Limbing Back

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Gustavo woke up first next morning. He looked at Florentino. He pressed a kiss to his forehead before sitting up. He had never been a good man. He was a Mafia head. He has killed and destroyed families. Gustavo has never believed in karma. Maybe, what happened to him was exactly that.

But his family did not deserve that kind of pain. His Alexander is not like him. He is firm and harsh, but doesn't needlessly slaughter others. Gustavo had always followed his father's instructions in how to handle the empire. He is glad that his son didn't follow in his footsteps. He is his own man and earned respect without needless killing. He can't help but admire and respect that immensely.

He made breakfast and tea, brought it back to their bedroom and set it on the table. He woke Florentino who smiled at him as he sat up. They kissed for a moment before Florentino went to get freshened up. They had the breakfast together.

"Do you think you can say more about- Gustavo broke off.

"I was staying at the den. We were- Alexander and Andrew would never leave my side and Izabel had to drag us out to eat something. I had lose of appetite, vomitting and after two months there was a small paunch too or so I thought. One day, some four months after, I started bleeding. My body was too weak at that point. Too weak was what the doctor said," said Florentino.

Gustavo just held him close.


Andrew had Enzo in his arms. His son was playing with his hair. Ezra came in with milk for Enzo and coffee for both of them.


Ezra settled against him and Andrew pulled him close.

They shared a kiss and snuggled closer.

"We should plan a family outing soon. Mikhael agrees. Sage is in on it. We were discussing that during lunch," said Andrew.

"Sounds good. We will get more bonding time with father and Este will also benefit from it," said Ezra.

"Hmm. Are you okay?" asked Andrew fondly.

Ezra nodded.

"Better. I do worry that father might never see us as real family. But I don't know. So far, we are all good. He is making an effort to know us all. That says something, doesn't it?" asked Ezra. Andrew nodded.

"It does."

Athen was going through some online articles, he loves reading news. Juan has crawled into the bed.

"Este is alone. He said he will be fine, maybe I should go check on him," said Juan.

Athen nodded keeping the tab away. They went in search of Este who was in his room. Once they opened the door, they saw the kid was covered in a huge blanket and sitting up.


The kid jerked and the blanket moved. His eyes were red rimmed.

"Oh, sweetheart," said Athen and rushed over. He hugged Athen close and the kid clung to him.

"What happened?" asked Juan sitting next to him.

"I got scared after you left. I go to father. But he is not here," said Este.

"You could have just told me so when I asked tyke," said Juan exasperated.

"I didn't want to be clingy," said Este.

"It's not being clingy and we are your brothers. Even if you want to be clingy, do it," said Athen brightly. He then picked up Este as they marched back to their rooms.

Este smiled brightly then.

"We are having a sleep over?"

"Yes, sleepover indeed," said Juan. They saw Miguel and Alexander enroute. They were on way to Este's room.

"Ah, we were just going to check on this young man," said Miguel. Este smiled.

"There was a crisis. But it's averted now, say good night big brother and brother in law," said Juan. Este smiled and wished them good night. Both responded with a smile. Juan led Este away.

Athen looked at them.

"He was sitting up with the blanket on his face, crying his heart out," said Athen looking sad.

Both his older brothers had the same expression on hearing that.

"We will work on it. Should have come early. Go on," said Alexander.

Athen nodded and left.

Alexander and Miguel looked at each other, communicating without words.

Gustavo and Florentino reached back home in the morning. They were greeted by the kids already awake.

"Where is Este?" asked Gustavo.

"He is having a sleepover with Athen and Ju," said Miguel smiling.

"We will just go check on him," said Florentino, ruffling a very sleepy Alexander's hair as they left.

Alexander just cuddled both his sons to his chest as he slept on the sofa. It is a habit. They don't like staying in the bedroom if Miguel is outside and come sleep in the nearest available surface.


Florentino smiled as they found the three kids asleep. Este was sleeping between his older brothers and had his leg splayed over the other two, who had a protective hold on him.

"It's 10," said Florentino rolling his eyes and shook them all awake.

Gustavo watched amused. Florentino is a morning person and very particular about everyone waking up.

Athen sat up. His face became mischievous. He wagged an eyebrow at them.

"Got some my old men?" asked Athen.

Gustavo turned red despite being exasperated and Florentino, used to Athen's crassness, hit him with a pillow and shooed him away to his bathroom. Ju and Este were snuggling and sleeping unaware of all the noise.

"Ju, Este, it's time to get up," said Florentino shaking both the kids. Both opened their eyes. Jules sat up and wished them morning.

"How was the sleepover?" asked Gustavo to Este who was beaming.

"It was great. Ju and Athen told me many stories," said Este hugging his father. Florentino tied up Juan's long hair as the boy sat on the bed obediently.

Gustavo sat down with Este in his arms who just moved out and hugged Florentino who hugged him back.

"How was the date?" he asked shyly.

Florentino beamed.

"Your father treated me well. He was a gentleman," said Florentino.

"Good," said Este excited.

"Whoever reaches the dining hall last is a donkey," said Athen coming in and ran, Juan and Este chased with a shriek.

Florentino and Gustavo watched amused. Gustavo got up and placed his arm around Flore.

"What we lost was our fate? Maybe we will make every moment and every gift count," said Gustavo. Florentino nodded with a small smile. He wiped the tears that formed in Gustavo's eyes.


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