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Dedicated to @Jade_Verde (sorry it took me so long to get to this one haha)

Natasha knew that she would regret the procedure. Not being able to bear kids. She knew as soon as she laid in the hospital bed in the Red Room that it was a mistake. And she never regretted it more than right now- watching the young Peter Parker play with Scott and Clint's kids.

It made her feel lost, lonely, because she knew no matter what she could never have children.

That didn't mean she couldn't watch over children, in fact, her adoption forms were processing in the system that same moment. Peter, almost as if sensing her forlorn thoughts, pattered over to where Nat was brooding.

"You doing okay, Aunt Nat?" Peter asked, concern lacing his voice.

Natasha smiled at the boy and ran a hand through the young boy's hair as she told him that she was fine. She had to admit that she had grown fond of the young spiderling and even watched over him on missions, never allowing him out of her sight for too long.

She turned to the rest of the kids and announced, "How about we do something fun today?" All the kids' heads perked up and stared at the assassin, their idol and one of the most badass people they knew (right next to Pepper Pots of course). Natasha strode over to Tony's key ring rack where he stored all the keys of his cars and other toys in, her fingers hovered over the keys before snatching a set and smiling softly at the kids. "How about... Disneyland?"
They all started to jump up and down in excitement, even Peter seemed enthused over the idea of going to Disneyland. Peter had grown up pretty poor, and so never got attend those types of parks or go on such expensive adventures before.

Tony's head peered around the corner and he raised his eyebrows at Natasha and her announcement. After a moment of the two adults staring at each other, Tony beamed, "Let me get dressed and grab the other Avengers. Let's make this a family outing- if we're going to make a commotion with the press, then might as well go all out."

Humming happily to himself at the idea of making a scene, Tony sauntered off to wrangle the members of his mismatched family.

Flashforward two hours or so later, they were getting off of one of Tony's high powered jets. Instead of the usual six or so hours, the flight took barely an hour to get them to the city. Despite Tony claiming to want to cause a commotion, he had insisted on renting out the park for the day so that no one would bother them and they could all talk freely with only a few workers there to worry about.

Peter was basically jumping for joy as they stepped into the park, his eyes wide at all the things there was to do. His spidey senses and metabolism had made the coffee he had drunk earlier (thanks to Sam forgetting that caffeine made the kid insane) make him literally start to buzz. He was talking a mile a minute and was basically dragging both Natasha and Bucky with him to all the rides. Both of which were pleased to just be included, and to watch the young teen have carefree fun.

Tony Stark threw bags of Mickey Mouse ears at everyone in a dramatic announcement that "we have to look the part." To everyone's amusement, they had all gotten Avengers Mickey Mouse ears to match their own person. Natasha was wearing a shimmery black pair with a red spider symbol on the left ear, Peter's was blue background, and like Natasha, had a red spider on the left ear. Tony's was red and golden metallic fabric, and Steve's was just the American flag with a mock shield sewed onto the centre.

Everyone else had ears to match themselves too, but they were too busy running around and looking at the rides (cough cough Wanda and Pietro cough cough) that Peter had no idea the design on their ears.

All in all the day was a blast, filled with light-hearted quips, joyous laughter, and even a few pranks (Sam and Rhodey poured a bucket of ice water over Bucky and Sam when they weren't looking).

The Avengers were having the time of their lives, being able to let go and have fun without fearing for their lives. Peter also was having a great time, not only was he at fucking Disneyland- but he was also having some nice 'mother and son' bonding time with Natasha. The two spiders were bonding over fighting moves, bad guys, and just everything else between it.

Peter ended up telling Natasha about Flash being a jerk to him at school, MJ being the most beautiful and smart human he had ever met, and even him building Lego structures with Ned in his spare time.

In return, Natasha confided to Peter that she was attempting to gain custody of a kid. She loved protecting the world and living the assassin life, but she was ready to calm it down a bit, to learn to care for someone else, someone who depends on her.

"I don't think my papers will even get accepted, though." Natasha continued. "What sane person would put a child into the hands of an assassin and spy to take care of?" Once Peter tried to answer it, she just laughed half-heartedly, "It was a rhetorical question, kid. But the answer I guess would be no one. No one would trust the life of another in the hands of a monster whose job is to take lives away."

Peter, at a loss of what to say, simply wrapped his arms around Natasha and hugged her, his Mickey Mouse ears falling a bit off his head in the process. The setting sun beat down on their heads as the two stood in silence, simply hugging. After a while, Peter confidently proclaimed, "You're not a bad person, Aunt Nat, and for the record, I think you'd make an amazing mother."

Natasha hugged Peter tighter and put her head in his hair, comforting both herself and Peter (who was starting to tear up). "Thanks, Pete... That means more than you think."

And it did mean more than Peter knew. In fact, it gave her the courage to fight for custody of a little girl months later.

And after about a year of fighting, Natasha became a mother of a twelve-year-old abandoned little girl, and you can bet your ass she was the best mother out there.


Happy Mothers Day!

So a lil spidermom action for you all! :)

Keep the prompts coming! I'm running out!


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