Raisins, Prunes, DATE?!

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Might just be a filler for the next chapter. Enjoy~

No one's POV:

Friday had arrived on the calender. Which also meant that Y/n and Shoto's date had also arrived. Everyone knows how the story goes when it comes to times like these.

The boys get dressed up with ease for their magnificent date with the one and only girl. Where as the girls wake up earlier and spend hours on getting ready. Half of those hours require picking what kind of outfit they would be wearing for the date.

Our Y/n was doing just exactly that.

Y/ns POV:

I woke up at least 30 minutes earlier since I knew that today was Friday. That means that today. I. Have. A. DATE. With. My. Childhood. Friend.

I could practically faint! I was NOT prepared for this day to actually come! I'm not ready!!

The good part of this was that Mr. Aizawa let us have a free day today. We've all been training extra hard since we got our own dorms and being the "nice" person he is, or lazy in that matter, he gave us a longer weekend. 

Longer weekend meant that we got to go anywhere we wanted. Except for the places that required for us to be 21 +. Last night I came home to visit my dad a bit and stayed the night in my original room.

I did mention to my dad that I was going out with someone on Friday. Then of course the usual, a whole bunch of questions popped up.

Last night...

"Hey dad." I walked out of the bathroom and sat by the table with my dad as he ate dinner. "Hey Kiddo. You sure you don't want more dinner?" He put a spoonful more of the spicy curry in his mouth.

I giggled and covered my mouth. "No dad I ate already while you were at work." "Alright then. Any reason why you decided to come here and a company your old dad?" He wiped his mouth with the napkin on the table.

"How do you know me so well?" I took his dirty dish to the sink. "You are my daughter. It would be a shame if I didn't know you so well. What's up Kiddo?" I washed the dish and I was rethinking this whole thing again.

"W-well uh. You do rememeber Shoto from my old preschool right?" I asked him biting my lip. "Of course I remember the boy! Your very first friend if I'm not mistaken. Didn't you say that he was also in your class at UA?" My dad sounded quite happy. Guess it was a good thing.

"Yeah your definitely correct there! I w-was going to ask you something about him." "Sure anything. What is it?" I put the clean dish away and leaned on the counter sighing.

"The t-thing is s-since we're older n-now we've gotten, closer. At the dorms h-he um h-he a-asked me-" "Out on a date?" My dad stopped and questioned me.

"H-huh how did you know I was going to say that?" I made a confused face. "You see Y/n when your, mom, and I we're dating I was always the more shy one. She was actually the first one to ask me out on a date. Her outgoing ego was one of the things I loved about her until she left." My dad's face dropped and he looked at where his wedding ring used to be.

I should tell him but now's not the right time. Sorry dad I just can't. "Good thing I had one thing alike with you." I giggled trying to lighten up the mood.

It seemed to work because my dad also let out laughter. "Your absolutely right." I hugged my dad from behind his chair and his arms flew back to hug me as well. "So can I go on a date with him?" I pulled away from the hug giving my dad puppy eyes.

He got up from his chair and pushed it it. "I never said no." He smiled childishly as I went in for another bear hug. "Thank you thank you thank you so much dad!" I laughed and so did he. "Your very welcome Y/n. Just know that you will always be my little girl."

Back to present time...

Now I've been wasting time sitting on my bed for 5 minutes. Yes 5 minutes mames a HUGE difference! I quickly slapped myself and hopped out of my bed to take a refreshing shower. Hopefully to calm down, right? WRONG!

When I got out from the shower my hair was obviously wet. I went to blow dry it and after that it was another huge mess. I swear I looked like a wild lion with a bushy main.

"Cheese it's are you kidding me?!" I groaned and slammed my brush on the counter. I ended up putting some moose in my hair with water to calm it down. I then left my hair (up/down) in a (random hairstyle).

"Time for the hard part." I walked to my closet and opened it from it's two doors. Racks of dresses and shirts hung from the bar. Shoes were displayed on the bottom. On the inside of the door was a small mirror where I could see my reflection.

I sighed talking to myself in the mirror while picking out some outfits. "It's now or never." I threw the clothes on my bed and started the fashion journey ahead of me.

32 minutes later and 7 outfits later I found the BEST ONE. Or in my matter the most decent one for my first date. I heard my phone buzz on my counter top and went to see who it was.


Are you ready Y/n?

Oh it's Shoto! Perfect!


Yeah I just finished!

Sho ✨❄

Good because I'm almost at your address. I'll see you in a little bit


Alright Sho. See you then!

I put my phone to charge real quick. I went to the mirror in my closet and checked my first date outfit one last time. I was wearing a nice dressy f/c (favorite color) shirt with (blue/black) jeans. My shoes were (second favorite color) comfortable booties. I actually kinda love this!

Just then I heard the doorbell ring. "Y/n your date is here!" My dad shouted and I came out from my room. "Coming!" When I arrived I saw Shoto by the door. He was wearing casual jeans with a f/c sweater on. We're matching!

"Hey Shoto." I smiled at him and went in for a hug. My dad put his hand in front and stopped me. "Hello Y/n?" Shoto gave me a frightened stare because of my dad. I pushed my dad's arm down. "Um Dad you do rememeber Shoto right?" I asked concerned.

"Of course I do we just need to go by some rules." He pointed his finger in the air. I stepped out of the house and next to Shoto. "Okayyy dad that's enough we need to leave now bye." I closed the door and Shoto chuckled.

"Soo where are we going?" "It's a surprise." "Are we walking?" "We are riding in my car." "WHAT you can drive?!" Shoto smirked and opened the car door. "By permit yes." I got inside and so did he.

"Also, you look really...beautiful." Shoto spoke quietly and started the car. I smiled to myself. "Thank you. You look very handsome yourself." And we were off into the night.

Also happy father's day to all the amazing dad's out there!

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