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"No, Sarah. I don't think that's a good idea." I heard Rafe on the other side of the bathroom door, I had just gotten out of the shower, washing the sand and salt water off of me before we left for our date night. "She deserves to have a night without arguing with him!" He whisper shouted, not having heard the water shut off. "I know he's hurt too, they both are, they need a break from each other." Rafe sighed, jumping when I opened the door, wrapped in a towel, "I gotta go." He muttered, hanging up and slipping the phone into his pocket, having already showered and changed. "What's not a good idea?" I asked him, he followed me as I walked to our room, I dug through my small closet, pulling out a simple shirt and ripped jeans. "Sarah wanted to bring John B here so you guys can talk." He mumbled, watching me change into my clothes. "I can't." I sighed, my voice a little scratchy from the breakdown I had on the car ride back here. "I know, you don't have too, that's why we're gonna go out and have fun!" He forced a smile on his face, coming over to me. I hummed, raising my eyebrows as he placed his hands low on my hips. "Oh really?" I teased, smoothing the wrinkle in his polo shirt, biting my bottom lip, "well if you don't stop looking at me like that we're never going to leave the house." He responded, glancing at my lip in between my teeth. I dropped the lip from my mouth, and turning my face away, "is that better?" I questioned, walking away, feeling his eyes on me. "No not really, now you've put all sorts of ideas in my head." He whined following me, I rolled my eyes. "We'll be home before you know it, love."


I reached for the volume knob, turning it up slightly as one of my favorite songs came on, Us by James Bay. Rafe laughed knowingly, also humming along since I listened this song all the time, "tell me how to be in this world, tell me how to breath in and feel no hurt." I sung along softly, looking out the window, feeling Rafe glance at me every once in a while, I smiled as he grabbed my hand, the song slowly coming to an end as we pulled into the mini golf place. "Gimme a kiss." Rafe muttered leaning over, I was confused but naturally kissed him anyways, smiling when he pulled away only to peck me once more, "I love you," he paused, "but you're going down." I gently slapped his arm. "You used to play golf all the time, but baby, you suck at mini golf." I teased him, laughing when he dropped his hold on my hand. "It's on, Routledge." He quipped, climbing out of the truck, waiting for me. "Ok, Cameron." I replied, a smug smile on my face, he couldn't help but still grab my hand as we walked up to the counter. My sweet guy.

"If he makes this putt, he'll tie the game, here we go ladies and gentlemen." I whispered, adding the pressure as we were on the final hole, "shh." He hissed, looking at the ball, towards the hole, then back again. He lightly hit it, freezing as it rolled closer to the hole, I jumped up in excitement. "I win!" I squealed, laughing at the fake pout on his lips, "aww, babe, I'm sorry." I cooed, cupping his face in my hands, I pecked his little pout. "It's not fair." He whined, I rolled my eyes, pulling him along as other people were waiting to get to the hole. "Maybe if you stop acting like a child, you'd get a reward for being a good sport." I smirked, Rafe's not normally one to get flustered, but he was taken back by my words, a light tint working its way up his cheeks. "What kind of reward?" He asked, keeping himself close to me, I raised my eyebrows, "get creative."


