- • SEVEN • -

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It felt like an eternity until we started arguing.

"Why the fuck not, Liz?" John B snapped, I closed my eyes briefly, thinking of all the blowout fights we've gotten into, "because that's what you do, you get angry, you run off, you need to learn to face your problems!" I responded, he shook his head, that all too familiar darkness filling his eyes. "I could say the same to you, you disappear at night to do god knows what! You're setting unrealistic standards!" He shouted, Kie visibly jumped at the sharpness of his voice, Pope instinctively pulled her into his side. "I don't run away in the middle of a disagreement, I go to let myself cry it out in peace because the one person who should be there with me is the one who's doing this to me!" I yelled at him, feeling the tears run down my face, he didn't say anything, so I kept going. "I'm working my ass off to keep you safe, to keep you fed, and healthy, a roof over your head. You're treating me like I'm some evil bitch of a sister, because you think dad's coming back, well he's not, he's dead, Booker! He's fucking dead!" I walked up to him, he didn't flinch as I stared him down. "I know it's hard, you think I don't miss him? I loved him, he was my dad, the first guy who ever took care of me! But he's gone and now someone needs to take care of you, if you don't wrap your head around that you're going to end up being taken away from me!" I shouted, he shook his head. "You don't mean that, he's not dead." That's all he took from my rant. "Man, I think she's right." JJ spoke softly placing his hand on John B's shoulder, he whipped around to face him, accidentally hitting me in the process, my hand shot up to my cheek as it burned with pain, he was too fired up to notice as he grabbed JJ by the collar of his shirt. Rafe ran over to me, "are you okay?" He asked rubbing his finger over the red mark, I nodded. "I'm fine." I sighed, pulling myself from his grip. "Chill the fuck out!" JJ shouted, trying to push John B off of him. "John B, let him go!" Kie snapped, pushing against him, he looked to her and to me as I stood there, the red mark on my face welting up all ready.

"Fuck you, Lizzie, I'm leaving." He dropped JJ's shirt, glaring at me as he walked to his van. "Yeah that's right, go run off to Sarah's house!" I shouted everyone gasped at my words, including myself. "Is she serious?" Kie asked, she seemed even more hurt now than she did when I said Rafe was my boyfriend. Rafe stepped in front of me when John B started coming back over to me, "I think she's had enough for one day." Rafe sighed, keeping John B away from me. I cringed, knowing this wouldn't go over well, "do you think you're all high and mighty because you're her little boyfriend? Like what the hell are you even doing with her?" His words stung, and part of me wasn't even mad for Rafe punching my brother square in the jaw. Instantly I grabbed Rafe, pulling him back, "stop, stop, baby please." I pleaded, he nodded, and I released him, everyone was shocked by how he just listened to me. I got directly in front of my brothers face, hating myself for the words I was about to say, but I had to do it. "Don't you ever talk about me like that again, you're not welcome back in this house until you respect me. Leave." I spoke calmly, and he looked at me, bewilderment spread across his face. "Don't have to ask me twice." He all but spit in my face, storming off to his van, our friends watching in shock. I turned to face them, and Rafe who were all looking at me with concern, "fuck." JJ ran a hand through his hair, "I'm sorry." He muttered, hesitating to come over to me. I wrapped him up in my arms, "it's alright, you didn't do anything." I whispered, Rafe looked mortified as everyone turned to look at him. "Listen man, I'm not going to start shit, so just don't break her heart and we'll be good." JJ spoke confidently, "I would never." Rafe spoke instantly, Kie smiled at me, a knowing smile, she was good at reading people. "Ok, but wait, Sarah and John B?" Pope asked, I had even forgot I had spilled the beans.

"Yeah, we caught them at my house this morning." Rafe grimaced just at the thought, JJ laughed at the face he pulled, but then made his own disgusted face, "ew you two were-ugh." JJ pretended to throw up, I whacked the back of his head lightly. "Not that it's any of your business but that's not what we were doing." I laughed at him, Pope and Kie smiled, "we should give you two some space." Kie spoke up, dragging the two boys along with her, "why?" Pope asked cluelessly, "just shut up." She sighed, waving at us before loading up into her car. I walked over to Rafe, reveling in all that just happened, it was a crazy afternoon to say the least. "It's no Cameron house, but did you want to come inside?" I offered, pointing to the chateau. "Sure." Rafe shrugged, following in behind me, his arm around my shoulders. I was embarrassed when we walked in, of course the boys left it as a giant mess. I picked up a few things as Rafe looked around, his eyes landing on my all time favorite picture. I had to be about seven, I was on my dads back and John B was hanging on his legs, it was the summer our mom left, and our dad had done everything to make us happy that year. By far one of my favorite memories. "It's a good picture." I called, from the kitchen, he hummed in response, I could hear his feet moving around. I rushed out of the kitchen when I heard him walking down the hall towards my dads office, "we don't go in there." I snapped, unintentionally as he reached for the knob, "I'm sorry." He turned to face me, shocked by my outburst. "It was my dads office, we haven't gone in there since he died." I explained softly, he nodded in understanding. "So, I was thinking, since we've had one hell of a day, we could go out tomorrow, like a real date?" He bit his lip, waiting for my answer, I decided to tease him a bit. "Well, see I don't know, tomorrow night won't work for me." I spoke very monotone, he frowned, "right, well what-" "I'm kidding, of course I'd like to go on a real date with you." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss, shocked that this is really happening. "I'll pick you up, six o'clock, dress nice." He mumbled, had he already planned this? "How nice?" I questioned, thinking back to my wardrobe, I don't really have anything too nice, but I can whip something up I suppose. "Hmm, dinner at Chapel Hill nice." He hummed in response, I raised my eyebrows. "That's not much of my style." I pointed out, but taking my words back when he frowned. "But it is nice to be treated once in a while, thank you." I kissed him again, my mind going back to what I'll have to wear. "You sure? We can do something else." He offered, but I shook my head, I want him to take me where he wants to take me. "No, it will be fun." I assured him, smiling when he agreed. "I can't wait to see you all fancied up." He teased, looking over my shorts and t shirt, "not that I don't love this look." He clarified, squeezing my sides for a moment, I pulled back slightly, not liking the thought of him feeling the small rolls to my sides. He furrowed his brow but didn't pry, simply removing his hands from me, "I'll see you tomorrow." He bid me goodbye and walked out the door, leaving me to think about what just happened.

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