Down Memory Lane

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It was the exact same park we came to as children. I can't believe that it's still here!

"Wow Shoto how did you even remember where it was?!" I asked him extremely flabbergasted. He shrugged and started to walk over somewhere, I followed. "I think I remembered it because we had so much fun times here. I will always remember the times I have with you Y/n, especially if they are good ones." Shoto spoke and I was teary eyed wanting to cry.

"Thanks Shoto. I feel exactly the same way you do." I gave him a big smile and I heard his cute chuckle again. We stopped walking and arrived in front of a small wooden bench.

Shoto sat down on the left side and gazed at me. "Well aren't you going to sit with me. It is a date after all." He made a side smile as he patted the seat next to him. I giggled and plopped down beside him.

"This brings back so many memories." I put both hands on lap looking at the view that lie in front of me.

The two red swings had grown rusty over the years. The yellow slide looked like it had just gotten a fresh paint coat a while ago. The grey climbing wall was slightly cracked but still durable. The green ladders were all rusty and the chips below everything had old footsteps in them.

Just then I felt a warm hand touch both of mine. It's Shoto. I intertwined our fingers together and moved over, closer to Shoto. He followed my lead and did the same.

I laid my head carefully on his broad shoulder and he leaned his head on top of mine afterwards. My stomach had millions of butterflys in it moving around. I felt so hot due to our body temperature's being so close.

After a small moment of silence Shoto spoke up again. "How about we play on the playground for a bit. To bring back fun old memories. What do you say Y/n?" Shoto said and lifted his head up from it's spot. "Actually" I picked my head up as well. "I would absolutely love that."

We both got up and I had a brilliant idea. "Race you!" I turned towards Shoto with a grin. "Alright on the count of three. One. Two-" "THREE!" I ran foward and left Shoto in the dust.

Shoto ran after me soon after. "Hey you cheater!" He laughed as we landed on the chips of the playground. "Yes I won!" I punched my fist in the air cheering myself on.

"Yeah because you cheated." Shoto smirked down at me. Till now I didn't really notice our height difference. Why does he have to be so fudging tall?! I complained in my head and sweat dropped a little on the outside.

"U-uh l-let's go to the slide!" I quickly blurted out and pointed to the huge yellow slide. "Hopefully it doesn't shock me like it did when we we're kids." Shoto said and started walking to the green ladder. I followed suit.

I laughed at his sentence as I climbed up the green ladder first. "Yeah it obviously hated you. It shocked you so many times I think you would've died by now." "True. But I'm really glad I didn't die from shock because I wouldn't be enjoying the view right now."

I realized that since Shoto was beneath me he could see, that area. Wait a second did he just FLIRT?! He actually had the audacity to compliment my ass! I kinda like this side of him but NO!

"S-stop staring!" I tried to hide my madly blushing beet red face at Shoto's words. "Alright but you better hurry. Or else I might be tempted." His voice got deeper and I almost kicked him in the face before getting to the slide. "B-be quiet!"

Shoto and I walked along the playground's bridge and got to the huge slide. I stopped taking a deep breath and looked at the view in front.

The full moon's white light shined down on Shoto and I. As I was lost in thought I felt arms wrap around my waste. "I know it's you Shoto." I smiled to myself. "Nope it's actually your kidnapper." "What?!"

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