Getting to Know Them II

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Gustavo has barely had a conversation with Sage. The kid was very silent when he was around. He made a point of not looking at Gustavo.

Now, they stood ready to leave to a pub. What a weird choice, but Gustavo couldn't help but be amused. The kid was trying to get him unsettled. On their way, he asked more about the work Sage does. Sage is the one who Alexander see taking over the business side of things. He has that entrepreneur brain.

"I didn't take you for a pub person," said Gustavo finally.

"You don't know me enough to have any perception about me," said Sage.

"Ah, that's how it is then?" asked Gustavo. Sage shrugged and looked away.

"I like pubs, the kind of place where you are a regular and feel at ease. Serg loves it. When- in my teens I used to get brother to accompany me," said Sage and Gustavo could sense the love and fondness when they speak about Alex. He has heard it with all the kids. They loved him endlessly and that he can sense.

"Why are you angry with me?" asked Gustavo.

"Oh, I don't know. You hurt my brother like - like no parent should ever. I - I can't imagine a world where I don't have him to turn to. He is more my parent than my brother. You- you were fucking alive and you-" Sage broke off, furiously clutching at the wheel and trying to even his breath.

Gustavo felt his heart warm a little, well, very much.

"I know nothing can make up for that but I cannot go back and undo it," said Gustavo. Sage was silent.

"Your bad luck. You missed out on watching your son grow into the most amazing man on this earth," said Sage.

"I know," said Gustavo.

They both got to the pub. Sure enough, no one disturbed them. The pub lady, Luria stared at Gustavo for a moment. She was old now and Gustavo remembers how he and Flore users to frequent this place. Luria knew their regular seating and orders. He focussed back on Sage.

"So, tell me about this work you are doing," said Gustavo and the conversation took off from there. His fourth son is very passionate about business and has clear plans for the growth of Almaraz business. And then he stopped abruptly. He looked at Gustavo.

"I- It's all your business before - I can't presume to- Brother has made me capable of making a business if I want to," said Sage finally, not looking bothered about having to step down from Almaraz business.

"Legally, you are my son too. You have every right on it. I wouldn't presume to know better than Alexo do about the business now. Also, I don't want you to step down. I can see you leading the company to better places," said Gustavo. Sage was silent.

"You honestly don't mind that you have five more sons that you never knew about?"

"No. I just wish I could have been a part of their life earlier. That I became brave earlier," said Gustavo.

Sage was silent. He then looked back at Gustavo.

"I wish you were here earlier too. We could have used having our- d- dad around earlier," said Sage finally. It was not forgiveness and Gustavo knew that. He can actually understand what Sage was saying. The kid- he was more like Gustavo than he realised.

When they left, Gustavo walked over to Luria and winked.

"Oh my god, it is you. Gustavo," she walked forward and embraced him. She was at least 10 years older than him and she just touched his face. She cried a bit.

"You owe that boy better. I have seen him sit alone at your booth and - cry for years," said Luria, finally. Gustavo looked down.

"I know. He is right up there in the list of people I have hurt," said Gustavo.

"It's never too late to start living," she said finally with a kiss to his forehead.
Gustavo nodded and walked out as Luria stood there dabbing at her eyes.
Sage stood there confused.

"Who was she talking about?" asked Sage.

"Flore," said Gustavo. He did not see the knowing look Sage sent him.


Athen was on his toes. He knew he need not get this flustered. Gustavo had been kind to all of them. He is almost 20. He shouldn't be behaving like a child.

Gustavo smiled as he saw the kid vibrating with energy. Athen is the smart mouthed one among all the kids.

"Ah, old man. You are here. Let's get going," said Athen and pranced out. Gustavo laughed inwardly. That was like watching a younger version of his own brother.

He walked out. This time, they were going to go watch a football match of Imperatore. Sergio and Miguel are not playing.

"You like football?" asked Athen.

"Yes. Imperatore meant everything to me. I remember offering to buy one more club to Flore. He is mad about it too," said Gustavo wistfully.

"Expensive gifts don't buy you dates," said Athen. And then Gustavo looked at the kid.

Athen snorted.

"We know. Brother told us," said Athen.

Gustavo was surprised. He did not realise that his son knew enough.

"I didn't want to ask the super cop and hurt him. Tell me, have you guys gone on a date? Ever?" asked Athen. He really should shut up. This was no way to talk to dad. He was probably making the worst impression on a man whom he wanted to like him.
But he just couldn't shut up.

Gustavo looked at the kid and then away. He thought of Flore in their 20s. Many almost kisses that never happened.

"Not officially. No. We - we were friends," said Gustavo.

"Ma, she was - was she hurt?"

Gustavo smiled at the kid. The fact that they thought about Jennifer, a mother they never met with such care made his heart warm.

"She was my friend first. We married because I was pressured by my father. She knew my preference. But I never cheated on her. She knew I wouldn't. Even though she gave me permission after Flore came into our life. I couldn't do that to either of them. Things changed later when we made some mutual decisions," said Gustavo, his eyes back on the game. He had kept that part of his life closed, untouched, focussing instead on getting to know his kids. Earn their forgiveness.

"Sage always wanted to be like you. He would stare at your photo in the main room and try and stand like you. He would talk to all the older staff and get to know you. The home videos- he loved them. Your mannerisms, your style of talking and he was obsessed," said Athen randomly.

Gustavo felt his heart swell.

"I am not a man he should aspire to be. See where I am now when I should have been here all along," said Gustavo finally, voicing his thought honestly.

"I said that because I know Sage might have come off as standoffish," said Athen.

"No, he did try though. Don't you worry," said Gustavo with a small smile.

"Tell me then Athen, how does this bake house you are setting up works?" asked Gustavo. Athen brightened up at that and shared his love for baking and spoke of how that led to the idea of a bake house.

"Brother found the family recipes for me and I am making them all one by one- Athen stopped short and looked at him.

Gustavo patted his head.

"Your grandmother would be proud to hear that and extremely happy if she was with us," said Gustavo. Athen didn't want to cry so he settled for a smile and that came off weird because he was trying not to cry. He just turned and focussed on the game, his eyes glassy.


So, what do you all think? Since I don't know what someone would do when they come back after 21 years away and thought to be dead, I am going with the flow. I think someone need to step in to integrate the person back into the life. Here, Miguel is helping his father in law. Soon, all of them will actively work towards that ! Let me know what you think, PLEASE! Also, make suggestions.

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