And It Goes On

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Juan was not sure how this was going to turn out. He being the youngest was pampered the most. He knew that. This new turn in life, he was not sure how to deal with that. He was silent and brooding in the sofa, waiting for Gustavo.

The 17 year old looked up as he heard footsteps. Gustavo smiled at him and Juan tried to smile back.

"Come on," he said and walked in front. Juan followed. They were going for a walk around the lake and have a coffee. They walked from the house itself.

"I used to walk a lot too. I liked that I knew every bit of this land," said Gustavo.

"Brother does too. That's how he crashed into my favourite brother-in-law in the world," said Juan, his worries leaving him as he speak about them.

"I should hear that story now," said Gustavo amused.

Juan told him about the first meeting and how they all grew close. Then the questions moved to Juan's life. He wanted to be a dancer.

"Brother is particular about the best teachers guiding me," beamed Juan.

"Jennifer was a great dancer. Though after she married me, she rarely danced," said Gustavo.

"I have seen pictures," mumbled Juan. Gustavo smiled and placed an arm around the kid.

"She was wonderful. There were some video copies. Do you have them?" asked Gustavo. Juan nodded with a smile.

"Good. She would be happy," said Gustavo.

"She would?" asked Juan. Gustavo looked at him.

"Yes, Juan. She would have loved that one of her children took to dancing," said Gustavo.

"Brother said grandfather did not like it. And she was a woman. I am boy, I always wondered," said Juan. Gustavo sighed.

"My father was a different man. He was a difficult man too. There are things I wish I stood up to him for. But, trust me, I would never have let him force something on my children," said Gustavo.

"Am I?" asked Juan. Gustavo was surprised with the question, confused for a moment.

"Your son," explained Juan looking away.

"If you let me be your father. I know Alexo never made you all feel any absence. I just-"

Juan hugged him. The kid was so small for a 17 year old, reaching only upto Gustavo's chest. Then, as they walked, Juan's hand was on his elbow.

"You shouldn't wait anymore. Our super cop deserves everything unless you found someone else" said Juan.

Gustavo smiled.

"No one can ever replace Flore in my life. I never did let anyone in like I did Flore. Now, you shouldn't be talking about your old dad's love life. You tell me about yours," said Gustavo.

Juan laughed.

"I don't have one. Brother and Mig will kill anyone who look at me that way," said Juan.

Gustavo looked at the kid and realised, he might kill that person too. He was too young and fragile for the foxes to lay eyes on him.


Andrew sighed as he looked at Gustavo. They spoke about the kind of life they lived.

"Everything that happened, it is my fault. If only I stayed," said Gustavo, wondering for the umpteenth time. These kids, they did not deserve such pain.

"No, Uncle. It has happened and over time I have learned that there is no use dwelling in the past. We need to live in the present," said Andrew.

"I failed my brother, my kids and our entire family," said Gustavo.

"We all make mistakes. Mikhael once told me, it is how we make up for our mistakes that matter if you have already made a mistake and he would know," said Andrew. Gustavo looked in askance and Andrew told him the story of the Endrizzi brothers.


Mikhael Endrizzi is never nervous. Never. Even before former Dons who shook the world. Who is also technically his father-in-law. Now that, well, he was a bit nervous.

He sat before Gustavo. They were in the mansion's lawn, planning on playing Golf soon.

"I knew your fathers," said Gustavo. Mikhael nodded.

"I know," he said.

"They were brave men, even back in that period," said Gustavo.

Mikhael nodded.

"I looked for you both," said Gustavo.

"I know. I found a trail. Dads' associates thought it better that we remain somewhere no one can identify us," said Mikhael.

"Wise decision," said Gustavo.

"Alex will come around," said Miguel.

"I hope so. Why did you move from Spain at first?" asked Gustavo wondering.

"I don't like staying away from Miguel. And then, I met Jules. So, this is my home now," said Mikhael.

"You both get along well, you and Alex, for two stubborn alpha males," said Gustavo.

"We don't always get along. But our disagreements are only related to business. When it comes to family, we only have one opinion," said Mikhael.

And Gustavo can see how these two took care of the family. Family is something he has always treasured and now he actually have an odd family with odd people who have extremely different personalities but love each other all the same.

Then they spoke about business, about Jules and the kids. About Mikhael and Alexander planning to buy a Spanish Club as a gift to Miguel when he retires. They spoke about life in Spain and then in Uruguay. The crime filled streets and how he tried to merge in.

It was a great conversation and both men gained more mutual respect than they had before. His mother always said that son-in-laws and daughter-in-laws are essentially sons and daughters. And Gustavo believes that. He agrees with it.


Sergio smiled flustered. Sage and him are not married yet, but no one in the family doubted that they would. And Gustavo knew it too.

"I hear you are a party boy," teased Gustavo.

"Was, that is the better word for it. Honestly Mig and brother will have my head if I forego safety and be careless. Also, Sage is there whenever we go," smiled Sergio beaming.

"I was a party man. And I used to do it very irresponsibly," smiled Gustavo. Sergio laughed.

"There is nothing called irresponsible partying dad, I mean partying is the one chance to be irresponsible," said Sergio and then stopped short and looked at Gustavo.

"You can call me dad. And I agree but Jennifer never thought so," said Gustavo ruefully. Sergio gave a small smile. Then they spoke about football, Sage and his aspirations for future.


Gustavo was watching a movie with Athen, Juan, Sergio and his grandchildren. Syrus was grooming his beard.

Alexander was sitting in the other end of the room, not paying them mind. Miguel rolled his eyes. He took Syrus into his arms and gave an exasperated look to Gustavo.

"You know it's your fault. I think he got the stubborn genes from you. Both of you should really talk to spare us all the tension," said Miguel.

"Yes, we should. And I am yet to get my day out with my oldest son-in-law," said Gustavo. Miguel looked surprised at that.

"Oh, yeah sure. You can come to practice with me tomorrow," said Miguel. Gustavo was sure he heard Alexander snort at that, very much amused.


So, yeah, the initial bonding is almost done and then, we will get into the actual plot. Yes, there is plot. I promise.

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