Chapter 5 : Running Wild

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I wish I could meet you all over again,

If I could , I would never let go of your hand. 

To this day my heart curses my mind,

For holding onto pride ..... and letting you get away. 

- Indeedread

Perrie's POV

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Perrie's POV

I stare at the railway tracks, trying to process everything that has happened. How could I be so silly? My parents are going to freak out. Heck, even I am stressed out. You know what this is all her fault. If she had the decency to at least respond to me I wouldn't be stuck in this situation! I am going to find her before she runs off again.

I look towards the exit, and can just make out a shadow, melting into the darkness. The platform is almost empty and I haven't seen anyone else heading that way. That must be her. If she thinks she is leaving me alone, she has another thing coming! Exhausted from lack of sleep, I opt for a brisk walk, hoping that the pace is enough to catch up to her.I feel goosebumps forming as I exit the station. Jacket, I also forgot my jacket. 

"You!", I shout so loud that even a person in a coma could have heard me.                                          

"Ugh, what now?" the brown-eyed woman says, whilst turning to face me.

"What is wrong with you? You are the reason I have missed my train. My luggage, jacket, cell phone, everything, it's gone! And I am stuck in a small town, in these clothes, freezing my tits off! What am I suppose to do now?", I yell at her, as I point my right index finger to her face.

She looks at my finger and then rolls her eyes dramatically.

"As I said to you before, I did not tell you to get off the train. This wouldn't have happened if you had just minded your own business, ok. Accept that the fault is yours. Now leave me alone", she replies, in frustration, as she massages her forehead.

"Are you that shameless? I was going out of my way to help you and you are giving me this attitude? The least you can do is say thank you.", I scream at her.

"Ok, fine, thank you. Thank you very much for helping me. Now can you leave me alone, please!?" she retorts, sarcastically.

"Leave you alone? Alone? You must be joking. It is because of you I am in this mess. It's all on you! I am not leaving you alone till you drop me off to Winter Bay, to my house, with my entire luggage, do you understand?" I say angrily.

She looks at me as though I have lost the plot. I might have but I am not going to admit that her.

"Don't think that I will leave you alone, don't doubt it one bit. I have thick skin and I am not afraid of you!", I challenge her.

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