy one and make a wish, however, one lantern in particular caught her eyes.

The lantern was a normal oval shape. On it was a picture of a young girl standing at the edge of a cliff. What was stranger yet was a boulder next to her. Words were written next to the picture.

"As long as the heart beats, I will be your faith..." She quietly read the words to herself. It was exactly the same as the words on the boulder at the Cliff of Abyss! Whoever had written this was the same person who had carved those words on the boulder!

Grabbing the booth owner harshly by the sleeve, she asked, "Who painted and wrote on this lantern?"

The booth owner was startled by the sudden tug and almost dropped the lanterns in his hand.

"Aiya! You almost ruined my lanterns!" The booth owner wasn't too happy. He quickly hung up the lanterns in his hand and finally turned to look at the rude customer only to find that she was wearing an ugly painted mask. "What do you want, little girl?"

Xiu Xiang practically shoved the lantern into the man's face as she asked again, "Who painted and wrote on this?"

The booth owner squinted at the writing. Seconds later, he clapped his hands and grinned.

"This lantern, I remember perfectly. It was a tall, dashing hero. He was dressed in all black. He didn't take the lantern and said that its owner would eventually come to pick it up. Are you the one?" the booth owner asked.

Xiu Xiang didn't bother to answer. Her eyes scanned her surroundings, looking for a tall man dressed in black. To her dismay, there wasn't such a figure. Looking down at the lantern again, there were many things she wasn't able to speak out loud.

The festival suddenly looked less lively in Xiu Xiang's eyes. She slowly made her way down the street only to get stopped by a small vendor. It was an old lady selling sugar candies.

"Young Miss, why do you look so down? Here, have a candy!" she chirped. The old lady handed a candy figurine of a rabbit over. Xiu Xiang was about to pull out her coin purse when the old lady waved her off.

"Don't worry about it. It's on me!" the old lady exclaimed. Just like how Xiu Xiang had shoved the lantern into that lantern booth owner's face, the old lady had done the same with the candy.

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