- • FOUR • -

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I woke to the sound of the kitchen cabinets slamming open and shut, John B's grumbling following soon after, I sighed, throwing the blankets off of me, feeling some slightly cool air hit my legs as I rolled out of the bed. "Why are you making so much noise?" I snapped swinging my door open, he was walking around in a pair of basketball shorts, muttering to himself, he whipped around to face me. "Because I can, and I'm starving." He sighed, before finally having to eat a bowl of cereal like usual, I pushed the thought aside. "I'll go shopping after I leave the Cameron's." I assured him, going back into my room to find clothes and go shower, it was actually later in the morning than I thought it was, and I almost over slept, and the last thing I want is to be late on my second day tutoring Wheezie.

I tapped my knuckles against the door as I saw someone walk past the frosted glass, I saw them stop and look towards me, slowly approaching. Of course, Rafe. He opened the door and didn't say anything, walking off, I frowned for a moment before walking in and going to the same spot Wheezie and I had been just a couple days ago, she was already sitting there, writing away in her notebook, headphones in her ears. I tapped her shoulder, laughing lightly as she jumped, a giant pencil mark going through her writing. "Sorry." I smiled at her once she removed the earbuds, "it's fine." She laughed, a smile falling on her face. "You look nice." She commented, I was wearing skinny jeans and a more decent one of my shirts, it fit me nicely nothing special but it was nicer than what I normally wear. "Thanks." I smiled at her, flipping her book open, deciding what we should work on today. "I saw you Monday night." She spoke suddenly, I furrowed my brows, Monday night? Oh shit. "What do you mean?" I asked, playing stupid, she rolled her eyes at me, placing her hand over the text book, keeping me from continuing to read. "You helped Rafe come home, thanks." Is all she said, changing the subject back to algebra, I nodded, "right, no problem." Why'd I get so worked up? That really is all I did.

"Another great day, Wheezie." I assured her, the two hours flying by once again, she was a fun young girl, and she was not like the rest of her family, she has yet to be tainted by the kook lifestyle, mostly. "Wheezie? Great? I doubt it." Rafe muttered walking towards us, he ruffled his little sisters hair, both of us looking at him shocked, was that almost a sign of affection. "Don't touch my hair." Wheezie groaned, fixing her slightly frizzy hair, I laughed under my breath, making sure I had all my things. I could feel Rafe's eyes on me, it was intimidating, and quite frankly, annoying, I knew he wasn't into me, in anyway more than the fact that I was a girl who showed him some kind of attention, and I wasn't going to give him the attention that he actually wanted. "Good god, Rafe, stop staring at the girl." Wheezie snapped at her brother, but a small smirk tugged at her lips as we both looked away. "I'm just gonna go." She mumbled, bolting out of the room, leaving me there wide eyed as her older brother took her seat in front of me, what was he doing and why did I like it. "Thanks, for the other night." He looked relatively awake and healthy when he spoke, I don't think he had done anything bad yet today, I smiled at the thought, before remembering I hadn't answered. "It's fine, I just didn't want anything bad to happen to you." I replied, was that too straight forward? "It wasn't." He replied instantly, "did I say that out loud?" My face turned bright red, I tipped it down, allowing my wavy hair to fall and frame it. "Yeah." He laughed, leaning back against his chair, "I should get going." I spoke suddenly, I was beginning to feel more anxious than I was comfortable with, and knew that my brother would question me, and I didn't feel like lying today. "You don't have to leave." Rafe rushed his words, sitting up at the same time I did, causing our heads to knock together. I hissed in pain, pulling back, rubbing my forehead, "ouch." I laughed as he was embarrassed. "Shit I'm sorry." He looked worried, making me smile widely. This side of Rafe was kind of nice, "it's okay, I think I can handle it." I joked, the pain starting to subside. I watched him run a hand through his gelled hair, leaving it slightly a mess, it looked so much better. I smiled, making him smile for a second, "you uh, you wanna stay for a bit?" He asked, hesitation practically dripping from his voice, I chewed my lip in thought. "I'd really wish you'd stop doing that." He added, I froze, what is he-oh- I dropped my lip from my mouth, laughing when he glanced at it for a moment. "Rafe Cameron, aren't you supposed to be the guy with the smooth moves? I shouldn't be catching you staring." I teased, liking the effect it was seeming to have on him, "Elizabeth Routledge, aren't you supposed to be answering my question?" He quipped, meeting my flirty eyes. "Touché." I smiled, "and call me Lizzie." This time he smiled, "Lizzie." He muttered, liking the way it rolled off his tongue. "But sure, I think I can spare a little time." I finally answered his question.

"Much better than the other night." I joked, walking into his room, dropping my bag on the floor by the door, "it's like you knew you'd get me up here, confident, maybe too confident." I added, walking around the room, I landed my eyes on a picture of him and his sisters as kids, I was surprised to see it up in his room, it was in the corner, but still, it was something. "I wouldn't say that, I mean, you are in here." He pointed out, a confident smirk on his face as he sat against his headboard, watching me look around the room taking it all in it was absurdly large, bigger than mine and John B's rooms put together. John B, my mind went back to the boy who was probably waiting for me to return with groceries, I pushed the feeling aside as I caught Rafe's eyes. "What are you doing?" I asked him, his brows furrowed, "what do you mean? I'm looking at you." He responded quickly. I sighed, "no kidding, but why?" I asked for clarification, he rolled his eyes. "Lizzie, you didn't strike me as the type to be insecure." He admitted, I stared at him incredulously, "I'm not insecure, I'm asking a valid question. Rafe Cameron has me in his room, he's not blatantly hitting on me, he's staring at me, a pogue who he typically treats like shit." I crossed my arms, staring him down as his mouth opened and closed, no words coming out. "Exactly, so if you're done assuming I'm insecure about myself, maybe you tell me why you're acting so different all of a sudden?" I sat on the edge of the bed in front of him. I breathed in through my nose harshly when he connected our lips, it was a somewhat sloppy kiss, but still a very nice one. "What was that? Why'd you do that?" I asked instantly, Rafe laughed, "why do you think? I like hanging around you." He answered, like it was obvious. "You barely know me." I pointed out, he shrugged. "True, but I want to change that." He mumbled, looking away, I smiled to myself, deep in the back of my mind, I was telling myself not to do it, but I did it anyway. I leaned forward kissing him once more, a much slower, tender kiss, "I think something can be arranged."

ROUTLEDGE | rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now