- • FIFTEEN • -

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It's been two horribly long weeks since I broke up with Rafe, I quit the tutoring gig, much to Ward's surprise, which was idiotic in my opinion, how could he think I'd continue to work for him after he made me break up with his son. I was thankful to be offered a full time job at The Wreck, it was a plus that it was busy season, so the tips were even better. But tonight was a party at the boneyard so I was finally going to let loose, get drunk, and not have a care in the world.

Arriving at the sandy beach before everyone else was always something I did, knowing that everyone else was arriving in a few minutes with the keg. I sat close to the water, allowing it to come up to my feet, making me feel grounded, safe. I was silently praying that Topper and Rafe didn't show up, because I couldn't stand to see either one of them, Sarah was coming, which is fine, I've got no reason to be angry at her, we've actually gotten close over the weeks. "Yo, Lizzie!" JJ shouted, I turned just in time to see him chucking a sleeve of red solo cups at me, I yelped ducking as it narrowly missed my head. "Rude!" I shouted grabbing it before it could get pulled out into the ocean. "Sorry." He replied, him and Pope setting the keg down in the middle of the sand, smiling in success. I chuckled walking over to them, sighing as John B attempted to scratch under neath his cast. "Four more weeks." I reminded him, much to his annoyance. "I know." He whined, dramatically putting his chin on my head, sighing in the process. I rolled my eyes, stepping out from under him, helping key spread out recycling bins, save the earth ladies and gents.

The party was really livening up, kooks, pogues and tourons all gathered together, drinking like it was water. I saw that all too familiar head of hair walking around the crowd, but it wasn't Rafe, it was Topper. Pope yelled running after me when I stormed toward Topper, ready to beat the living shit out of him. "Lizzie, are you insane?" He scolded grabbing me by the shoulders, pulling my back against his chest. "Aw, did you already move on? Here's a news flash, Rafe is a fucking mess and you're out here living your best life." Topper snickered, Pope lost his hold on me when I launched forward, slapping Topper with all my might, not even caring about the burning sensation in my hand. "Fuck you, stay away from us, I love him!" I snapped, JJ ran up, "alright, alright we're done here." JJ soothed, pulling me away, I fought against his grip, "no, no, fuck you Lizzie, that's all he was to you anyways." Topper scoffed, and I met those blue eyes that peaked out from behind him. Rafe, his eyes showed everything, he was higher than I had ever seen him, and it terrified me, it broke me. I stopped fighting and allowed JJ to lead me away, directing me to John B who welcomed me with open arms, feeling horrible that I was breaking like this. "Booker, it hurts." I whispered, I could feel his chest rise and fall with a sigh, "I know, Lizzie." He muttered, kissing the top of my head, leading me away from the party, not wanting people to stare at me any longer.

We sat on a downed tree trunk for a while, finishing the beer in our cups, "I feel horrible." John B muttered after the silence had became too dark. "Why?" I asked him, turning to face him, "if I had just left, or if I hadn't kept sneaking around with her this wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't be in a cast, you'd still be with Rafe you'd be happy." He ranted, I frowned at him. "No, don't say that, you did what was right! You were protecting Sarah, you love her, don't worry about me I'll be fine." I assured him, the last thing I need is him feeling guilty for this. "Don't blame yourself." I added, glancing back towards the party as I heard a commotion. Sirens could be heard in the distance, shit, John B and I jumped up, finding our group of friends, and pulling them out of there, everyone scrambling to get away, nearly no one here was of age. Sarah was with us, I did a mental checklist, good, everyone was here. We began running to the van, but I froze when I saw an ambulance pulling up, I whipped around, looking along the nearly empty sand. My breathing hitched when I saw Rafe laid out on the ground, Topper hovering over him. "Rafe!" I screamed, not caring if I got busted for underage drinking, he was on the ground, jerking in ways I've never seen before. "Oh my god, Rafe!" Sarah shouted taking off in the same direction as me, both of falling to the ground beside him, I couldn't cry in this moment, I was too nervous. "Watch out!" The paramedic shouted, all three of us jumping away, I watched as he stopped moving and they instantly shot something in his nose, his eyes shooting open as they loaded him onto a stretcher. He overdosed, Sarah and I watched in shock as they ran off with him, Topper was pacing in shock, unsure of what to do. I turned to Sarah and pulled her in for a hug as she started crying, realizing what had just happened. Both of us sat there crying as John B ran over, doing his best to comfort us both. Topper had since disappeared, saying he'd call Ward. Kie had her head buried in JJ's chest, shocked that she had just seen someone nearly die, and Pope stood in shock watching us cry on the beach.

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