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Rafe went back to work today, and this was my last day off, I took one more day than Rafe, telling him I just needed a me day, he agreed, kissing me goodbye and promising to be home as soon as he can. That was about an hour ago, it was almost 9 o'clock now, and I decided it was about time to get out of bed and be slightly productively today, deciding to clean the chateau. I slipped into some soft shorts and a tank top and began cleaning, starting with the dreaded kitchen, there was a layer of dust on just about everything. I started getting into the zone, music playing, so when I heard a knock on the door it made me jump right out of my skin. I sighed, pausing the music on my phone, walking to the door hesitantly, it's not everyday that we get visitors here. I peeked out the window, seeing an unfamiliar suv parked in the dirt driveway, I caught a glimpse of the guys side profile, my skin crawling, Jason. I opened the door, plastering a smile on my face, "hi, Jason." I spoke happily, hoping he would meet my tone, but he didn't. "You fucking lied to me, I know who you are. You're Landon's slutty ex." He hissed, stepping into the house, fuck. "I know I just didn't want to talk about it." I muttered, hoping he'd believe me. "Bullshit, you don't care about him, you never did." Why did Jason even care? Landon is the one who ruined our relationship. "Did you drive all the way out here just to yell at me?" I snapped, instantly regretting it when his hand shot to my throat, backing me up to a wall, "get off!" I shouted, trying to pry his arm off of me, but it was no use. "You ruined your mother's life, you worthless girl!" He shouted, spit landing on my face, I grimaced, surprisingly not crying as I tried to get him off of me. "You're drunk." I spit back in his face, knowing it was a horrible idea, but I couldn't keep myself from doing it, "I've gotta be to put up with your shitty excuse of a mother." He hissed, pushing harder against my neck, I was certain to have a bruise. "Don't talk about her like that." I raised my knee, hitting him right where I wanted to, making him stumble back for a moment.

I took the chance and took off running towards the kitchen, knowing I could at least grab a knife, anything to protect myself, but of course I tripped over a loose floor board, landing with a thud, I hissed in pain, feeling the wood cut my shin. "You bitch!" He snapped, flipping me onto my back, staring into my eyes with a devious look. We both froze when my phone started ringing in my pocket, he pulled it out making my stomach jump, "answer it, tell him you're fine." Jason snapped seeing John B's picture on the screen. I nodded, fighting back my emotions as I answered, "hey, Booker." I spoke, keeping my voice level, "are you coming to the beach?" My brother asked, I bit my lip wishing I had gone with him this morning. "Uh, no, lady problems." I told him, knowing he wouldn't question it, "I'm actually pretty tired, I think I'm going to take a nap." I added, selling my lie to him. "Oh, alright." And that was the end of the conversation, my phone being yanked from my hand, and tossed to the other side of the room once he had hung up. Jason let go of me for a second, and I took the opportunity, pinching him in the nose just like John B had taught me to do. I quickly scrambled up and successfully got to the kitchen, grabbing the giant steak knife, holding it out in front of me. Jason stood, his nose bleeding, "don't come near me!" I shouted, jabbing it forward as he stepped closer. Two can be crazy, "I'll fucking do it!" I snapped, Jason looked hesitant, ultimately deciding to try and come at me again, and I swung the knife, my eyes shutting as it made contact with his side, giving him a good slash. "You're gonna pay for this." He seethed, holding his hand to his side as he rushed out the door, slamming it shut. I quickly ran to the door, ignoring the pain in my leg from the wood cutting it. I locked the door, heading to the back door as well making sure it was locked, and all the windows, I heard his car driving off, and I felt relieved but paranoid at the same time. My throat felt scratchy, readjusting to being able to breath fully, I could already feel the tenderness of the bruises on my skin, I slowly walked back to the corner of the living room, where there would be no windows or doors behind me, sliding down the wall, still holding the knife in my hand, shaking as I sat down. A sob finally tearing through me, over and over again until I couldn't cry anymore, I never moved from that spot, despite my stomach telling me to eat, or my body telling me to drink, I stayed put, jumping at every single sound.

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