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Alexander took his third shot of whiskey and Miguel stopped him after that. He locked it up.

"The kids will come looking for you. Now, sit down, breathe," said Miguel and made Alexander do that. He sat near Alexander not speaking, knowing that the man needs space.

"Relax, I will go -


Alexander hugged Miguel and sat in his arms. Miguel held his man close, running his hand soothingly on his back.

"He is just a kid. He didn't have a home and father gave him one. I shouldn't be feeling this angry, this cheated- betrayed," said Alexander.

"It's okay to feel all that. You didn't have your father for over two decades. You didn't know he was alive. It's normal to feel that," said Miguel.


Florentino picked Este up.

"It's not that your big brother doesn't like you. He is just angry at your father for being away. Don't worry about it," said Florentino.

"He is not angry at me?" asked Este.

"No love," said Flore.

"But Father is sad too. He shouldn't be angry at father too," said Este with a pout.

"Oh, we will get there. For now, let's go play," said Florentino and Este nodded, letting Florentino wipe his face. Juan picked him up and carried him away.

"You also my brother?" asked Este leaning on Juan's shoulder. He was strangely reminded of him asking the same question to Athen when he was 4 or 5 after he was told about the adoption. It was a strange phase.

"Yes. Yes I am your brother and you mine," said Juan feeling his heart break for the little one.


Florentino found Gustavo having a drink. Mikhael and Andrew has only had one shot.

"That's enough all of you," said Florentino and locked them all out.

He took Gustavo by his elbow and drew him out.

"Stop mopping. It will work out. Now, go spend time with the kids. Este is upset and thinks his big brother hates him," said Florentino.

Gustavo sighed. He has a lot to answer for it seems.


The dinner was a battle in itself. Everyone was trying not to tip off balance. Este was introduced to everyone. Alexander did not even look at the child.

Florentino stayed. Izabel helped him and Miguel in keeping some order in the family. Este was soon winning hearts. He charmed his way into everyone's heart within a week of his arrival. Syrus was so pleased with his new playmate even though they were a few years apart. In fact, all the younger kids were happy. They would even study together, what with Este being a mini nerd.

Miguel also took Este under his wing.


"He is a great child. Esteban," said Miguel. Alexander was silent. He was going through some documents. He, Mikhael and Andrew just got back from a few key meetings and were now relaxing with their own mini families.


"He notices things you know. Apparently father has told him a lot about you. He has the image of a hero in his mind," said Miguel.

"Well, I am not," said Alexander.

"You grew up without your parents after turning 15, surrounded by people who were already here. People you knew cared about you and wouldn't drop you. You will not understand the feeling of being unwanted, wondering if anyone would care, wondering if you would be dropped the next day. Believe me there were kind people. But it was difficult because I had no connection to them other than their promises and kind words. No blood, no name, no loyalty to a legacy. I am not trying to force you to do something you are uncomfortable with. You could be kind about it than freezing him out," said Miguel and looked away.

"The man I married was not petty, not to a child. He is ten, Alexander and he doesn't deserve this kind of scorn from you," said Miguel. He had been furious. He had hoped that Alex would get his head out of his arse sooner or later.

"You are angry at me," said Alexander keeping the file away and walking over. He placed his arm around Miguel who turned and looked at him.

"It's not a nice feeling, love. I can't imagine what might be going through his mind," said Miguel.

"You know I don't look at him or speak with him because my anger at father will reflect in me and I don't want that. I - but you are right. I have raised more kids than I can count now, I should know better," said Alexander with a small smile. Miguel poked him on his chest.

"As if you don't know how many you raised, you exaggerating ponce," said Miguel. Alexander felt his heart warm. Of course, he fucking knew the effing number of children he raised. They are all here under this roof, his family.

He had seen Este, of course. Small for his age, probably because of the initial lack of nutrient supply while at the orphanage.

Alexander looked at Miguel who was now running his hand through Alexander's cheek. He pulled his husband close.

"The man you married has not changed," said Alexander.

Miguel blushed.

"I know. I was furious at you," said Miguel. Alexander lifted Miguel in his arms.

"Let me give you the dick you married," said Alexander and Miguel punched him gently but groaned as he was laid on the bed and he grabbed for Alexander who went more than willingly.


That evening, after a long week of his absence at the dinner table, Alexander joined in. He noticed his father and Florentino. They were not really talking, but it was like watching them as a child. They just knew each other without much words. He wondered if he would ever be able to stay away from Miguel. The thought itself squeezed his heart and he felt like his heart was bleeding. But then his father and Flore are different kind of people. Their story is different. So doomed from the beginning and yet here they are.

He looked to his father's right. There sat Esteban who was until he arrived chatting with Syrus. Now he looked like he was ready to sink into the ground and vanish. Alexander cursed his stupidity. He will have to make amends.

Once they finished dinner, all the kids were in the play room, watching a cartoon. Alexander stepped in. He had been keeping his kids at bay because they were always with Esteban. Well, suffice to say Alexander royally fucked up.


Alexander picked up Syrus and scooped up Zyren, both were extremely happy as he sat down.


Alexander smiled as all the kids tucked themselves on his side. Except Esteban who was looking spooked. He got up to leave.

"Are you not enjoying the programme, Esteban?" asked Alexander.

"No, it's nice sir. I -

Alexander is surprised that Miguel has not hit his head with something. He would deserve it.

"Sit down, Este," he said. The kid looked worried but bless him, Syrus grabbed him and made him sit down.


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