- • TWENTY TWO • -

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I got up in the middle of the night, guilt eating away at me for making Rafe stay on the couch, so I wandered out there, despite it being 2am and both of us having to be at work by 8. Much to my surprise he was awake, staring at the tv that only got one channel, Disney junior, don't ask me how that happened, I've tried moving the god awful antenna but it only ever gets that signal. He had yet to see me standing there in the dark, his face only being illuminated by what sounded like old Mickey Mouse reruns. "Rafe?" I whispered softly, approaching him slowly, "come to bed, baby." I added, watching him look at me, shocked that I was up. "I'm fine." He sighed, not really angry, but not wanting to upset me more, even if I was asking him to come. "I'm sorry, I know he was an ass to you, but I just don't want you to go back to starting fights all the time." I walked up to the couch, kneeling beside him, playing with his messy hair. "Hey, hey, why are you crying?" He cooed, his hand landing on my cheek, rubbing the tears away. "I don't know." I admitted with a small laugh, he cracked a smile, "I'm tired and I just want you to come back to bed with me." I pouted, he pressed his lips to my pout softly. "I won't start fights, all the time." He assured me, his hand reaching for the remote, turning the tv off. I grabbed his hand as he sat up, leading him behind me, back to our room. My eyes almost instantly shut when I laid down, feeling him lay beside me. "I love you." I sighed, feeling the sleep come over me, "I love you, baby girl." His voice sounded distant as I drifted off to his steady breathing.


"Be right with you!" I called hearing someone walk through the front door of The Wreck, I quickly cleaned up the ketchup bottles I had been filling, walking out to the front. I scanned the dining room, my eyes landing on the two new guests, "hello! How are you doing today?" I greeted with a smile, approaching the table, but I felt the wind get knocked out of me as they turned to greet me. I tried to hide my shock when I realized that she didn't know who I was, and if she did, she didn't want the guy with her to know, they both had rings on so I guess she's moved on. My mom was staring back at me, absolutely clueless to who I am, and it was killing me. I was suddenly glad for the fact that I didn't wear a name tag, I don't want her to get the chance. "What can I get started for you?" I asked, thankfully being able to hide the crack in my voice. They rambled off their orders, and I shot them a smile walking towards the back, Kie having just walked in, she looked around and spotted me. I waved my hand, signaling her to come with me. She happily obliged, not knowing what just happened.

I whipped around to face her, once we were out of sight from the dining area. "My mom is out there." I whisper shouted, Kie looked at me like I was insane, "she can't be, why would she come back here?" Kie shrugged me off, completely not believing me. I raised my eyebrows at her, "you know what she looks like, bring them their drinks." I crossed my arms, handing her two glasses of soda, watching as she rolled her eyes and put on a fake smile, walking over to them. I peaked my head around the corner, just as she turned to leave the table. "Holy shit!" She mouthed, speed walking back to me. "I told you!" I sighed, waiting for the food to finish cooking, there was only them and one other couple in here, so I had no chance of not having to be around them. "Did she recognize you?" Kie gasped, glancing towards the doors as they opened, her mouth forming an o shape. I looked and saw John B walking in with our group of friends, and Rafe who they've opened with welcome arms, seeing as he's not going anywhere anytime soon. "No she didn't." I called quietly so it didn't echo through the restaurant as I rushed over to my brother, he can't see her, he'll either flip or turn to mush and I can't handle either of those options right now. "Don't you want to sit outside, sit outside come on." I smiled, ushering them towards the door, Rafe looked at me skeptically, clearly telling something was up with me. "Nice to see you to sis." John B joked, not budging from his spot, "it's too hot outside." I didn't have a comeback for that, because it was extremely hot outside. "Right, well here is good." I pointed to a couple empty tables by the front, knowing they would be persistent of sitting in the back like they always do. I glanced back and saw Kie going to the table my mom was at, distracting her and waving me on behind her back. "Okay, just go to your normal spot." I sighed, walking with them to the corner table, thankfully my moms back was towards it. I shot Kie a grateful look when she approached, "I'll get your food started, Lizzie, help me." She muttered, grabbing me by the hand pulling me along as I tried to greet Rafe. "John B can not see her." She told me, I looked at her incredulously, "really Kie? I didn't think of that." I teased lightly. She rolled her eyes, "I'll do my best to get them in and out of here, you handle our friends." She sighed, quickly grabbing the plates of food as they got slid over the counter to us, practically rushing off to my moms table, leaving me there with a pit in my stomach.

Thirty minutes have passed and I'm still anxiously going between my friends table and the back, wanting to be avoided by my mom at all costs. I had lost all longing for her a while ago, John B says he has, but I know deep down he'd crack if he saw her here. Rafe grabbed my hand, standing up when I went to rush into the back again, he gently pulled me to the side, "what's going on? You have barely said a word." He muttered, raising a questioning eyebrow at me. "That table over there," I paused tilting my head back subtly, he glanced up, looking back towards me with a hum, "that's my mom." I whispered, I don't think I've ever seen his eyes go as big as they just did. "What?!" He whisper shouted, "I thought she left?" He looked confused and I laughed, playing with the hem of his shirt nervously. "She did, apparently she's back but she didn't even fucking recognize me, and I'm terrified John B will see her and then he'll flip." I explained, sighing when he kissed my forehead quickly, Mr. Carrera shooting us a warning glance. "Just don't let him see her, I've gotta get back to work." I rushed, walking away from him. "Okay." He spoke before I got out of earshot, going back to the table.

Finally they were preparing to leave, standing up as Kie took their plates, having to go back in a moment for the glasses since my mom was still drinking from hers. "John B!" Sarah shrieked, him having just knocked her drunk over, soaking her lap. I heard the sound of a glass shattering, my head shot in the other direction, my mom looking back towards the group of teenagers, having just heard her sons name, making the glass fall from her grip. John B thankfully didn't notice, being too busy laughing at his annoyed girlfriend. I sighed, rushing over to my mom and her husband who was looking at her confused, "I'm sorry, it must've just slipped." Her husband apologized for her as I picked up the big chunks, "oh no it's fine." I assured him, glancing up at them as she finally came to her sense, clearing her throat. "Honey are you alright?" He asked, walking around my crouched figure to her. "Yes, yes, I just thought it was someone I knew." She mumbled, I glanced up as she went to move, she met my eyes and in that moment I could tell she realized who I was. "Elizabeth?" She whispered, I assumed her husband had no idea of the life she once had here because he looked at her with confusion plastered across his face. "No, I'm sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone else." I put on a fake smile, never leaving her eyes, she knew it was me, but I wasn't about to admit to it. Not here, not now. "Come on, let's just go back to the house." Her husband gave me one more apology before leading her outside. Kie finally came over with the broom, squatting down beside me, Rafe looked over at me with concern, I shot him a small thumbs up, "are you okay?" Kie asked, and all I could do was nod silently, not trusting my voice right now.

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