Scarfs and Secrets

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More of a mature theme I guess, just some talk about Peter and Wade's relationship (they are the same age) and Peter coming out to the Avengers. All in all, pretty happy. 

Also, I know I told someone I'd do their prompt this week, but I just really loved this one from Leogarrett9, but I will get to the one about scars and bonding and protectiveness next week! 

Also happy Family Day!


Seventeen-year-old couple, Peter Parker and Wade Wilson were still in what people referred to as the 'honeymoon phase'. Even though it had been like four months, they still acted like that disgustingly PDA filled couple you avoid in the halls.

Needless to say, Ned and MJ were used to the couple's antics by now, and almost immune to their adorable relationship that usually consisted of stolen kisses and gifts on every month's anniversary- or for that matter, for no reason at all, gifts were often found in Peter's locker on completely random days. Wade seemed to love giving Peter gifts despite the smaller boy's hatred of receiving things in fear of being seen as greedy or as a charity gift...

Peter's two best friends usually ignored all of their sappy romance and didn't even mention the hickeys that often littered the boy's neck, and due to Wade being so great at scaring the vast population, no one in the school dared to bring them up either. But today was different, today MJ remembered that Peter was to have a meeting with the Avengers- out of costume- in order to prepare him to sign the Accords in a few months when he turns eighteen.

When MJ brought this up to Peter, he turned into an energetic golden retriever and started to spew at lightning speed facts of the Avengers, needless to say, he wasn't quite thinking along the same lines as MJ. "Can you believe it MJ? I get to meet all the Avengers today, and like hang out with them! And then when I turn eighteen I'll get to sign the Sokovia Accords- which now that I think about it, is a little scary. Isn't it made to like limit my every move and have constant surveillance on me and my civilian self?" Peter started to overthink the whole deal before pulling himself back in with, "Well at least I'll be seen as like a real hero then?"

MJ cared about the legalities of it all, she really did, but they still had a month or so to figure out how to not let them have too much pull in Peter's life, so today was all about having him not completely embarrass himself today in front of his heroes. "Peter! I was talking about the markings you have acquired on your neck from your territorial rebel of a boyfriend." \

Peter's eyes went wide as he registered what MJ had brought up, and just like that, Ned sat down at the lunch table the two were sitting at and brought it up too, "Dude you don't own any turtle neck shirt, how are you gonna hide those marks?"

The three were lucky that Wade wasn't around to hear them talk about hiding his love bites on his boyfriend's neck, he seemed to find himself smugly prideful seeing the marks he left on Peter's neck. It was a possessive thing and a whole "look we're a couple and I will not hide it despite what you assholes say" which is a brave thing that can be appreciated in this day and age. Despite everyone preaching that they weren't homophobic, people tended to be hypocritical.

"Concealer?" Peter's voice squeaked as he grasped for something that could help him not be completely embarrassed in front of the people he idolizes and will probably be working with for the foreseeable future.

MJ shook her head, "It's expensive to get the good kind that would cover those marks, and you can't take mine considering I don't have any due to all the brands I could afford do inhumane things such as animal testing. Well, that and my skin is many shades darker than yours."

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