Getting To Know Them

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The transition was not easy. Gustavo spent his first days back speaking with each of the kids. That did not start easily either. After two awkward meals, Miguel decided to take things into his own hands. He decided that his father in law needs to spend time with each of the boys. Miguel sat down next to Gustavo who looked up.

"Things can't go on like this. Alexander will come around. Now, the awkwardness should stop. So, I have decided that you and the kids will have dates. You can spend time with each of them, if you want to that is," said Miguel. Gustavo must say his Alexander was in good hands.

"I would like that, yes. If they want to spend time with me," said Gustavo. Miguel smiled.

"They do. Yours is the name they write down in their parent column. Of course, they want to know you," said Miguel and got up.

"You will spend time with Jules first. Let them pick the venue of the conversations so that they are comfortable,' said Miguel.

Mikhael who walked in hearing the conversations stopped short. He looked at his father-in-law.

"Jules really do want to get to know you," he said. Gustavo nodded.


Jules sighed and took a deep breath. He wanted Gustavo to like him. They were going fishing. Jules loved fishing and he knew Gustavo liked it too. Alexander has told him how much dad used to love fishing.

Jules smiled as he drove to the lake. They were mostly silent, talking about the kids enroute.

"I forgot the last time I fished. I think it was with Alexo," said Gustavo.

"He always said you loved fishing and that every week he would make you take him fishing. He rarely speaks much about anything and this, I know is one of the moments he treasure," said Jules with a smile.

"How was it like? Growing up an Almaraz?" asked Gustavo curious.

"I- Till I was five, there was no talk of relations. I used to call him Don like his subordinates. He was- he would let me climb on the bed and stick to him all night when I get scared. He never skipped dinners with me or forgot to come see me in my room. Then, when he enrolled me in school - he wrote down your name in the parent column. Later he told me why it was just your name.  We got Ma's body. She got a funeral and legally it won't stand as all knew she only carried brother. There was nothing of you. According to Italian law you were alive then. And everyone started referring to me as the Almaraz heir, Don's brother. I called him brother for the first time when I came back from school in the first week. I don't remember this but mom (Izabel) told me this. He never put any heavy expectations on me growing up. The only thing I was supposed to do was keep myself safe and follow the safety rules. He also wanted me to have a solid career that did not involve Mafia. I have had my ups and downs, but brother was always there. Always.  I am just glad to share this name and have a place to call home and people to call family. My life could have gone a lot differently but here I am because I met brother," said Jules with a small smile as they both got out and prepared to start fishing.

They got on the family boat and the staff retreated after greeting them. The staff here were too young to recognise Gustavo. He could see from the way Jules treated the staff that Alex raised a kind boy.

"How was Africa?" asked Jules.

"It is a beautiful continent, with so much to offer the world, but forced to struggle because some men in this world think they are entitled to everything," said Gustavo with a small smile. The conversation went from there.

Gustavo learned about Mikhael and the childhood of the two brothers themselves. Of Jules' past. Somehow when speaking to Gustavo, Jules didn't feel any difficulty in sharing the bad experiences either.

"And he is still alive? Ophelia was a poor choice for Prime Minister if you ask me," said Gustavo, his voice constricted with rage that Jules didn't understand. If Alexander heard those words, he would have sensed the genuine anger. No child deserved that kind of treatment from someone they loved.

"Brother left him barely alive because my brother- in-law felt that death would be too quick for him," said Jules amused.

"He is my son-in-law alright," said Gustavo with a smile.

"Oh, he is. He is the ultimate Donna, no questions asked," said Jules and went on to tell him about how Alexander and Miguel got engaged. Gustavo was laughing at the end of it.
Then he realised how much he missed.

"I have missed so much," said Gustavo finally.

"You are here d- Mr Almaraz. That's what matters," said Jules.

Gustavo looked at the kid.

"Dad- if you will give me the honour," said Gustavo. Jules looked at him feeling his eyes well up.

"Thank you- dad," said Jules and smiled as he looked back at their catch.


Andrew wanted Ezra to have the chance first because he is the one suddenly having an identity crisis like all the Almaraz siblings. Ezra was worried. He had clung to Andrew all night, worried about whether or not Gustavo liked having them all in the family. Andrew could relate. He used to wonder the same when he was brought back to the mansion after that fateful night. He had told Ezra the same, that things will get better over time and Ezra believed him. He knew how much his husband had struggled.

Jules had reassured him that everything will be fine but somehow Ezra was tetchy. Jules was likeable. He was kind and good. Ezra- he was nothing special, a kid Alexander picked from the streets.

Ezra had picked a walk along the beach for the evening. He enjoys such walks with Andrew.

Gustavo was already waiting when Ezra got to the hall. He gave a tentative smile and Ezra smiled back tightly.

The drive to the beach was a very quiet one despite being a long one, except for some talk about how the place has changed. Even the walk was silent at first.

"Are you- are you really not bothered to come home and find that there are so many street rats carrying your name?" asked Ezra.

Gustavo looked at him.

"I am just surprised, overwhelmed. But I am happy that I have this big a family and more sons than I imagined. I am not saying it is easy or quick. That would be a terrible lie. I am saying that we can grow as a  family too. I- I and my brother, we always wanted a big family. He left me before I could see him grow much. He was only 21 when he died. And me, my own dreams of a big family had ended with Alexo. After my father's death, Jen asked me to go for what I want in life. She was a rare gem. I did not until much later because I wanted my family to stay intact and not be torn apart for my selfish needs. It was a stupid thing to do, I realise now. But that was my drive- the level of obsession I had with having a proper family. Izabel is my sister though not by blood. But that doesn't change the fact that she is my sister who raised my kids as her own, kids she had no biological connection to just because they had the surname Almaraz. Because they grew up in my house, because my first born brought them home. That is how family works. I am glad you are my street rat," said Gustavo, meaning it with every cell of his being.

Ezra looked at him and then hugged him tight without further questions. Gustavo smiled and hugged the kid back and then the talks got lighter. They spoke about football and when they finally went back home, both felt lighter.


So, I am making them out be around the age of  57-58. Going to change that in the first chapter. I said early sixties first. Had a change of heart. Point out all the mistakes because I don't have a beta reader. It would be great if you guys can help me out.

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