Chapter 27 : Motivate

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My body lies still, 

But my mind is elsewhere. 

Going places,

And you are always there. 

Forgetting you is hard,

Especially without closure.

I know I am to blame,

But I was tired of making excuses for your behaviour.

- Goodbyes are easier than moving on

- Indeedread



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A/N: So the wedding has happened.... the chapter is called Motivate... I don't think you need anymore hints about what is going to happen ;) 


Later that night/Early next morning

Perrie's POV: 

I feel content, the way I always do when I am with Jade. However right now, as I sit on her lap, with my arms around her neck, knowing that she is my wife, content is an understatement. The wedding reception was spectacular, from the first dance to the drunk dancing. Jade and I loved every moment of it. But after a few hours there was nothing more we wanted than to be left alone. Sadly we don't leave for our honeymoon till the day after tomorrow, so here I am with my fiancé in the guest room of my childhood home. The phrase "it doesn't matter where you are, it's the company that counts" has never been so relatable. Besides the concern of privacy, I don't care where I am, as long as Jadey is with me.

"Jade", I whisper, as I rub my thumb along her neck. Her eyes close in response and she smiles warmly.

"What is it baby?" she murmurs. 

"I feel odd", I say.

"Why?" she asks, opening her eyes and staring at me in confusion.

"Because my whole family knows we just got married. They expect us to be doing be... stuff", I say.

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