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Twas requested, so some SpideyTorch for you lovely folks. I don't quite know Johnny Storm's personality or character traits too well, so I hope I didn't butcher him too much! Ahhh, hope you enjoy it!

Also, I just watched Avengers: Endgame and am still not over it- tears everywhere. With that, if any of you post spoilers you suck and I will be deleting them. Don't be that dick, please. :) 

(PS I won't be writing anything that connects to Endgame for at least a month so that nothing is spoiled, but after that get ready!)


Peter stared at his boyfriend, Johnny Storm, AKA the Human Torch, and ran a hand through his boyfriend's blond hair. "Are you sure you want to meet them?" Peter asked him, as the two sat on the rooftop of a huge skyscraper.

It was approaching springtime in New York, flowers were starting to bloom, the snow was almost completely melted, and the night sky had no clouds anywhere in sight. The stars winked at the couple as the superhero duo chatted, away from the prying ears of the civilians.

Johnny tapped his fingers on the concrete wall he sat on in thought.




"... Yeah, I think I do." Johnny turned so he could look completely at his adorable kindred spirit. "Peter, I really like you, okay? And I want to be a part of your life, all of it. Sure it's fun fighting villains together, and don't get me wrong, Spiderman is great... but I also want to know Peter. Peter Parker.

"I want to learn about your life down in Queens, the fancy science school, your aunt's allegedly terrible cooking- everything! If you love it, if you are involved in it, I want to be there for you, experience life with you. And your best friends are a big part of your life, so I just think I need to meet them. Plus, I'll get to learn a new side of you to fall in love with."

Peter's eyes shone with unshedded tears. He knew how monumental this was for his boyfriend. Johnny cared a lot about his image in the public eye, to be frank, he was vain and wanted to be seen perfectly. And due to his identity as Johnny Storm being the Human Torch not exactly being a secret (he doesn't even wear a mask, it was bound to happen), going to meet his boyfriend's friends in public was a huge step. "Does tomorrow at four work?" Peter suggested, his mask laying beside him as he kissed Johnny's cheek feather light.

A small smile on his face, he replied, "Yes, it does." With that, Johnny tilted his head to catch Peter's lips. Together the two just sat there, kissing their boyfriend, with butterflies soaring in their stomachs, knowing that no matter what, all will turn out well.


The next day at four o'clock Peter sat down his two best friends, Ned and MJ, in a coffee shop booth and told them to stay there while he quickly went to fetch something. Ned nodded as he sipped on his coffee while MJ gave Peter a suspicious glance but shooed him off anyways. "What do you think he's hiding?" Ned whispered to MJ as he stirred his coffee.

"Whatever it is, we're about to find out." MJ hummed as she stole a sip of Ned's latte.

Meanwhile, Peter was whispering quietly to Johnny in the alley next to the shop, trying to calm him down before getting him to meet Ned and MJ. "They're going to love you, there's nothing to worry about." Peter cajoled as he caressed Johnny's arms comfortingly.

"-my hair is a mess!

"And my clothes are rumpled,

"And the media pretty much shows me as either the perfect pretty boy or an asshole, I can't be both-"

Peter interrupted, "Johnny!" With a deep breath, he stepped closer and smoother his boyfriend's hair back. "Your hair looks amazing, as always. Your clothes are fine- they won't care about a wrinkle here or there, and they're my best friends. They know very well that the media isn't very accurate."

Johnny took a few deep breaths and then stared into Peter's eyes. "Okay, I think I'm ready."

With a smile, Peter clasped his hand around Johnny's and lead him into the quiet coffee shop. No one really paid them any attention, why would they? It's not like anything really exciting happens at that local shop anyways like superhero guests, or robbers.

The only ones who did pay attention to the couple were Ned and MJ. Ned sat there, his mouth wide open, aghast. He was about to meet the famous Johnny Storm. The Human Torch!

... And he was holding hands with Peter? His best friend?

Ned's mouth closed. Oh. He understood. Without another thought, Ned stood up and hugged the two, "haha welcome to the friend group Mr Storm, Mr Torch dude uh-"

Once everyone sat around the small little table MJ piped in, "He's the firestorm guy, right? Like flame powers right?"

Johnny just nodded, because she wasn't exactly wrong, and well, the name sounded kind of badass. He did have fire powers and his last name was Storm. Gosh, why didn't I think of that name before I chose 'Human Torch', he thought to himself.

MJ then looked at their intertwined hands before giving them a rare grin, "Good pick, Pete. You could've done much worse."

Peter, confused if that was a compliment or an insult responded, "Uh, thanks MJ! Well, thanks... I think." MJ simply nodded as in to say 'you're welcome' before drinking the rest of Ned's latte.

After a couple of ice breaking comments, the conversation flowed between the four and by the time the coffee shop was closing they were all entranced in a thrilling topic of physics, science, and morals of a hero.

Once the bewildered worker (who had just recognised Johnny Storm) hesitantly kicked them out so he could close up, the four were all fast friends, and Johnny blended into their friend dynamics seamlessly.

Ned and MJ waved goodbye to the couple as they hopped over to the nearest subway station to get home. The streets, due to not being on a main road, were slowly becoming void of people, leaving Johnny and Peter alone.

Johnny, despite complaining about his hair, was wearing a ridiculous hat in a form of disguise, and he leaned over and kissed his boyfriend. "Did you enjoy today, did you like them?" Peter asked quietly as he wrapped his arms around Johnny's shoulders.

With a smile, Johnny replied, "I did, they are amazing people, and I loved seeing you around them- you just come to life," he pecked Peter's nose, "you were so cute getting into a debate for physics."

Peter gave a disgruntled groan before resting his head on his boyfriend's chest. "I'm glad you met them."

"Yeah, I am too..."


"Yea Pete?"

"Can I call you Firestorm from now on?"

With that, a small chuckle, and a ruffle of Peter's hair, the two started to walk towards Avengers Tower.

It all turned out much better than they had anticipated. The day was a good one. A good one indeed.

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