Chapter 9: The message

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Beep... beep... beep

The tone repeated, slowly worming its way into the patient's dreams. It seemed to go on forever and ever as the beeps resounded in his head while dreams of great big cities and monuments with warriors of legend and renown circled in his head. 

The sound never changed from the solitary beeping, a rhythmic reminder of where the injured man was.

Aidan's eyes slowly fluttered open to try and finally find the source of the sound that had so rudely intruded in on his peaceful slumber, the machine emitting the noise suddenly stopped doing so as it noticed the man was awake. A nurse walked in reading from a clipboard, a look of bored repetitiveness on her face.

"Oh, you're awake. Took quite a hit at that terrorist attack, surprised you can still use your shoulder."

Aidan briefly remembered the injury he had sustained the night before, an arrow to the shoulder from that... well, that bitch.

"What happened after I got hit?"

"You helped some of the injured guards before losing consciousness from the pain, a noble job you did."

"Thanks, I guess." Aidan yawned and tried to sit up but was violently dissuaded by a sudden spitfire of sharp pain in his shoulder, sending him lunging back into the soft bed.

"The wound is still tender, it'll take time to heal, don't do any fighting or strenuous exercise for the next few weeks." 


"Doctors orders I'm afraid."

Aidan sighed and tried to think of what he could occupy his time with, maybe reading? perhaps study a nit more for some of the midterm exams?


Studying was boring, drinking at all the bars in Vale, however......

Now guardians can't actually get drunk, no tipsiness and stumbling for the protectors of the last city. On the other hand, the alcohol could help Aidan forget what he had gone through, what he had done and what he had seen...

"YOOUUURRR AALLLIIIVVVEE" A sound that resembled a screech came from the red-hooded girl as she jumped into the room while somehow bouncing up and down in apparent happiness. 

Ruby Rose was stopped from jumping onto the bed by the nurse who was holding her back with one of her arms while the other still held the clipboard. The student comically struggled against the older woman who barely noticed Ruby pushing against her arm.

"No physical activity I said, that includes hugs." The nurse sighed as she finally let go of the overactive girl


"It fine Ruby, how did the dance go?"

"Fine, but it would have been better if you were there, and you know if there wasn't a robbery."

A brief chuckle of air escaped Aidan's lips, letting Ruby know he was alright. Regret didn't come to mind about dancing, but it did when he thought about missing the chance to dance with Ruby.

The rest of Rubys team shuffled in, asking if he was okay and trying to make small talk as best they could. The injury was slowly taking its toll on Aidan's health, his eyelids were slowly drooping even though he was trying his best to stay awake.

"I think I might sleep for a bit, you guy's should get back to studying." Aidan half yawned as a downcast look crossed Ruby's face.

The team shuffled out as awkwardly as they shuffled in, Ruby blowing him a kiss as she left.

With his cheeks red and ears pink Aidan went back to sleep.

"Frickin Weiss with her frickin books and her frickin dumb face," Aidan mumbled to himself as he walked down the sunny streets of Vale, sweat coating the armpits of his shirt. Weiss had wanted books and he figured if he couldn't do anything physical for a few weeks he might as well read and run errands. 

Aidan was staring at the small cracks in the pavement when a silver dressed passerby bumped shoulders with him.

"Hey, watch it, pal." The, the teen said as Aidan was almost pushed onto the road. The teen was accompanied by a green-haired girl who was pulling on his sleeve, trying to get him to move on.

"He wasn't watching where he was going merc, just leave it." The boy looked at Aidan for a few more seconds before shoving the girl off him and walking away, the girl jogging to catch up.

The shrug that moved Aidan's shoulders couldn't have been more careless, he just wanted to get some books and get back to Beacon. 

The bell attached to the wooden door rang across the shop as Aidan saw rows upon rows of books lining at least 20 shelves. The desk was a straight shot from the door with bookshelves lining either side.

"Hey tungsten, I'm here to pick up an order for Weiss Schnee."

The shout was met with no response, just the same year silence and smell of old books filling the room. Aidan looked around to see if the owner was lining the shelves but saw no one, the Faunus might have just not been in today, even though the door had an open sign on it.

"Hey, Tung-" The second shout was cut off as Aidan felt the floor change, suddenly slippery. He looked down to see a puddle of red coming from the row of shelves closest to him. The horrified Titan found the source of the blood, a mutilated dead body spilling blood from half its orifices. 

A grunt of surprise passed the Titans lips, this scene was horrific. A common murderer wouldn't have injured the body this badly, there was only one explanation. 

It had been to send a message,

And Aidan was happy to answer.

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