Just a Little Chaos

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The day was here, and the debate team was nervous at best. And having a 'demon' on their side didn't do much to soothe their nerves. And so when they were on the podium staring across at their enemies they all felt the nerves shaking their bodies as their jittery minds went over different tactics and facts on the day's topic, climate change is the biggest issue humanity has to deal with. Peter was not sure what stance he himself was exactly considering on one hand a few months prior Thanos had literally murdered half the universe (including himself), but on the other hand, it was a huge issue and was causing major backlashes in today's world. Least to say, Peter was glad he wouldn't be choosing his standpoint and instead assigned one.

Peter wasn't exactly nervous about the debate meet, in fact, not to brag, but he had a photographic memory which made remembering scientific facts as easy as pie. That and being a superhero has made his confidence and public speaking an easier subject than it had been prior.

The only thing that had him nervous as fuck would be the unknown variable: Loki. While Peter was sure Loki wouldn't exactly physically hurt anyone, but emotional wise was fair game. Silence blanketed the room as a signal it was starting, and Peter took a deep breath and steadied his heart rate, and with his super-hearing heard his teammates do the same.

Lights dimmed and soon they were in focus mode, building their impenetrable case and continuing to build it up brick by brick while looking for holes in their opponent's arguments.

It wasn't until their opponent was poking some major holes in their own argument that Loki appeared. He appeared in the shadows of the room, green leather shimmering under the dimmed light and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

'Oh this will be good,' thought Peter as he watched Loki's green misty magic enrobe the other team. It wasn't until realizing no one else had reacted that Peter came to the conclusion no one else could see Loki's magic. Which was both a blessing and a curse... A blessing cause no one would suddenly point and accuse of foul play, and bad because it was foul play and Peter's sense of morality was really fucking with him. He felt guilty.

The swirling green and golden mist swirled around the team and their words started to stumble and fluency went down. It wasn't long till Peter's teammates realized what was going on and spotted the God of Mischief himself (or their 'demon') in the corner humming an Asgardian lullaby quietly to himself that only Peter could seemingly hear. It was a haunting melody, a tune that caressed the room in an ominous aura making everyone yawn and look around anxiously.

It wasn't long until the debate was over and Peter's school rang victorious and Loki silently cheered them on from the sidelines. After the team won and took photos at the area for the school's Instagram they all rushed to the hotel and locked themselves in Peter's room basically throwing baked goods at Loki.

"You're fantastic!"

"Really came in clutch, man!"

"Damn you're a god! Thanks for the help!"

Loki just sat there, drowning in baked goods and basking in the compliments. At the word 'god' his eyes seemed to glow a bit brighter and his smile a bit wider. After a long celebration, the team slowly trickled out of Peter's rooms after telling Loki they were happy to have met him, and soon it was only Peter, MJ, Ned, and Loki once again.

Loki just beamed at the trio and tilted his head, "Just a little bit of chaos was all you needed. Congratulations on the win, young Midguardians."

Peter just smiled at Loki and unwrapped one of the cookie packs, his guilt now basically gone due to the happiness shown on his friend's faces. "Thanks for helping."

sorry for short but hope u enjoy :)


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