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September 3rd, like I said, was the happiest day of my life, it ended with an amazing night of love with my fiancé, so seeing where we are now, just a few short weeks later, 4 to be exact, you'd be shocked.

"Rafe, what the fuck?!" I whisper shouted, I walked into our room to see him not so discreetly hiding a bag of that god awful white powder, he hasn't touched that stuff since we started dating, he's hardly even drank, but lately, he's going down that same path. "What, Lizzie? Stop acting like my fucking mother!" He snapped, not bothering to keep his voice down. I knew JJ had heard him because his phone call went silent, but I was too angry to care. "I'm not acting like your mother, I'm acting like your fiancé!" I hissed, stepping closer, he stood to his full height, looming over me even though I was still in my heels from work. He grabbed my arm, "you're treating me like a child who doesn't know how to control himself." He seethed, the vein in his neck bulging out, and had this anger been directed to someone else, I'd have been turned on, but right now I was scared, to say the least. "You're acting like one." I responded calmly, flinching when his arm shot off of me, then he broke, quite literally falling to the ground. "I'm sorry, oh my god, I would never hurt you." He cried, hugging himself to me as I stood still, his face resting on my stomach, his tears undoubtedly wetting my skirt, I had just came home from work, not too long after Rafe, so here we were, arguing and crying, still in our nice work clothes. I sighed, resting a hand on his head, "I know you wouldn't baby." I assured him, and deep down I knew it was true, he'd never hurt me physically, but emotionally, I was already at my end.

The next two weeks went on like this until we hit our iceberg, so to speak. I stormed my way into the house, we were Rose's fresh new real estate agents, and I was doing amazingly well, Rafe could be, but he's not putting in the effort, so when I got a call from one of our clients, saying they were at a listing that Rafe was supposed to let them in at, and he wasn't there, I was beyond fuming. Enough is enough. "Rafe!" I shouted, my heels clicking against the tile floor, I heard him in the living room with his friends, playing video games when he should be working, had he even gone to any listings today. I stomped my way around the corner, freezing when I saw the three friends sitting there, again with that horrible white powder on the glass table, except this time I watched as Rafe did two lines effortlessly, like he never stopped. Topper and Kelce had noticed me instantly, Rafe didn't bother to look up as he continued messing with the leftover drugs. I marched my way over to the tv, simply yanking the video game power cord out, holding it in my hand, staring down my enraged fiancé, two can play at this game.

He stood up, guns blazing, "why are you being such a bitch lately?" He snapped, Kelce visibly tensed, being uncomfortable with this situation, Topper stifled back a laugh when I didn't say anything. I calmly walked towards Rafe, I reached up and wiped the small amount of powder from his nose, delicately, not like I was about to what I'm about to do. Slap, the sound of my hand hitting his cheek silenced all of us, "don't you ever talk to me like that again, do you hear me?" I snapped, Topper let out a chuckle and all of us glared at him, "pussy whipped." He muttered looking at Rafe, who would normally jump on his friend for saying such a thing about him. But much to my surprise Rafe nodded, "I can find a better fuck anyways." He hissed, I knew it was the drugs talking, and the alcohol I could so clearly smell on his breath, but I didn't hesitate, grabbing the ring off of my hand. "I'm done, you fucking prick." I threw it at his chest, rushing off as quickly as I could, nearly tripping on the steps when one of my heels fell off, I couldn't have cared less. I've never been so grateful for a spare bedroom, I grabbed as much of my stuff as I could, everything I'd need for the next few days at least, and locked myself in there. Crying for what felt like an eternity. I just dumped him, I broke up with my fiancé that lives in the same house as me, and now I have to live with him.

Three hours had gone by, John B was the only one I let into the room with me, he laid there with me, listening to me rant and ramble over Rafe's idiotic tendencies, he agreed with everything I said, not wanting to upset me more. "This is gonna send him over the edge." John B finally admitted, the words neither of us wanted to say, but we knew it had to come out. "I know, I can't-I can't think about that." I whispered, stuttering over my words, "Booker, promise me you'll help keep him from doing something stupid." I begged, at the same time a crash could be heard from downstairs, followed by Kelce's reprimanding voice, Topper and Rafe laughing, both of them being high off their asses, my stomach jumped at the thought of my once sweet Rafe like that. I buried my face in my brother chest, covering my ears with my hand, I couldn't bare to listen to this. "I promise." He finally whispered, kissing the top of my head as I began crying again.

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