- • NINE • -

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"Pope!" I called, making him whip around, falling off the surf board he was currently standing on, I chuckled as the water splashed up against my legs. "Booker, be careful, it's rough out there!" I called, feeling nervous as I saw the harsh waves, a hurricane was going right past us, barely missing the island, and of course the boys had to catch the waves from it, but I couldn't help but be protective over them. Not wanting to go to the hospital was also an influence on my attitude. Kie stood beside me, she was fun, but not stupid fun, she knew better than to try and surf these currents. We shook our heads, wincing as JJ took a nasty fall, narrowly missing the front of his board on the way down, it felt like an eternity until he popped back up, struggling to climb back on top. "You okay?" Kie shouted, JJ shot a thumbs up, finally getting back on top of the board, I heard the warning alarms beginning to go off, "let's go!" I shouted, no longer being comfortable with this, the boys groaned in annoyance but listened to me nonetheless, JJ, John B and I all piled into the van, Kie and Pope going back to her car, we all agreed to let each other know if we need anything during the storm, but for now, we're going to tough it out.

"JJ Maybank, don't you fucking dare." I pointed an accusing finger at him, he shook up a can of beer and was threatening to open it towards me, he had his finger on the top, about to pry it open when the door was knocked on, it was already pouring out, the wind was blowing, the weather was dark and unpleasant. I stared at the door, slightly afraid to open it, so John B walked up to it, he peeked out the window, "it's for you Lizzie." He sang, walking away from the door, I furrowed my eyebrows walking over, I peeked out the window gasping when I saw a soaked Rafe standing out there. "Rafe? What are you doing here?" I asked swinging the door open, frowning as he shivered slightly, "come in." I pulled him inside, running off to get a towel, he stood in the doorway and I could tell by his eyes that he was high. I pushed my anger aside, I'll deal with that later, I draped the towel over his shoulders, glaring at the two boys who stared at us, I ushered him to my room, kicking the door shut behind me. "Hey, what happened?" I asked softly, walking up to him, he stared blankly at me, this was a different high, he looked upset, he got high to deal with his emotions and they were about to come out. "Baby." I whispered, cupping his face, catching the tear that forced its way out. "I fucked up." He finally muttered, "my dad gave me money to buy a generator, and-and-and." He stuttered over his words, he ran an angry hand through his hair, "and I bought a dirt bike." He sighed, a hiccup forcing its way out, oh and he's drunk. "Did you drive here?" I directed him to sit in the chair in front of my desk, I pulled the blanket off my bed, putting it over him now that he was no longer dripping. "No." He was clearly lying, he wouldn't meet my eyes, "maybe." He admitted when I grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at me. "My dads going to be so pissed, what if we lose power and we don't have the right generator, and shit." He rambled, standing up, the blanket falling off of him, I sighed picking it up, tossing it back on the bed as he paced my room. "Rafe, you have to calm down, you'll fix it, okay? Sell the bike, buy the generator, you won't lose power, the storm turned away from us." I soothed, wrapping my arms around his neck, finally he sighed, and I could smell the alcohol on his breath, there was no way he was leaving like this, it's too dangerous. "You're staying here." I told him, he nodded, knowing I would put up a fight, "I'll sleep on the couch, you need to sleep this hangover away." I explained and he instantly shook his head. "No, I'll sleep on the couch." He sighed, sobering up a bit at the thought. "JJ and John B are out there, you're going to stay in here, I'll go out there and I'll come back to check on you soon, when you're done gagging." I grimaced, rushing to show him the bathroom that was just down the hall, he nodded but didn't move. "I'll be fine." He whispered, pulling his shirt from his body, I blushed, even though it's nothing I've never seen before, I practically live with two teenage boys. "See something you like, Lizzie?" He quipped, "oh definitely, but not today, Rafe." I put a damper to his mood, "sleep tight." I whispered, pecking his lips quickly, it was a sloppy kiss on his part, his hands lazily resting in my hair. "Promise you'll come back soon?" He asked, he sounded like a scared little boy, like I'd leave and never come back to him, "of course baby." I assured him, he smiled at the pet name, I watched him lay on the bed, almost instantly falling asleep, I snuck out quietly, turning to see the two shocked boys.

"Be quiet, he's sleeping." I shushed then when they started making all sorts of noise, "it's seven o'clock!" John B remarked, I glared at him, "I don't care, he's got a major hangover coming on." I explained with a sigh, "how early did he start drinking jeez." JJ muttered, earning a glare from me. "You have no room to talk." I directed my words to the both of them, frowning when Rafe ran out of the room, straight for the bathroom, this is the second time since I've been out here, I was beginning to be worried, how much had he really drank. "Don't say anything." I snapped when my brother went to say a witty remark, he shut his mouth instantly and went back to whatever him and JJ were doing, attempting to wait out the storm, I was beyond bored, I sat there for two hours, listening to them blab on about anything and everything before deciding I was just going to go into my room and check on Rafe. "Hey." I whispered when he rolled over to face me, the sound of the door opening startling him, "how ya feeling?" I asked, keeping my voice low and sweet, he smiled as I laid beside him in the bed. "Better." He mumbled, he had circles under his eyes and I knew he hadn't slept one bit while I was out there. "Come here." I opened my arms, smiling when he moved closer, his head resting on my chest, partially buried in my neck, I had one hand on the back of his head, playing with his hair, the other gently resting on his arm that draped across my stomach. I sighed, feeling his breathing even out, I kissed his forehead lightly as he started drifting off. I continued my movements in his hair until I knew he was in a deep sleep. I pulled my phone out of my pocket carefully, and snapped the best picture I could of him sleeping on me and smiled to myself, setting it as my background before letting my eyes shut, I doubted I would fall asleep but before I knew it I was just as exhausted as he was. Just as I was about to fall asleep, his phone rang, scaring me half to death, making his head shoot up and a pout fall upon his lips. He took the phone out, grimacing, but answering, "yeah, dad?" I frowned at his annoyed expression, going back to playing with the hair on the back of his head. "No, I'm fine." I could hear his dad mumbling but I couldn't make out his words, "I'm staying at my girlfriends house." I grinned at those words, Rafe pressing a quick kiss to my arm that he was leaning against. "Who the fuck is your girlfriend?" I heard Ward shout very clearly, "Lizzie Routledge." Rafe muttered. "Oh." Was all his dad said before deciding he was done conversing with his son, the phone line going dead. "Well, tomorrow will be fun?" I offered, slightly nervous at going to tutor Wheezie now that her dad knows about us. "Yeah, baby, lots of fun." Rafe sighed, returning to his position on me, but now I definitely couldn't sleep, scenarios of tomorrow running through my head. Ward likes me as a tutor, but will he like me for his son? What if he thinks I'm bad for him? Which I know very clearly is the opposite, because let's be real here, Rafe Cameron would have never be laying in another girls arms like this before me.

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