Miguel and Alexander

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Miguel smiled as Alexander held him close. He ran his hand through his husband's hair.

"You are going to punish him are you not?" asked Alexander amused.

"Very much. No one gets away with hurting you. Not even dad," said Miguel equally amused.

"I am happy. I am glad- so so glad that he is here," said Alexander.

"I know"

"I am just- It hurts so much. I never expected such a- what if I died and never knew. Never knew that he was alive. What if he died for real this time and I never would have known," said Alexander, his eyes filled. No one else in this world will see this vulnerability other than Miguel and Alexander can cry here, as much as he wants with his husband.

Miguel just held him, knowing that Alexander doesn't need platitudes at the moment.


Miguel was running and Gustavo had to run to keep up. He had the distinct impression that his son-in-law was trying to punish him.

"Alexander seems to not hide in his office room anymore," said Gustavo.

"My husband, your son is not a coward like you. I can only think he got it from mom or Flore," said Miguel without a care.

Gustavo snorted.

"I guess," he said.

"Have you always loved football ?" asked Gustavo.

"Well, at first it was a means to an end. I knew footballers were rich. We were discarded like nothing by our parents' allies. I wanted to be much more than any of them and make so much money so that Mikhael doesn't have to work so hard for both of us even when we were at the orphanage. But then he left and I thought he wouldn't come back. And I worked harder. I grew to love the sport. I can't imagine myself without it now," said Miguel.

"Alexander told me how your love for the sport caught onto him," added Miguel.

"Oh yes. He was wonderful and I was sure he would be our family's representation in our club. Maybe a Roma's Totti or Milan's Maldini- Imperatore's Almaraz," said Gustavo.

Miguel smiled.

"Oh I can imagine. I would have headbutted him after our first match against each other," said Miguel fondly.

"Well, I guess. But I am glad we have an Almaraz now," said Gustavo. Miguel fell silent for a moment. Miguel guesses he can't get a better, bigger 'I approve of you, son' from his father-in-law.

"Alexander will talk if you approach him. I think he is as worried as you, wary too and understandably angry," said Miguel.

"I will. Now, tell me about this Spanish league. Which league do you like better?" asked Gustavo and the conversation went from there. Miguel wishes Alexander would also have some peace of mind when it comes to Gustavo.

A conversation, nothing else can help.


Gustavo hesitates outside his old office, his son's office now. He steps inside. Alexander looked up from where he was going through some files. Syrus who was playing in the floor with Zyren looked up too.

"Grandpa," he beamed.


"Syre, take Zy and go find your dad. I have something to talk with your grandfather," said Alexander promptly. Syrus pouted but nodded and was on his feet. He left with Zy, carrying him carefully.

The kids left and Gustavo saw down.


Alexander froze at being called Alexo. He didn't show any reaction though. Good lord, his father was here. Right here before him. He looked up again.

"I know it's hard love. I - I have been away too long. I should have taken you and Flore- I mean- Gustavo broke off.

"You can't even say his name and accept it, can you?" asked Alexander, furious.

Gustavo looked at him.

"He never was hesitant you know, to be forthright about what you meant to him. You honestly don't deserve the kind of respect, devotion and love he has for you," said Alexander.

Silence followed.

"And YES, you should have taken us with you. But you didn't," said Alexander. He looked away.

"I want you to understand, not forgive- maybe because it's too much to ask, that it hurt. I felt like a failure and you both were slowly making your way out of the chasm that was there and I just felt the urge to flee, to take off and never be seen again," said Gustavo.

Alexander's heart ached. He looked at his father.

"There is no point in rehashing the past anyway. We should look at the future and move forward," said Alexander after a moment. He took a deep breath before he said that.

Gustavo got up.

"Father, you need to talk to Flore. He deserves more if- that is- if you have not found- I mean," Alexander floundered a bit wondering if he was saying the right thing. What if his father had someone else.

Gustavo will not cry in front of his boy and that is the only reason he doesn't. Hearing Alexander call him 'Father' after decades made his heart stutter.

"Alexo, no one can ever take Flore's place in my life. I was living a lie before but it was fine because I had you, Flore and your mom. I will make it right, I promise," said Gustavo.

"There is something else I need to tell you, but I need to talk to Florentino first before I tell you," said Gustavo wondering how well his son would take the news.

Alexander looked at his father and then nodded, a small movement of his neck. He then turned back and pretended like he was working.


Gustavo sat down in the hall. The kids have raided the whole castle and found a few old things. A few albums and the likes. They were eagerly looking at it.

Gustavo stared at a photo in his hand. It was an album with pictures clicked by his wife. The first picture was of Gustavo sitting in the head's chair and Florentino stood by his side, his eye focussed. Gustavo smiled as he touched the picture. Oh, how young they were.

He has not seen Florentino since the day he was dropped with his family almost two weeks back. All the calls went unanswered. Apparently, he was on some mission according to Miguel. But Gustavo knew Florentino. He thinks he has given Flor enough space for the super cop and decides to drop by for a visit.

He looked at the kids.

"You should stop stalling and go talk to him. I wouldn't take back a man who faked his death, technically. But he might," said Juan. Gustavo looked at the kid who gave him a cheeky smile. Gustavo ruffled his head and nodded.

"Though I think you are too young to talk about having your own man," said Gustavo with an amused smile.

"Yes, just my luck. All I needed was another Alpha male looming over me, growling off any suitors," said Juan with mock exasperation.

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