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a/n: haircut reference photos because I was too lazy to describe it, I love that hairstyle on drew im-

I clocked out with a relieved sigh, I had worked an opening and closing shift, with a one hour break in between, meaning Rafe was already at home, most likely impatiently waiting for me to arrive, wanting to know how I'm doing. "Goodnight, Mr. Carrera!" I called, walking past his open office door, "goodnight!" He replied, waving his hand absentmindedly. I walked out the door, feeling the light breeze brush my skin as I headed for my car, keys already out, hating the dark parking lot. "Elizabeth!" She shouted, I froze, why was she back. "Sorry, wrong person, remember?" I responded, continuing the short walk to my car, but at this moment it felt like an eternity. "Elizabeth, I know it's you, and I know that was your brother earlier." She followed me, I sighed, unlocking my car and throwing my purse into the passenger seat, finally turning to face her. As mean as it may sound, it killed me that she looked great, happy, healthy, clearly having married up or made a great career for herself because she was dressed nicely. Comparable to a kook, I bit the inside of my cheek, waiting for her to speak. "If you don't have anything to say, I need to be going." I snapped, she took a sharp breath, "hows your father?" She asked, of all things, I let out a devilish laugh, "dead." I remarked. "What?" She practically whispered, "he went missing at sea, almost a year ago." I explained, my voice not moving from it's bland state. "Oh, no, Elizabeth-" "Stop! Just stop, what gives you the right to come back and talk to me like you're still my mother?!" I cut her off, feeling my anger bubble up, my phone began ringing in my pocket, she stayed silent as I slid it out, answering the call from Rafe. "Hey." I sighed out, "you should've been home by now, is everything okay?" Rafe rushed, I heard crickets in the background telling me he was probably laying out in the hammock. "I'll tell you when I get home," I paused shooting my mother a look as I climbed in the car, "love you, bye." I added, watching as she stepped away from the car, knowing she wouldn't be able to stop me from leaving. I saw her in my rear view mirror as I sped away, not wanting to look back and see her again. I could only hope she doesn't remember where the chateau is.

I slammed my car door shut, startling Rafe who sat up in the hammock nearly falling out of it. "Baby, what's wrong?" He sighed when I walked up to him, he was barely able to see me in the dark, but the moon illuminated my face just enough for him to see the tears brimming in my eyes. "She tried talking to me when I was leaving, I just kept brushing her off, and I'm so happy you called." I rambled shortly, feeling his hands get tangled in my hair, gently pushing my face back, kissing me tenderly. I melted into his touch, letting my worries settle themselves, "come on, it's late, let's go inside." He muttered after finally moving away from me, I pouted at the loss of contact but followed him into the house, quietly since John B was sleeping, Sarah at her house with Wheezie for once. "Guess what?" I suddenly remembered what I wanted to tell him earlier, but ended up getting distracted by my mother. "What?" He asked childishly, "I'm off tomorrow." I cheered, a smile coming across his face, "fucking finally." He laughed, pulling his shirt off, laying in the bed in only a pair of basketball shorts. "I know, both of us off on the same day." I laughed at how ridiculous it sounded, but that's what it's come down too, we both work five days a week at least, and our days off never seem to line up, considering we both had varying schedules, neither of us being at our jobs long enough to ask for set ones. "Whatever will we do with all that free time?" Rafe remarked, rolling to use my chest as a pillow, I laughed as he placed a chaste kiss at the base of my neck, slinging an arm over me sleepily. "We could go to the beach? Or on an actual date, you know, like normal teenage couples do." I quipped, smiling as he shook with laughter, "that'd be nice." He hummed, a happy sigh following when I began running my fingers through his hair. "Maybe take you to get a haircut, you're in desperate need." I teased him. He shot his head up, I groaned as he pushed against my stomach in the process. "Sorry." He muttered, moving his arm before going back to his shocked face, "I thought you liked my hair like this?" He gasped, a hand going over his heart, "I'm hurt." He pouted. I gently tugged on the mop sitting upon his head, smirking, "believe me, I do like it, but the way you slick it back for work makes you look like a wanna be mob boss." I bursted his bubble, thinking I was going to go somewhere sexual with it. "Fine, I'll go get a hair cut." He mumbled like a little boy who was being forced into something. "Ohh, you're going to look so handsome." I squealed making him laugh at my antics, "maybe I'll even get a little something done." I raised an eyebrow, "oh?" He chirped, smirking at me. "I want to go a little shorter?" I spoke, but it sounded more like a question as I put my hand to just above my collar bone. He nodded, "that would look good." He smiled, "but you'd look beautiful no matter what." He added, I rolled my eyes. "I'm not having sex with you when my brother is on the other side of the wall." I reprimanded him, "oh thank god!" John B shouted, I gasped sitting up in the bed. "Stop eavesdropping!" I snapped in return, knowing he was leaning against the wall, I slammed my hand against it, hearing him tumble off his bed. "Ouch!" He called making Rafe and I laugh. "Karmas a bitch!" Rafe shouted, returning back to his position on me.

"Awe, my baby." I teased when he forced my hand back to his hair. "Shut up." He muttered against my skin, letting his eyes flutter shut at my touch.


"Why are you so nervous?" I asked Rafe with a soft laugh, placing my hand on his knee that kept bouncing, "it's just a haircut, love." I added, squeezing his knee. "I'm honestly afraid it's going to be ugly." He chuckled, feeling embarrassed for admitting it, his knee slowing to a stop under my hand. "Don't say that!" I gasped, looking at him in shock, "remember what you told me, no matter what you'll be beautiful." I teased, but he knew I meant it. "You think I'm beautiful?" He retorted, over exaggeratedly smiling, "ha-ha, of course I do, you're the most handsome man I've ever met." I spoke genuinely, suddenly becoming the nervous one when it was my time to get a hair cut.

But all our worries ended up being for nothing, as both of us looked good with our fresh cuts.

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