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Dedicated to Lynniax 

Being a hero isn't all a great thing, any vigilante or police officer, whether famous or not, could've told you that. Scars come when you patrol the streets, sometimes they're mental and make themselves known through night-terrors that cause a person to avoid the sleep like it's the plague, and other times it's physical, such as healed stab wounds and bullet holes, but the majority of the time it's both.

For Peter Parker and Wade Wilson, it's both, as expected. Sometimes it's the two (usually Peter) being self-conscious about the various scars that littered their bodies, making them stand out in a crowd of the innocent civilians they watch over. Other times though it's staring into the mirror and eyeing all those scars that will never leave, knowing that in some way the markings define them, that the scars will never leave no matter how much they heal.

Unfortunately for the two boys, high school is basically fair game for anyone to make fun of anything different they can find. And to make matters worse, Peter's school arch nemesis, Flash, latched onto the foreign markings that marred the young boy's body. "Looking for attention, huh, Penis Parker?" Flash sneered when Peter's shirt lifted revealing a sliver of his scar littered midriff.

Peter looked down at the ground and kept walking with Ned following a few steps behind him, struggling to keep up with Peter's long, fast strides.

"Slow down!" Ned huffed, out of breath. "Not all of us are literal fucking acrobats."

Peter winced, "sorry Ned." When Ned just gave his best friend a tap on his shoulder in a 'it's fine' gesture. Before the two could pick up a conversation, MJ walked over to the two with a book in hand.

"You two losers are walking the wrong way, term two starts today." MJ informed them as she flips a page of her book. "We all have English together on the other side of the school."

Ned and Peter both blushed in embarrassment before their moods promptly turned into joy at the thought of having their last period of the day together. The two boys had a conversation at a speed that only two best friends could manage as they walked to class, meanwhile MJ strutted in front of them, leading the way. And even though she had her head in a book, she somehow managed to swerve around all the oncoming traffic of students.

When the trio got to class, they were all pleasantly surprised to find that the fourth member of their friend group, Wade Wilson, also had the class. Peter perked up and smiled at his boyfriend, "Wade! You didn't tell us you had this class?"

Seventeen-year-old Wade gave Peter a charming smile, "I didn't until I sweet talked the counsellor and got her to change my schedule in exchange for me setting her up with one of my football buddies."

"Isn't that... Illegal?" Peter, the naive, law-abiding hero asked his chaotic 'fuck you I do what I want' opposite.

"Baby boy, everything's legal as long as you don't get caught." Wade winked and sat beside him at the school tables.

Before Peter could scold Wade that they were apart of the Avengers (albeit in training) and that they really shouldn't be engaging in illegal activities, Flash walked in and Peter's mood deflated.

The mercenary's eyes caught his boyfriend's sudden change in mood and soon narrowed the source down to the one and only Eugene Thompson. Unlucky for Eugene, at that moment he decided to speak, "Oh look it's Peter Parker- how's your scars you attention whore?"

Wade's whole body stiffened and before he could register what he was doing, he was standing up and beating the shit out of Flash.

Kick to the stomach. "Don't-"punch to his face, "you-" kick to the shin, "fucking ever-" pick him up by his shirt, "say anything like that again. Got it asshole?"

After Flash, who was now beaten and bloodied, nodded that he did get the message, Wade dropped him to the ground and sat back down to a now mortified and excited Peter.

God, why did he look so hot beating up Flash?

And I can't believe he stood up for me, Flash is gonna kill me later...

Oh, but seeing Wade angry was so worth it.

The teacher then walked into the room and the commotion caused her to eye the class in confusion, but when no one spoke up with an explanation, mostly due to them actually enjoying watching Flash get a taste of his own medicine, but also due to the unsaid 'snitches get stitches' rule (that the generation abides by as long as the whole thing isn't too serious), she just started the lesson.

As they were taking notes, Peter leaned over to Wade and whispered, "You didn't have to do that."

Wade simply gave him a lopsided smile, "Yeah I did, you would've done the same for me."

Peter didn't say anything more because it was true- if Flash had done the same thing towards Wade he'd probably take a note from his book and say, 'fuck the rules' before beating Flash up.

No one messed with his boyfriend.

Especially if it was because of their scars- that was personal.

"If only he knew where you got those marks," Wade mumbled as he twirled his pencil around in his hands, he wasn't taking notes because he really didn't care.

Peter, however, was taking notes rapidly, "He would flip," Peter chuckled under his breath as he thought of Flash's reaction if he had learned that Peter, his least favourite person, was actually Spider-Man, a man who Flash idolizes.

"Yeah," Wade laughed, "he would."

The day soon ended and the two quickly said their goodbyes to MJ and Ned before walking back to Peter's flat in the Avengers tower.

"Do you think Mr Stark knows what you did?" Peter suddenly asked, knowing that Mr Stark had tabs on the two of them no matter where they were.

"Oh shit," is all that Wade said, causing a huge bout of laughter to escape Peter's lips. The two knew that they'd be okay, that the scars that hugged their curves and the nightmares and problems they were practically dripping in were practically nothing.

With the other at their sides, their demons didn't stand a chance.


Was done in a rush, hope it isn't too shitty though ahhhhhh


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