He Comes Calling

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Florentino stirred from his sleep. Being the head of Anti-Terrorist Squad did not do him any favours in the sleep department. ATS was something he formed, anyway.

The Prime Minister had no option but to approve it. His power over the police force often made him being able to keep Alexander away from trouble. He felt fondness as he thought of the Almaraz children and a deep seated sorrow. He is not going to open up that particular can of worms. Especially not with a long weekend ahead of him.

He then noticed what actually woke him up. His phone was ringing. He picked it up, not being able to see without his glasses. He wore the black framed glasses and looked at the phone. He felt his heart lighten. It was Miguel.

“Yes my child. Please tell me Alexander is not in-

“He is not. Thank every god out there for that. I called because Syrus is asking for you. I know the house brings back bad memories. How about you take him out?” asked Miguel, slowly, patiently. He wished Almaraz Sr was here to see the kind of son-in-law he was blessed with, the kind of sons the family was gifted over time.

“I will be there. I will keep him for the day,” said Florentino. The last he said on a whim. Syrus is a great child and never misbehaved with Floretino. He is also his oldest grandson. After 58 years of life, Florentino does not see the point in denying the truths of his life. The primary one is that all the Almaraz kids are nothing short of his own as far as he is concerned. 

He wonders how Jennifer would have reacted to the current life of Almaraz’s. He is sure the Almaraz matriarch would have made a solid team with Miguel and kept everyone on line.

“That is great. You should stay for dinner. All the younger boys miss you too. But they would be too much to handle for you together or I would have got them all set for the day out,” said Miguel.

“I am going to pretend that you are not purposefully ensuring that I am not spending the weekend alone in this house,” said Florentino.

There was silence.

“Also, ask your husband to stop hovering around anxious. I have taken the bait,” said Florentino exasperated. He heard both of them laugh from the other side- one Miguel and the other, Alexander. 

Later, Florentino picked up Syrus and took him to the zoo. The child obediently took his hand as they went around seeing the exhibits.

“Grandpa, carry me?” asked Syrus looking at him after walking about 800 metres. Florentino knew this was coming. He took the child in his arms and showed him around. If being addressed Grandpa made him feel emotional, he was not going to address it. 

Once they were done watching the exhibits, Florentino let Syrus guide him through the ice cream shop. The kid was surely going to be sugar high tonight. However, he has got solid advice from Izabel that it is the grandparents’ job to spoil the kids and the parents’ to deal with the after effects. He regretted not being around more to see the Almaraz children grow up. It was very difficult. Alex is so much like Gustavo that sometimes Florentino feels like breaking down. He can’t break down like that. 

He feels eyes on them. That makes him alert like never before. He looked at Syrus who was happily eating the ice cream. He needed backup and he needed it now. He was not sure who it was. He got Syrus and walked over to the car and got inside, checking the sides. 

He started the car.

“Stay with us today Grandpa?” asked Syrus with a small smile as he had his ice cream. 

“We will see about that. No promises,” said Florentino with a small smile, eyes tense as he looked around.

“Still the same observation skills, I must say,” said a voice from behind him. The voice was very familiar. Even though it has been close to 22 years since he last heard that voice, he would recognise it anywhere. A voice that could make the most powerful men of Italy go on their knees and beg. Florentino almost crashed the vehicle. 

“Grandpa,” squealed Syrus excited thinking that they are on some fun ride. Then the child turned and looked at the man behind with a smile.

Florentino stopped the car and took a deep breath as he turned. Gustavo Almaraz has not lost any of his grace or charm or regality. Florentino just stared and the man smiled. The skin was a bit wrinkled now. Grey hair with his regular brunette framed his face well. But this can’t be. This man, he was burned inside the house with his wife and the rest of the mafia.

“You have 60 seconds to explain. Any movement and I will shoot,” said Florentino. This man, surely he is an imposter.

“I am Gustavo Almaraz. You are holding the Colt Anaconda I gifted you, Flore,” said the man. 

Florentino lowered the gun. For one, no one on this earth other than him and Gustavo knew about the gun and secondly, no one in this world called him that insipid short name. The man was smiling cockily at him. He had half a mind to shoot him for that. The pain, the anguish, the fear, it erupted. 

“Do you want to shoot me? I think I more than deserve it,” said Gustavo slowly. 

Florentino did not reply. 

“How?” he asked instead.

“It is a long story,” said Gustavo looking at the child in the car seat who was looking at them curiously.

“I didn’t realise you sired a child who is old enough to sire one themselves?” said Gustavo slowly. There was no accusation in the tone, just plain old curiosity. 

“Syrus, introduce yourself to this gentleman here,” said Florentino.

“He is not dangerous? You pointed the gun,” said Syrus, rather audaciously. 

Gustavo was impressed. Florentino just gave a nod.

“I am Syrus Alexander Almaraz,” said the child and Gustavo could only stare. This must be Alexander’s son. His Alex’s son. There was the defiance in those eyes that made him remember his then 15 year old.

“I am Gustavo Almaraz,” said the man. Syrus nodded and looked at him. 

“Yes, we have the same name. How is that Grandpa?” asked Syrus looking at Florentino.

“Do you plan on meeting your family now?” asked Florentino, trying not to think too much at the same time. 

 “Not yet,” said Gustavo slowly. He needed to catch up first.

“Syrus, he is someone very important to your father and uncles. Can you keep it a secret for the day. I will surprise them tomorrow,” said Florentino.

Syrus looked at Gustavo speculatively as if he was wondering whether or not to trust him.

“Okay,” said  Syrus and then went back to playing with his Rubik's cube.

Gustavo watched as they reached his home. He got the glasses up so that no one outside can see him. In his time this was a dreary place. It was a time of huge gang wars and there was never any peace. The gardens of his house had beautiful flowers now. He hears before he see a gaggle of children. Three of them race to reach the car. He can see the guards keeping an eye out on all sides. The children must be that of Alex’s and Andrew’s. His boys whom he had to leave behind for their own safety. 

Then he saw a man in early thirties walk out and Syrus was already in his arms. The face is very familiar. He is sure he knows this person from somewhere and his eyes land on the football  that the kids were kicking. Miguel Endrizzi, the footballer. He played for Imperatore. No matter how far he was, football is not something he forgot just like his family. 

“Dad, we had so much fun,” Syrus was beaming up at the young man who smiled. Miguel must be Alexander’s partner. Gustavo felt himself smile at that. His son living the life he himself was too scared to live. He saw the kids hogging Florentino for a bit as the man patiently spoke to them. 

“You could have stayed,” a blonde haired young man told Florentino as he walked out of the house with a baby in his hand. 

“Tomorrow Ju. Now, I will join you all for dinner tomorrow. Tell Alex and Mikhael to drop off the files as soon as possible,” said Florentino and then he got into the car.

Syrus’s eyes were now trained on where Gustavo was. The child had a conspiring smile on his face as he waved, even though Gustavo was sure that the child- his grandson cannot see him. 



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