I was caught off guard by Rafe's lips suddenly attacking my neck as I unlocked the door to the chateau, "someone's eager." I teased, he didn't answer, simply continuing his motions on my neck, lightly biting just below my jaw. I sighed in content as I got the door open, being pushed in by Rafe, who already had his hands gripping the hem of my shirt. I screamed covering my eyes, walking in on John B and Sarah on the couch, having sex. "Oh fuck." Rafe whipped around, covering his eyes, "I think I'm actually gonna puke." He gagged on his words, "are you two like bunnies?! Jesus!" I snapped, turning around, "Lizzie that's not an image I want in my head!" Rafe shouted, laughing when he heard me walk into the door. "Damn it." I hissed, rubbing my forehead. Sarah and John B scrambled to cover themselves, both of them being mortified. "I don't think I can have sex ever again." Rafe muttered, I finally found my way outside, slamming the door shut, finally opening my eyes. "Wow, thanks, I love you too." I remarked, crossing my arms, "but it's horrible isn't it! At least this is the only time you've walked in on them!" I added, laughing as he grimaced. "Stop talking about him fucking my little sister!" Rafe covered his ears, shaking his head profusely. "We're not deaf you know!" John B shouted, opening the door, finally clothed, "you seemed to be when you didn't hear us coming in. Talk about a mood killer." I groaned, wrapping my arms around Rafe's torso, resting my chin on his chest looking up at him. "Indeed." He sighed in response, kissing the tip of my nose, laughing as I crinkled it up. "Ugh, god, I think I'd rather walk in on you guys having sex." John B muttered walking away, "can you handle walking past your sister?" I asked teasingly, wanting to go inside and get out of the humid air. "If I have too." He whined, following me into the house, glancing at Sarah with a grimace, he's so dramatic.

"Oh my god, you lived." I teased when he shut the door to our bedroom, it still feels odd saying that, but I pushed it aside as Rafe pushed me back against the bed. "Cuddles?" I pouted, holding my arms out for him, he laughed, pulling his shirt off of his head, "don't you want to change first?" He asked with a laugh, knowing I would complain about being in jeans as soon as he laid down. "You know me too well." I smiled, standing up and quickly putting my pajamas on, "I don't care that it's only four, I'm not leaving this house anymore today." I quipped when he put sweatpants on, laughing at my outfit choice. "Lizzie, cuddles?" He asked, mimicking me from earlier, holding his arms out, "of course, honey." I teased, laying down on the bed beside him, shrieking with laughter when he pulled my back against him, hiding his face in my neck. "You're such a softie." I mumbled, smiling as his lips grazed my skin in a chaste manner. "Is that an insult? Because it kind of hurt my manly ego." He whispered, sighing against my shoulder, resting his chin on it, his cheek leaning against mine. "It's a compliment, because it means you can be so gentle when I need you to be, but you can be such a tough guy when you have to." I explained softly, keeping myself from rambling on about my love for him. "I could go on and on about you." I whispered under my breath, smiling as I could feel his face warm against mine. "Who's stoping you?" He retorted, smiling against me, letting out a breathy laugh. My eyes fluttered shut at the simple noise, it being like music to my ears after the day I've had with my mother. "Hmm okay," I hummed, thinking about what I wanted to say, "you're obviously handsome, but I love your personality, the way you say whatever comes to mind. I love your smile, and how it never fails to make my heart skip a beat, and the way your eyes always show me what you're feeling. But, my all time favorite thing about you, is how much you care about your sisters, and your friends, even my brother. It's just so attractive to me when you show how you feel." I ranted, my cheeks turning bright red when he didn't speak for a while, he wrapped his arm a little tighter, placing a quick kiss to my cheek before leaning back, pulling me to face him. I met his eyes and just like I had mentioned, I could see the happiness swimming in them.

"My turn." He muttered, a nervous smile coming to my face, "I love the way you always fiddle with your shirt when you get nervous, or embarrassed. I love how you always ask me how my day was before I can even kiss you hello, and how your eyes light up every time I see you. The way you care for my sisters, the way you care for you brother, and how you always make sure that everyone else is okay before yourself. I love that you trust me to be the person to see you cry, how open you are with me, and god, you are just fucking gorgeous." He rambled, smiling lovingly at me when he saw my eyes water up, "I just love you." He whispered, wiping the stray tear from my cheek. "And I just love you." I responded, loving the feeling of his slightly calloused hand resting on my cheek, warming me all the way to my heart. "We're so cheesy." He added, saying whatever came to his mind, just like I said he does. "Not all the time," I pointed out, "but just enough for it to be romantic." I concluded, kissing him, pulling him down to lean on me slightly. "Whatever you say, pretty lady." He laughed pulling away, and resting his head on my chest, sighing in content. And that's how we stayed for the next few hours, just enjoying each other's presence.

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