Happy Times

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The wedding happened without a hitch. The family was excited as they watched the couple become one after almost three and a half decades of being in love. They wanted something simple and thus in a very small event in the front yard of the mansion, they got married.

Miguel looked at Alexander, away from the couple.

"When I retire, I want more kids," said Miguel.

Alexander looked at him.

"We can adopt. Your health was not at the best when you were pregnant with Zy," said Alexander worrying his lips.

"Because I was straining myself. I want to adopt but we do have more than enough time, love and money. I want to give birth," said Miguel with a small smile.

Alexander pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"If that's what you want. But you better stay in bed this time," said Alexander, the worry not gone completely but he looked satisfied when Miguel nodded in agreement.


Gustavo looked at Florentino as they say by each other's side in their room on the night of their wedding.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Gustavo.

"Life is strange. It takes, gives- I don't know why but we still cling onto it. Some, like us, realise their dreams. What about the people who never get to? Like Jennifer," said Florentino and he broke down.

He hugged Gustavo tightly. They stayed like that for sometime and then fell asleep hugging each other. Almost nine months after Gustavo's return, Florentino Corrolla became Florentino Corrolla Almaraz.


Juan was ready to leave for his classes, a week later.

"Wait a second Ju. I have changed your guard since we need Ismalove somewhere else. He says hello and will be back in a week," said Alexander looking up from a file he was going through.

"You didn't send Isme anywhere dangerous did you?" asked Juan wondering about the man. He is pretty old , around Gustavo's age.

"No. I didn't ask. He went somewhere on father's orders," said Alexander.

That sobered up Juan who nodded in understanding.

"Will you be fine with Adrian accompanying you?" asked Alexander.

"Okay," said Juan and left.

After Juan left, Gustavo walked in.

"Where is the mini one? I will drop him," said Gustavo.

"He left father. Adrian took him," said Athen looking irritated at that.

"What? Who- Alexi, why would you send the kid with Adrian of all people?" asked Gustavo.

"Well, I have learned to let them face their fears over time. They will be fine. Adrian wouldn't try anything," said Alexander.

"How can you be so sure. Juan is a kid. I can't believe this. What were you thinking?" asked Gustavo, snapping, furious at Alexander.

"I raised him, not you. I know how to do it going forward also," snapped Alexander, irritated. He himself was a bit worried even though he took the decision. His father's obvious worry at that was not helping.

Gustavo looked like he was slapped and Alexander regretted his words the moment they left his mouth.

"I may not have raised him. But that child calls me father and I call him my son. Legally, he is my son too. If we go that far. Now, I am going to go check on that kid," said Gustavo furious as he left. Athen rushed after him, not wanting the man to go alone, especially when he is this angry.

Florentino who walked in with Este looked between the father and the son. Alexander looked down, a bit ashamed.

"What happened here?" asked Flore as he made Este sit for his breakfast.

Ezra told him about everything that went down. Flore looked at Alexander.

"Come with me," he said and extended his hand. Miguel snorted and took Syrus and Zy away to eat with Este. His husband is going to get his due from his father in law and Miguel would rather not hear it.

Alexander took his dad's hand like a child about to be scolded. They walked out and Flore looked at him.

"I know you are angry at your father. It is understandable. But you will not hurt him like you did today. That's not the boy we knew or the man I know. You are better than that. We are both old now. Being upset over the time you lost, don't forget to live in the time you actually have," said  Florentino, patting Alexander's shoulder.

Alexander felt sufficiently chastised.

"I know. I don't know what came over me," said Alexander.

"It is natural that you would lash out when you have anger in you. Forgiveness is a huge process son," said Florentino.

Alexander nodded and took a deep breath and let it out.


Adrian was silent and so was Juan as the former drove the car to Juan's college.

"I heard Elle is getting married to some heir from the continent," said Juan and cursed inwardly. He should have kept quiet.

"We broke up a few months ago," said Adrian after a brief silence.


Juan played with the phone in his hand, restless.

"Why do you want to work for brother?" asked Juan. He wanted to sew his lips after the question left his mouth.

"My father expects me to learn business and handling exports from your brother and brother-in-law. Taking care of the agents, contacts,etc," said Adrian, his eyes still trained on the road.

"You will not begin insulting me again, will you?" asked Juan coolly and turned to look at the road. He was sure that Adrian faltered.

"It was a mistake. It was foolish of me to do that. I apologise," said Adrian.

"You said foolish. It means you don't regret insulting me but thinks insulting me foolish because of who I am. You are just scared of my father," said Juan, feeling bitter about the experiences he has had at Adrian's hand over time.

Adrian went quiet.

They reached the school soon and Juan stepped out. Adrian was once his senior here. He was surprised to see one of the family vehicles reach him in high speed. Once the vehicle was parked haphazardly, Gustavo got out and rushed to Juan.

"Are you fine? Did he misbehave with you?" asked Gustavo checking Juan over. Adrian who was inside the car got out but was too far away to hear what they were talking about.

Juan felt warm at the worry and care in his father's face.

"I gave him a piece of my mind, that's all that happened. He is too scared of you to say anything to me now. I also asked him to shove his half arsed apology," said Juan proudly.

Gustavo laughed at that and hugged his son close.

"Now, I will come and collect you and wait for me to drop you in the mornings," said Gustavo.

Juan nodded, excited at the prospect of his father dropping him and picking him every day from school.


Hey, I know I have been MIA. Some mental health issues are slowing me down a bit. I hope to update soon. I know all of you want to know when I am updating Anteros- soon. Love you all. Thank you for your patience.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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