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Peter and MJ's relationship started in a really weird way. See, back then they weren't even friends, just acquaintances that happened to sit across from one another in AP physics.

The first impression Peter had of MJ was her vibrant red scarf paired with neon yellow croc shoes. She wore those loud garments and only sneered at anyone who gave her a second glance. Except for Peter that is. When Peter gave her a second glance, one filled with wonder, she just tilted her head curiously at him before going back to sketching.

Least to say Peter was entranced by the strange girl. So he did the only reasonable thing a teenage boy does in these situations. He wears an even more ridiculous outfit than her the next day. He showed up to school that next day, much to Ned's amusement, in pink Hello Kitty pyjama pants and a buttoned-up blue Hawaiin shirt. His classmates just whistled at him while laughing, and MJ, who wore a vintage airline-Esque dress and a gaudy sunhat, just smiled at him, eyes twinkling at the challenge.

So for the next month, it was a sort of back and forth of outlandish outfits, ranging from Peter in a Hula skirt, and MJ in a green Christmas M&M themed suit, full Iron-Man cosplay, and even a really shitty Thor cosplay that consisted of a Party City wig and a blue plastic squeaky hammer.

After the first outfit, Peter knew he liked her, and after a month of this fun unofficial competition, he was head over heels in love with this girl.

He sat at lunch, dressed up in one of Tony Stark's bejewelled suits (Tony was all too happy to let Peter borrow it, no explanation was even needed) staring at Ned with wide eyes. "I am so in love with this eccentric girl, and she's never even spoken to me!" Peter whined, his head hanging in despair as he stared at his soggy cafeteria bought sandwich.

Ned, who was happily munching away on his lunch just stared at his friend and laughed light-heartedly. "Try maybe introducing yourself to her first. I love you Peter, pro homo, but hear me out, I don't even know if she knows your name, Peter." Ned, never the one to pull his punches, gave Peter a pitying smile.

A pain-filled whine was released as Peter narrowly avoided face planting into his lunch. "I'm hopeless though, how will I ever get her to converse with me! Whenever I go up to speak with her she seems to run away with excuses of robotics club, social justice meeting, or even debate club meeting! Which is not even plausible because we're both in that club and meetings are paused until January!"

Before Ned could give Peter some consoling words, the bell rang signalling the end of lunch. "Well, good luck Peter, have fun in physics!" And with that, Ned was gone on his way to the other end of the school for Ap History. Peter just let out a long sigh and picked up his bag and hurried on his way towards class.

Mind tumbling through how he would talk to MJ, he ended up walking straight into MJ herself. She was decked out in a silk prom dress donned worn sneakers underneath. Peter stumbled over his words before settling on: "Uhh, hi, I'm Peter."

She just tilted her head and gave a smirk, "I know..." She continued to watch Peter before looking at his suit and laughed. "Hey, Peter... Want to get out of here?"

Peter Parker, who actively skips school for SpiderMan duties, was all too ready to skip to spend some time with MJ. "God, yes."

The two snuck out of school, and the sunlight on Peter's shimmering suit, almost blinding MJ. Sprinting the two ran towards the subway station, decked to the nines, and got onto the next train with no plan in mind except the notion they were both glad to be there, and they knew they were going to have a good time.

Peter and MJ's relationship started in a really weird way. See, back then they weren't even friends, just acquaintances that happened to sit across from one another in AP physics.


Want a second part about their downtown outing?

Your boy is now COVID free, that's right, we conquered the virus! It's been a time ngl.

Have a safe and healthy week,

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