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Rafe had gotten up before me, and left, giving me a kiss as I was half asleep, "I'll see you in a couple hours." He whispered, I nodded into my pillow, smiling when he pulled the blanket over me, seeing how I was struggling for warmth. "Bye." I barely spoke as he snuck out my door, my eyes shutting instantly, desperate for some sleep so I could be coherent enough to tutor today.


I pulled my car up to its normal spot in the driveway, I anxiously tapped my fingers against the steering wheel, I had five minutes before I had to go in, five long minutes. I was starting to zone out, so when Ward approached the side of my car I hadn't seen him, he knocked on the window making me jump, nearly honking my horn in the process. I quickly opened my door, grabbing my bag and my keys, standing in front of him. "Hi Mr. Cameron." I smiled politely, although on the inside I was freaking out. "Hello, Elizabeth, is it true that you and Rafe are dating? Or did he just use you as an excuse to be out last night?" I was slightly taken back by his words, was it that hard for him to believe that Rafe and I were in a relationship, I mentally scoffed, "it's true." I answered shortly, adjusting the bag on my shoulder, using it as an excuse to look away for a moment. When I looked back up he had a look in his eyes I couldn't quite figure out, was it disappointment or thought. "Well, I'll apologize now for whatever heart break he'll end up causing you." My jaw dropped at his words, and I became protective over Rafe in that moment, losing my filter. "If you don't mind me saying, shouldn't you be more worried about your son being heart broken than me?" I snapped, walking off towards the house, leaving Ward there to digest my words.

"Why does it look like you pissed my dad off?" Wheezie asked instantly when I just walked in the door, she had been watching through the window apparently, "because I did." I answered simply, walking straight to the table we always worked at, "you? No way!" She gasped running over, having to find out what happened. "You know, him and Rafe had a big yelling match this morning, apparently my brother is dating a girl, my dad called her a pogue tramp. I didn't like that at all." I went blank at her words, and she instantly put two and two together. "You and Rafe? Seriously?" She gasped, I nodded slowly, "that's amazing! I mean he's changed so much since he started dating this girl, turns out it's you! Oh my god, I'm so happy!" Wheezie was practically jumping with excitement, and her happiness was all I needed to remember that it doesn't matter what Ward thinks, because his expectations are astronomically unrealistic. "Enough girl talk, we've got studying to do." I reminded her, nudging her softly, she was still ecstatic, rambling every once in a while about how great I am for Rafe, and vice versa. Wheezie kept saying how he's hardly used since I started coming around, and how he's actually acting like her big brother again, instead of just being a dick, her words, not mine. I couldn't help but smile until she said something that made me choke on air, "I think he loves you." I coughed, and coughed, feeling like someone knocked the wind out of me. "What?" I practically shrieked, looking at her with wide eyes, it's hardly been a month, three weeks, if we're being technical. Now don't get me wrong, I've definitely got strong feelings for him, but I wouldn't say I love him quite yet. That's so much pressure on the relationship and-"earth to Lizzie!" Wheezie snapped me from my thoughts, "you kind of went blank." She pointed out, laughing at my sheepish smile. "If I know my brother, I know he falls hard and he falls quick." She shrugged, as if it was nothing, she's never had a relationship, she wouldn't know what a big deal those words are. "Right, uh okay, let's just finish up." I mumbled, hearing Rafe approach, yay. "Hi, Lizzie." He smiled, leaning against the doorway, "I know she's your girlfriend, you don't have to act so weird." Wheezie pointed out, making us both laugh as he practically ran into the room, sitting beside me. "How's it going?" He asked, referring to the books scattered around the table, we weren't the neatest but we got the job done. "Good." I answered softly, smiling when his hand landed on my leg under the table. "Don't worry, we're almost done, I won't keep you from her any longer." Wheezie teased her brother, earning a light whack on the arm from him, but she was right we were almost done, and being alone with him now with a new light to the situation made me kind of nervous.

Rafe and I walked hand in hand outside, down the dock, he insisted on showing me the boat, I agreed as long as he didn't kidnap me on it. "You okay?" He asked, noticing my silence, "did my dad say something?" He suddenly grew tense, looking back towards the house. "No! No, I'm fine." I assured him, rubbing my thumb along his hand, "promise." I added meeting his eyes. He still didn't believe me, and I don't blame him, because I didn't believe myself, but he decided not to pry. I laughed as he nearly fell walking onto the boat, holding his hands out for me, I graciously took them, climbing onto the boat carefully. "This is really nice." I mumbled, I had seen it from a far, but never up close, John B knew it like the back of his hand, considering it was his summer job to maintain it. "Yeah, we like it." Rafe joked, walking down to the living area, this boat was nicer than my home. I shook the thought from my head, that was something I couldn't wrap my head around, he was dating me, a girl who barely had a dollar to her name, and he's got a fortune to his. I smiled when he glanced back at me, but he didn't meet it, he frowned when he saw the look in my eyes. "Baby, what's going on?" He sat down on the couch, pulling me down by the hand to join him, I went to sit beside him but he pulled me to be on his lap, and I cringed, feeling self conscious but pushing it aside. "Why are you dating me? Like I could never do any of the things you do, I can barely buy groceries for the week and your just casually bringing me on your family's boat." I was embarrassed for admitting it, I looked away my face turning red, and the I sighed once more when he shifted beneath me, well no shit, you're smushing him. That's what my brain told me. I moved myself off of him, and he sighed, turning to face me. "I'm dating you because I think you're a beautiful, funny, amazing girl." He whispered, his hand coming up to my cheek, "Rafe." I sighed, but he shook his head. "Don't do that, please. You're so pretty, nobody could tell me otherwise, especially yourself." He leaned closer, our breath mixing together, we've kissed countless times but I could tell this one would lead to more. "Kiss me already." I whined, grateful for the contact when he connected our lips, his hands instantly roaming my body. I put mine in his hair, something I've learned that he liked very very much. I tensed up for a moment when his hands went under neath my shirt slightly, he pulled away for a moment, making sure I was okay with this. I just smiled and kissed him again, allowing him to pull the fabric up, I moved away, watching as he threw my shirt on the ground before discarding his own. His lips went to my neck, I rolled my head to the side, giving him the access he was looking for, biting my lip to hold back a moan when he bit just below my ear.

Somehow we ended up in one of the bedrooms, both of being left in nothing but our under garments, I was nervous, I'm not sure why, it's not like I'm a Virgin, I'm not new to this. "Do you really want to do this?" Rafe paused his actions, he was hovering over me, one of his hands reached for the clasp of my bra beneath me, I searched his eyes and saw nothing but adoration. "I'm sure."

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