Anxiety came into me faster than it ever did. Faster than when I heard those heavy steps of my father coming to beat and rape me... I started hyperventilating. This was stressing me out. I couldn't think straight. My dull dark red orbs flew from Eijiro to Denki. They looked at me with pure shock and concern.

I decided- no- I just ran away. My mind was spinning. My sight slowly became blurry. I was crying. The only thing that I could think about was one word coming in and out of my mind- run. Nothing else, just run. I actually was scared. The fear overwhelmed me. It was too much.

I didn't know what I was doing. Where I was going. What I was thinking. I felt unconscious, but my body still moved on it's own.

The sight was black. Only the evil laugh, word run, and something or someone yelling. Yelling my name. I saw- actually only imagined- two figures. I couldn't come up with who or what they were.

••• 5 minutes later •••

I still was running. That was the only thing I was sure of now. The laugh shut down, but not the voices that were calling my name. They were still here. I figured out that they probably aren't only my imagination...

Still running, somehow still being conscious and not loosing the oxygen, not being tired, not stopping breathing I slowly got back my senses. I slowed down. Only now I felt the hurting in my legs. I never knew I didn't have any shoes. On me I only had a really big hoodie and some sweat pants.

Soon I stopped running. I stood frozen for a few minutes trying to think about what happened. I was in front of a playground. A playground I remember from my childhood. The only good memories I had came back. The moments when I played with the mysterious kid. My childhood bestfriend.

Now, when I stopped I knew that someone who was calling my name was real. I still heard it, but my mind was processing too many things at the same time, so I couldn't get who was calling me.

I started going somewhere else. I turned right and soon sat on a bench. I watched a few kiddos screaming and laughing. I missed those days when we didn't knew how world could be dangerous. How much words can hurt. When we were innocent and the world was beautiful...

I felt something vibrate in my pocket. It was my phone. There were many messages which I decided to ignore. I turned my phone off and sat looking blankly at the ground and fidgeting with my fingers.

A few seconds later I started crying. I didn't really knew that I was. I looked around and soon closed my eyes. I opened then quickly when again I heard someone calling out my name. That person was close to me. I flinched and looked in the direction. There was no one. I ignored it.

After a few seconds someone said quietly "Bakugou, please...". I heard pain in this voice. I heard concern, worry and kindness.. It came from another direction. I peeked there and I jumped falling from the bench when I saw Kirishima's face right beside mine.

I started to have a little panic attack. I looked around and slightly backed up. My palms hurt from moving on the pure ground. I hurt my feet by hitting a rock (No, I don't mean The Red Head).

Eijiro slowly came closer to me and slightly touched my arm. Of course I flinched. He carefully pulled me into a warm hug. I couldn't hug back. I was in too big shock. I literally forgot how to move. I was just sitting there wide eyed.

A moment later I remembered that there were two people... I looked around. I saw Kaminari sitting and clearly thinking about something. I whispered to Kirishima "C-could you l-let go?.. I-I want to talk to D-Denki..." He quickly let me go and I slowly sat beside Pikachu (I'm gonna call him that, but Baku doesn't call him that yet).

I slightly touched his arm. I wasn't sure of that. It was out of my comfort zone, but I wasn't really thinking about myself, to feel good. I never did...

He surprisingly didn't flinch. He just looked at me and said with kindness in his voice "What did you mean?". At first I tought he was out of his mind, but then I remembered what I said... I couldn't think of anything. His eyes looked sad... Worried... The same look gave me Eijiro when I looked at him.

"I-I'm... I c-can't..." I stuttered for a while, but at some point I stopped thinking. Everything stopped and I just said in a strong and loud voice, suprising them "Not now. You will know when he is ready.".

That was the first time when he took control and said something...

To be continued

A/N: 1515 words. I don't have anything to say. Bye!

[DISCONTINUED!] I'm scared... Please, help me... [Kiribaku/Bakushima]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